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Mccurdy, Larry L
Tuesday, October 08, 2013 3:56 PM
Good afternoon,
1. Thursday is CREW training is mandatory for everyone, if
you got any
questions as to if you have to attend talk to
me, but the answer will be
yes you have to attend'
z. This is for everyone it is important that we reduce the number of close calls that is being
generated I will be
meeting with the OR to address some identified issues but we have to do what is expected of us ln a
professional manner, I don't buy into the concept 5he beatlng will continue until the Moral improve'' 5o that
being said I do expect
peopte todo their
and to do it conectly. And I will discuss with sue and Dee how we
can help each other.
3. Remember
get a second signature on all trays'
4. lt has come to my attention that there is abuse of the Scrub wea'ing oc'icv. a! tc wlo
a-:hc- ze' :c {eE-
scrubs and where there are to be wom and where ensrratfiat m CE BE4Srecfift#'5.
in placing that
you shouldn't be wearing them'
Thank you,
I^rny L ilffir0y $I mffiI
t[kl [p$
MgS Bailcy [Ye.
Bufialo,l{.I l42l$

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