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Education and Training Student Intern Performance Evaluation

Name of Intern: _Abby Dickerson

What areas does the intern excel?
Abby is great with this age group. She gets on their level and works well with them. She is
encouraging towards students and always willing to help where ever needed.

What areas does your intern need to improve? Be specific.
Abby could be more firm with her management and follow through with commands.

What would you like to see the intern accomplish before the next evaluation?
I would like to see Abbey use more differentiated instruction.
Dependable and Punctual
Minimal absences - no unexcused absences
Arrives at your school on time
Provides information about what they should be doing
while in your classroom
Possible Points

Actual Points

Class Participation
Exhibits cooperation and teamwork
Participates in classroom activities and routines
Exhibits confidence when singing songs, reading stories,
playing games, etc.
Utilizes time wisely

Possible Points

Actual Points

Behavior in the Classroom
Helps without being asked
Takes the initiative to help students in class
Take the initiative to help teacher with activities

Possible Points

Actual Points

Follows School and Class Procedures
Aides by Elementary School Rules
Follows Call in Procedures when absent
Wears appropriate uniform each day
** Ready, Set, Teach Polo, Jeans (No Holes)
Possible Points

Actual Points


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