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Supplies needed:

seeds, 1 glass, 20 ounces of distilled water, 1 large (family size) empty tea bag or 2-3 smaller ones,
Coffee grinder, spoon, bowl, a sifter or splatter screen or something similar, paper towels, stapler, a
touch of liquid hand soap.


1. Remove seeds from bags and count the number you would like to use (I recommend at least 400, and
at most 600 for the first time)

2. Wash whole seeds briefly to remove any fungicides or other seed coatings. Do this by putting the
seeds into a bowl and covering with some cold water. Put just a touch of hand soap in the water. Work
the seeds around in the bowl with your fingers for about 10-20 seconds.

3. Rinse seeds. Put them in the sifter or on the splatter screen and rinse with cold tap water until all the
soap is gone. (It is probably a good idea not to have them in the water too long, as the water might get
into the seeds and remove a little of the alkaloids.)

4. Dry seeds. Do NOT use a blowdryer! Dry them well with paper towels.

5. Once they are dry, grind them pretty thoroughly in a coffee grinder, but not to the point of a fine
powder. You want the black seed hulls to remain a little coarse.

6. Put the grounds into the empty tea bags and then staple the tea bags shut. Leave some breathing
room in each bag since, when wet, the seed mush will expand and might break the bag if it is too full.

7. Put the tea bags into the glass which you have filled with cold distilled water.

8. Aid the extraction by getting the water into the mush. Some will tend to clump and remain in an air
pocket. Use the spoon to submerge the bags and to squeeze them gently against the side of the glass.
Also, you can lift and Dunk the bags repeatedly to help extract the LSA.

9. Leave glass to sit in a cool dark place for ten minutes with spoon on top of bags to keep them
submerged if they are trying to float.

10. Go back and work on the bags some more with the spoon. Be careful not to tear the bag. If you do
tear it and mush leaks out, you will have to filter the water.

11. Leave glass to sit for another ten minutes.

12. Work with spoon some more and then remove the bags and squeeze most of the water that remains
in them into the glass.


14. Drink water.

"I am not too sure if it helps or not, but on some occasions I put a few squirts of lemon juice into the
water to acidify it, possibly aiding alkaloid solubility.

A note on seeds:

You want plenty of seeds. You also want the black ones, like the Heavenly Blue variety. (the Flying
Saucers and other light-colored ones are weak) You want fresh seeds. Last year's batch will be weaker.
You also want seeds that are not stored in a hot place.

You might experience a little nausea, but nothing too difficult. And if you did everything right and had
good seeds, you can expect to feel effects within an hour or an hour and a half.

I usually fast for at least 8 hours before consuming. I don't know what difference it makes.

Always be sure that you are in the proper setting and have the right mindset. Ignore these at your own
risk. You could have a very unpleasant experience.

Chances are that you will feel quite different, having a dramatically altered mind. You will also have
perceptual changes, like increased pattern recognition in things like the carpet, the walls, or anything
really. You will have closed eye visuals, which are enhanced by good music. You might have mild open
eye visuals if you consumed a high dose. Usually, even at lower doses, colors will look more vibrant,
smells will seem more powerful, slight halos will appear around light sources, everything will seem
crisper and brighter. Your pupils will dilate. You might feel some strange body sensations, like mildly
achy joints in the knees, a funny feeling in the lower spine, tingling teeth, etc. Your hands will probably
feel clumsy and clammy at first.

The experiences induced by Morning Glories can be quite intense, and are nothing to sneeze at. Be sure
you are prepared and are psychologically healthy. If you are borderline psychotic, depressed, or manic,
stay away!

Avoid really high doses of LSA. LSA causes vasoconstriction, which means that your blood vessels get
smaller. This results in lower blood circulation to your extremities, like toes and fingers. If the dose is too
high, or it is taken too often, this can have a cumulative effect, and your extremities can go numb and
even become gangrenous. With reasonable doses spaced apart at least two weeks, this shouldn't be a
problem. But this is one reason that it is a good idea to start with a small dose, to make sure that the
vasoconstriction isn't bad. If you have high blood pressure, LSA might not be a good idea. And do not
take it in combination with other vasoconstrictive compounds like ephedrine and caffeine. I think that
nicotine might be vasoconstrictive as well, but I am not sure about this.

