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Idea Synthesist

Kylie Sisto
Period:4 English
Mrs. Friedman
Research and choose a famous person with
similar characteristics to one of the characters
in the outsiders.Find specific evidence that
shows the similarities between the artwork
and the major symbol from the story.
South Side of Chicago
NBA, Golden State Warriors
anterior cruciate ligament

Missed 1993-94 season
Miami Heat
Broke his foot

basketball analyst, ESPN

Tim Hardaway
Father was an alcoholic
Not close with dad

divorced when he was twelve

Basketball was my release, When i
was going through stuff with stuff
with my dad. I could get my
frustrations worked out just by
working hard.

Married, had two children
Son, NBA
Personal life
abusively toward him and his
mother ,responded
by working on his game
show up to games drunk ,made it
worse for his son

developed the
UTEP Two- Step move
Growing up in Chicago, youre going
to be tough. You had to fight to get
to school. You had to fight to get
back home from school

Tim Hardaway
Loved, welcome with his friends

Was teased a lot growing up

Never liked hearing parents fight

Physically and mentally hurt,

No one ever got mad at him
Johnny Cade
Johnny Cade
greaser and smaller
because of his size
parents are abusive and fight
father was an alcoholic and abusive
being with his friends
working on his game
jumped by the Socs
had to fight all the time.
not a good relationship with his parents
not a good relationship with his father
The connection is...

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