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Afer my Fall POL, I started taking

school more seriously. I feel as though I

did not actually think about it, but the
change occurred naturally. My grades
went up and I savored the feeling of doing
well. I honestly learned to take pride in my
work even if it meant staying up late for it.
I managed to do projects days in advance
just because I started to enjoy them in-
stead of doing them the night before. With
the ability to take pride in my work I hope
to push myself farther in senior year.

Fall POL 2013:
This was my POL for my frst se-
mester in my junior year. I got a B on it.
This changed my path for junior
year because, prior to this, I never had a
positve outlook on POLs or even school.
However, it was at this moment when I
got the best grade (which is stll sad) that
I have ever goten on a POL. This was sig-
nifcant to me because I do not do well
with presentatons. I usually just act like I
can do them to convince myself that I do
not care and am not nervous. This POL
helped me to care more and realize how
good it feels to do well.
Prior to my Fall POL I was more
negatve about school as a whole. I did
poorly with my accountability and did
not actually take school seriously. I am
surprised that this did not show in my
grades more, but I do see a diference
between my grades from before and
afer my POL. I feel as though my efort
has been refected in my grades and I
would have been unable to receive
them without this increase in efort.

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