Be safe. And don't do it just to "get f#@ked up." Take a spiritual journey. Learn from it. Explore yourself.

My favorite thing to do while on LSA is to play a musical instrument (guitar, didgeridoo, drums) or paint
or do something meditative like that while I am coming up. Don't watch TV. It puts the wrong kinds of
thoughts in your head and can result in a bad trip. When I am getting into it pretty well, I retire to the
bedroom and turn off the lights and put on some good quality headphones with good music. This results
in fantastic visuals unlike anything you have ever imagined if you have never used a good psychedelic
before. I see amazing three and seemingly four-dimensional shapes morphing and bifurcating. Often I
get religious and esoteric themed visuals, like fractal cherub wings and winged eyes like those in some of
Alex Grey's work. Eyes are all over everything! I see pyramids and sphinxes and Gigeresque
biomechanical forms. I see amazing geometric lattice structures. I watch mathematical space-filling
algorithms doing their thing. I also find that I can control the imagery by an act of will. Anything I intend
to visualize comes forth and then goes beyond what I had imagined and then transforms into something
else. This is great for artists! I could swear that on one occasion while listening to Mozart's Requiem,
Heaven itself opened up inside my skull! It was incredible! OH, THE BEAUTY! I saw glorious celestial
architecture and there were seraphs singing along with the chorus in the music. I just can't even begin to
describe what this was like. I had tears streaming down my face. I was in the highest ecstacy I have ever
known. And all of this with a nothing more than a good mindset, good music, and only about 500 seeds.
I'll never forget it. It was probably all in my imagination, programmed by my Catholic upbringing. I don't
know and don't really care where it came from. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced,
and I still feel great joy when I think of it. I felt so whole!

On other occasions with LSA (I took it while in a less than ideal mind state), I felt like I went to Hell.
Everything was empty and awful and terrifying and lonely. I felt like there were worms boring through
my brain, eating it. I was a hole. That is the only way to describe it. I felt vacuous. I trembled with horror.
Everything felt so incredibly meaningless.

Livrrile necesare :

seminte , 1 pahar , 1l = 12 uncii 20 uncii de ap distilat , 1 mare (dimensiuni de familie ) sac de ceai gol
sau 2-3 cele mai mici , rni de cafea , lingura , castron , un ecran de ciur sau stropi sau ceva similar ,
prosoape de hrtie , capsator , o atingere de sapun lichid .

procedura :

1 . Scoatei seminele de saci i conta numrul pe care dorii s o utilizai ( am recomanda cel puin 400
i cel mult 600 pentru prima dat )

2 . Splai semine ntregi scurt pentru a elimina orice fungicide sau alte acoperiri de semine . Face
acest lucru prin punerea seminele ntr-un castron i acoper cu ap rece . A pus doar o atingere de
spun mn n ap . Lucra seminele din jurul n vasul cu degetele pentru aproximativ 10-20 de secunde

3 . Cltii seminele . Pune-le n sit sau de pe ecran stropi i se cltete cu ap rece de la robinet pn
cnd tot sapunul este plecat . ( Acesta este, probabil, o idee bun s nu le aib n ap prea mult timp , ca
apa s-ar putea ajunge n seminele i elimina un pic de alcaloizi . )

4 . Semine uscate . NU folosii un blowdryer ! Le usuce bine cu prosoape de hartie .

5 . Odata ce acestea sunt uscate , le macin destul de bine ntr-o rni de cafea , dar nu pn la
punctul de o pulbere fin . Vrei smna negru corpuri de nav s rmn un pic aspru .

6 . Punei motivele n pungi de ceai goale i apoi capse pungi de ceai nchis . Las unele camer de
respiraie n fiecare sac , deoarece, atunci cnd sunt ude , terci de semine se va extinde i ar putea rupe
punga dac este prea plin .

