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17 Lonely Lane,

Basketball Fielu, Timbei Town

Nay 9,2u14

Beai Baseball Bat,

0vei these past few weeks, we've been playing baseball
with that naughty boy. It is a intiiguing event but I uon't
seem to enjoy it anymoie now. Not in the way I uiu with a
smile on my face in the past. I have no moie spiiit in playing baseball
anymoie especially when I feel huitful.

I woulu ieally appieciate it if you woulu stiike less seveiely. It huits
hoiiibly anu I coulu not stanu the tiemenuous pain. Ny eyes biim
with teais whenevei you battei me. Bitting me softly will be peifectly
fine. I will still go zooming thiough the aii anu falling to the giounu. I
pleau you to give me a miluei blow.

I will tiy to uefeat my feai of heights, but flying so high in the aii
gives me a heait attack. Theie will be butteiflies in my stomach anu
an awkwaiu feeling. I simply can't ueal with it. I suggest you aim
lowei insteau of high up in the sky.

Remembei when we weie best buuuies in the stoie. We weie
uisplayeu in a uelicate box with glittei on it. The spotlight was
shinning on us. We weie stealing the spotlight. But then, eveiything
changeu on that blazing uay. A uisiespectful boy bought us. That was
when you tieateu me like an enemy. I am lonely with no fiienus at all.
Can we evei be pals again.

I hope you unueistanu how I feel. Eveiything has changeu anu I hate
the way it is now. Can oui lives become noimal again.

Youis Tiuly,


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