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It takes a day for a man or woman to fall in love but it takes forever to say goodbye

One of the easiest thing a human might do is to fall in love. Falling in love is a human
nature. Maybe it is easy to fall but it is really hard to fall out of love. It is hard to say
goodbye. Specially, to someone that you really love the most. Saying goodbye is the
hardest thing a human being could ever do in this world.
Goodbyes are never been easy. It takes a lot of courage to do so. It takes a lot of
effort, a lot of tears, a lot of strength and sighs for a person to say goodbye to someone
whom you really love. Goodbye is the most painful way of saying I O!" #O$..
%hen this certain event happen to you, you will know that saying goodbye is a
process. One thing that you should learn is the word &''"()&*'" so you can say
goodbye and totally let go and move on to your life. &fter moving on, you will reali+e
that you should live your life to the fullest and fall in love again to someone better. One
that will make feel that you deserve all the happiness in the world. & person that will treat
you well and love you more than anything but ne,t to God.
*ot all goodbyes is bad moment sometimes it is -ust an instrument to meet the real
one that will give you the .&((I*"SS ).&) %I &S) FO/"!"/..

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