7 . Pune pungi de ceai n sticl pe care le-ai umplut cu ap distilat rece .

8 . Ajutoarele de extracie prin obtinerea de ap n terci . Unii vor avea tendina de a se strange in
grupuri i s rmn ntr- un buzunar de aer . Utilizailingura pentru a scufunda saci i de a le strnge
uor pe partea lateral asticlei . De asemenea , v putei ridica i Dunk sacii n mod repetat, pentru a
ajuta la a extrage LSA .

9 . Las sticla s stea ntr -un loc ntunecat, rcoros timp de zece minute cu lingura pe partea de sus de
saci pentru a le menine scufundate n cazul n care ncearc s pluteasc .

10 . Du-te napoi i s lucreze n saci ceva mai mult cu lingura . Avei grij s nu rupei sacul . Dac faci
rupe -l i scurgeri Mush afar , va trebui s filtra apa .

11 . Lsai sticl pentru a sta pentru alte zece minute .

12 . Lucrul cu lingura ceva mai mult i apoi scoatei pungi i stoarce cea mai mare parte a apei care
rmne n ei n pahar .

13 . ARUNCAI saci ! Arunc-i de la gunoi ! Terci de semine este TRASH !

14 . Bea apa .

" Eu nu sunt prea sigur dac -l ajut sau nu , dar n unele ocazii, am pus cteva jeturi de suc de lamaie in
apa pentru a se acidifiaz , eventual complicitate solubilitate alcaloid .

O not pe semine :

Vrei o mulime de semine . Vrei , de asemenea, cele negre , cum ar fi varietatea Ceresc albastru . ( de
farfurii zburtoare i alte cele deschise la culoare sunt slabe ) Vrei seminele proaspete . Lot de anul
trecut va fi mai slab . Vrei , de asemenea, seminele care nu sunt stocate ntr-un loc cald .

S-ar putea experimenta un pic de greata , dar nimic prea greu . i dac ai fcut totul bine i au avut
semine bune , v putei atepta s se simt efectele n termen de o or sau o or i jumtate .

Eu de obicei rapid pentru cel puin 8 ore nainte de a consuma . Nu tiu ce face diferenta .

ntotdeauna asigurai-v c v aflai n setarea corect i s aib dreptul de mentalitate . Ignora acestea
pe propriul risc . Ai putea avea o experien foarte neplcut .

Sunt anse ca va veti simti destul de diferite , avnd o minte modificat dramatic . Vei avea, de
asemenea, modificri de percepie , a crescut de recunoatere model ca i n lucruri , cum ar fi covorul ,
peretii , sau ceva ntr-adevr . Vei avea efecte vizuale ochi nchise , care sunt accentuate de muzica
buna . S-ar putea avea uoare efecte vizuale ochi deschis , dac ai consumat o doza mare . De obicei ,
chiar i la doze mai mici , de culori va arata mai vibrant , miroase vor prea mai puternice , usoare
halouri va aprea n jurul valorii de surse de lumin , totul va prea mai clare i mai luminoase . Elevii vor
dilata . S-ar putea simti niste senzatii ciudate ale corpului , cum ar fi o usoara articulaii dureroase , n
genunchi , un sentiment ciudat n coloanei vertebrale inferioare , furnicturi dinti , etc , probabil, minile
tale vor simti lipsit de tact i umed i rece la nceput.

Experienele induse de Glories Morning poate fi destul de intens , i nu sunt nimic pentru a trage pe nas
la . Asigurai-v c sunt pregtite i sunt psihologic sntos . Dac suntei la limita psihotice , depresie ,
sau maniacale , stai departe !

Evitai doze foarte mari de LSA . LSA provoac vasoconstricie , ceea ce nseamn c vasele de sange
obtine mai mici . Acest lucru duce la mai mici circulatia sangelui la extremitati , cum ar fi degetele de la
picioare i degete . Dac doza este prea mare , sau este luat de prea multe ori , acest lucru poate avea
un efect cumulativ , iar extremitatile pot merge amortit i chiar s devin cangrenat . Cu doze rezonabile
distanate cel puin dou sptmni , acest lucru nu ar trebui s fie o problem . Dar acesta este un
motiv pentru care aceasta este o idee bun pentru a ncepe cu o doz mic , pentru a v asigura c
vasoconstricia nu este ru . Dac avei hipertensiune arterial , LSA nu ar fi o idee bun . i nu -l ia n
combinaie cu ali compui vasoconstrictoare , cum ar fi efedrina si cafeina . Cred c nicotina ar putea fi
vasoconstrictor la fel de bine , dar eu nu sunt sigur de asta .

S fie n condiii de siguran . i nu o fac doar pentru a " obine f # @ ked n sus . " Ia-o cltorie
spiritual . nva de la ea . Explora te .

Lucru meu favorit de a face n timp ce pe LSA este de a juca un instrument muzical ( chitara , didgeridoo ,
tobe ), sau vopsea sau de a face ceva de genul asta meditativ n timp ce eu vin . Nu se uita la TV . Se
pune greit tipuri de gnduri n cap i poate duce la o excursie ru . Cnd am intra n ea destul de bine ,
ma retrag n dormitor i stinge lumina i a pus pe unele casti de bun calitate , cu muzica buna . Acest
lucru duce la efecte vizuale fantastice , spre deosebire de orice le-ai imaginat vreodat dac nu ai
folosit o psihedelic bun nainte . Vd uimitor trei i forme aparent patru - dimensionale morphing i
bifurcating . De multe ori m vizuale tematice religioase i ezoterice , cum ar fi aripi heruvim fractale i
ochi naripate , cum ar fi cele de la o parte din munca lui Alex Grey . Ochii sunt peste tot tot ! Vd
piramide i sfinci i forme biomecanice Gigeresque . Vd structurilor cu zbrele geometric uimitoare .
M uit matematice algoritmi de spaiu - umplere fac treaba . Mi se pare , de asemenea, c pot controla
imaginile printr-un act de voin . Orice am de gnd s vizualizeze iese i apoi merge dincolo de ceea ce
mi-am imaginat i apoi se transform n altceva . Acest lucru este foarte bun pentru artiti ! A putea
jura c , pe de o ocazie, n timp ce ascultai Mozart Requiem , Raiul se deschide n interiorul craniului
meu ! A fost incredibil ! OH , de frumusee! Am vzut arhitectura ceresc glorios i au fost serafimi
cntnd mpreun cu corul din muzica . Eu doar nu pot ncepe chiar de a descrie ceea ce a fost ca
aceasta . Am avut lacrimi de streaming n jos fata mea . Am fost n cea mai mare extaz am cunoscut
vreodat . i toate acestea cu o nimic mai mult dect o stare de spirit bun , muzic bun , i doar
aproximativ 500 de semine . Nu voi uita . Acesta a fost , probabil, toate n imaginaia mea , programat
de educaia mea catolic . Nu tiu i nu -mi pas de unde a venit . Acesta a fost cel mai frumos lucru pe
care l -am experimentat vreodat , i eu nc mai simt o mare bucurie cnd m gndesc la ea . M-am
simit att de tot !

Cu alte ocazii cu LSA ( l-am luat n timp ce ntr-o stare mai puin de spirit ideala ) , m-am simit ca i cum
m-am dus n iad . Totul era gol i groaznic i terifiante i singuratic . M-am simit ca i cum s-au viermi
plictisitoare prin creierul meu , manca-l . Am fost o gaur . Acesta este singurul mod de a -l descrie . M-
am simit vid . Am tremurat cu groaz . Totul simit att de incredibil de lipsite de sens .

LSA o experienta multicolora

Oct21by manifest urban
Cum deja stii in ce categorie de bloguri te aflii nu am sa ma jenez sa iti ofer o
reteta interesanta si banala de LSA, cu care ai sa poti sa tii un chef cu bani
putin,suma de cheltuiala fiind undeva la 50 lei si asta poate cu suc inclus.
Ce este LSA-ul?- simplu LSA este un extract echivalent cu LSD-ul,nu este la
fel de puternic dar experienta merita incercata.Sa trecem scurt in agenda
faptul ca LSA-ul la fel ca iarba si alte droguri lejere nu trebuie folosit ca un
refugiu de la problemele din viata ci ca o experienta ajutatoare in a gasi calea
si convingerea de a iti infrunta problemele singur!
OK, LSA-ul a fost studiat intens de dr.Albert Hoffman in incercarea de a
sintetiza LSD-ul, de atunci o gramada de doctorii si fascinati ai
lumii psihedelice au cautat metode eficiente de a obtine experiente cat mai
pure si mai intense in aceasta directie.
De remarcat este ca dr.Peter Webster a obtinut un rezultat exceptional prin
extragerea deLSA din semintele de zorele.

Zorele sunt plante din familia Convulvaceelor raspandita pretutidenti
datorita modului de adaptare la orice tip de clima/sol.Acum ca sti si ce is
zorelele sa prezentam reteta.
-400-600 seminte zorele(doza acceptata pt. incepatori)se
recomanda soiul de zorele albastre pt. un trip mai color, si daca este posibil sa
fie proastpete(productie an curent);
- 1 l apa distilata;
-1 lamaie;
-sita fina sau pliculete pt ceai;
Mod de preparare:
-semintele uneori pot fi stropite cu insecticide si ingrasaminte nocive
consumului uman,de acea se vor lua semintele si se vor clatii 20 secunde
intr-un castron cu apa si sapun,se recomanda trecerea in timp cat mai scurt
prin apa si lipezirea acestora pt a evita inmuierea cojii.Dupa ce ne-am
asigurat ca semintele au fost clatite de substantele chimice si de apa cu sapun
in care au fost spalate se usuca cu ajutorul servetelelor.Apoisemintele sunt
introduse in rasnita unde vor fi macinate dar nu excesiv,nu trebuie obtinut
un praf fin ci mai degraba firimituri.Odata macinate se vor lua si vor fi
introduse in pliculetele de ceai (asta insemnand ca trebuie golit ceaiul
din ele inainte) care se vor sigila lasand destul spatiu pt a nu se rupe cand
le inmuiem.Se ia apa distilata si se toarne intr-un recipent crc. 200-300 ml,
si se stoarce lamaia in ea.Acum pliculetele de ceai cu semintele macinate in
ele se vor introduce in paharul cu limonada,unde se vor amesteca incet cu
ajutorul unei lingurite,timp de 10 min., astfel incat compozitia sa nu
patrunda in limonada. Bautura se pune apoi in frigider timp de 20 minute,
cu lingurita ne asiguram ca pliculetele sunt tinute la fundul paharului
pt infuzie.Dupa 20 min. luam bautura si o amestecam iara cu grija timp de
10 min apoi se extrag pliculete si se arunca.!Umplutura folosita se
arunca nu se mai foloseste, ea poate fi toxica, provoaca greata !
Acum bautura se poate servi,efectul va aparea intre 1-3 h. ,primele simptome
sunt o ameteala usoara, perceptie ridica a intensitatii culorilor,este un
puternic antidepresiv cea ce implica stare de spirit pozitiva,predispozitie la
ras si muzica si toatea aceste simptome sunt in stagiul de luciditate a
Factori de luat in calcul care influenteaza negativ extractia sunt
lumina,caldura(nu usca semintele cu feonul),clorul de aceea se recomanda
apa distilata deoarece clorul distruge subtanta activa(LSA),se recomanda
cat mai mare atentie ca praful obtinut sa fie filtrat din apa deoarece poate
provoca greata !
Dacat respecti acesti pasi simpli te asteapta o experinta spirituala unica ,nu
exagera in asa ceva sau ai sa iti distrugi singur puritatea experientelor!

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