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A gentle hands on healing method

that effects Autonomic Nervous Svstem as measured bv heart
rate variabilitv and clinical assessment
Jo Anne Vhitaker, M.D., Patricia P, Gilliam, M.Ld., M.S.N., Douglas B. Seba, Ph.D.
Introduction and background
1he Bowen 1echnique is a simple, yet highly speciic, hands-on procedure which has been widely
practiced in Australia since its deelopment in the 1950's by 1om Bowen. Introduction and training in
this methodology has only been deliered outside Australia since 1986 resulting in approximately 1200
accredited Bowen Practitioners in 30 countries throughout the world. 1his igure includes the
approximate 200 practitioners in the United States. 1he technique is widely practiced in Lurope with a
concentration in the United Kingdom o oer 350 accredited practitioners. 1he Bowen technique is
currently being used in U.K. hospitals as well as priate clinics. ,1, 1his rapid globalization o a non-
inasie, cost-eectie treatment combined with hundreds o anecdotal reports o beneicial eects
or numerous mind-body systems prompted this inestigation to ealuate the Bowen 1echnique and
acilitate its addition to the accepted armamentarium o American alternatie medicine.
Bowen 1echnique procedures were initially directed an acute musculoskeletal complaints such as
work and sports related injuries. It soon became apparent, howeer, that. these procedures had a
demonstrable eect on many chronic medical problems, which include a litany o enironmental
medical syndromes. 1hese include asthma, hay eer, and arious types o headaches and other
pains. Psychological eects are also reported by Bowen practitioners and their clients. 1hese eects
include increased ability to ocus, mood eleation, improed quality o sleep, and improed coping
skills. Pritchard ,2, reported in a study o 10 healthy college students that ollowing Bowen 1herapy, the
subjects experienced consistently enhanced positie moods and reduced eelings o tension, atigue, anger,
depression and conusion. 1he eects o Bowen 1herapy on these syndromes hae been described
as the body's return to a more balanced state o equilibrium ,3,.
In our clinical practice, we hae had the opportunity to obsere numerous positie eects ollowing
both the basic and more adanced Bowen protocols. Lxamples o presenting symptoms that hae
responded to Bowen work are acute and chronic back pain, rozen shoulder, 1MJ discomort and
dysunction, and 1ic Douloureux. Sports and work-related symptoms which hae improed ollowing
Bowen work include runner's knee, tennis elbow, hamstring and rotator cu injuries. 1here are
speciic sets o moes that were deeloped by Mr. Bowen which address the muscles and connectie
tissue in each o these areas. Other incidental symptoms that hae shown improement with Bowen
work include gastrointestinal relux, sinus congestion and associated headache pain and
bronchoconstricution secondary to allergic response or reactie asthma.
It has been suggested that the Bowen 1echnique may introduce speciic harmonic requencies to the
body systems. Sound and music hae been used in healing rituals in all o the world's cultures. In
ancient Greece, the relationship between healing and harmonic ibration was the oundation o a
school o healing established by Pythagoras. Since that time, there has been speculation that speciic
requencies aect particular parts o the body ,4,.
1he resonance model, as interpreted by Linda Ldwards, Sylia Olia and Jo Anne Vhitaker, supports this
as an explanation o how the Bowen 1echnique aects the body. 1he body is like a ine iolin. 1he
healthiest body or the most coeted Stradiarius will not unction properly without perect tuning. 1he
Bowen 1echnique, like the Stradiarius may be based on resonance. In either case, the energy must be
directed to the right spot with the right tension in order to create a ibrational patter that correlates
with a speciic requency. Since sound traels through all substances this may explain how the Bowen
1echnique aects so many areas o the body.
Bowen 1herapy complements many other traditional as well as non-traditional treatment modalities.
Some other modalities, howeer, seen to diminish the Bowen eect on the body possibly by disrupting the
harmonic requencies.
1he measurement o lRV is a relatiely new, non-inasie methodology which can ealuate both
cardiac and Autonomic Nerous System ,ANS, unction. It can be explained as the ariation in the
beat to beat time interal that shows an accelerating and decelerating oscillation. Measurements are
made using R to R time interals rom a single lead LCG that are then conerted to data representing the
sympathetic and parasympathetic components o the ANS ,5,.
During the last two decades leart Rate Variability has been extensiely studied in arious populations.
Signiicant changes in alues or patters o lRV hae been reported in cardiac conditions such as
hypertension, congestie heart ailure, cardiac arrest, and mitral ale abnormalities ,6,,8,. Other
studies hae reealed signiicant changes in lRV parameters in a ariety o non-cardiac populations
including etal distress syndrome, sudden inant death syndrome, brain injury, multiple sclerosis,
diabetic neuropathy, drug addiction, obesity ,9,, homoeopathic medical treatment ,10,, and a healing
touch procedure ,11,. 1he ANS is known to hae an eect on a multitude o regulatory unctions
such as cardiac, peripheral ascular, respiratory, reproductie, endocrine, and gastrointestinal system
regulation, glycogenolysis, and smooth muscle control, and has been implicated in a wide ariety o
disorders including autoimmune diseases that aect the musculoskeletal system ,12,. 1he body
systems and unctions aected by the ANS are similar to those aected by treatment with the Bowen
1echnique. It is this subjectie obseration by numerous practitioners and anecdotal reports that
determined our selection o the autonomic assessment by means o lRV measurement as the
methodology or this study. 1he body systems and unctions aected by the ANS and reported to be
aected by the Bowen 1echnique coincide with the ocus o the 199 AALM meeting which is the
Mind,Body Connection in relation to optimal, cost-eectie health care.
Our initial experience looking at the autonomic nerous system ,ANS, in a normal population beore
and ater a Bowen procedure reealed random, bi-directional shits in seeral o the time and requency
domain parameters. 1his corresponded to some degree with the ariation in clinical responses reported in
this normal group. 1he consistent clinical responses obsered in a population o ibromyalgia
subjects led us to hypothesize that this group which presents with a multitude o signs and symptoms
might better test the eicacy o the Bowen 1echnique and might show a larger or more consistent
shit in ANS measures that the random shit obsered in our normal population with incidental
symptoms. 1hese subjects could also proide more clinical assessment data to ollow oer the course o
repeat treatment and heart rate ariability ,lRV, measurements. Gien the poor results o
conentional medical interention ersus the modest success o physical treatment approaches, to test the
use o the Bowen 1echnique on ibromyalgia subjects seemed quite logical, particularly since the use o
lRV could gie us an objectie outcome, separate rom our clinical assessment.
In our study, subjects with moderate Primary libromyalgia were diagnosed by Sally Marlowe,
Rheumatologist, N.P and characterized by the presence o widespread chronic pain and tender points as
per criteria or diagnosis by the American College o Rheumatology ,13, Marlowe has treated oer
1000 ibromyalgia subjects in her Rheumatology practice, which will be used as a r esource or uture
It has been hypothesized that ibromyalgia is an energy deicient state in the muscle tissues due to
reduced circulation. It is known that ibromyalgia subjects conert muscle protein to glucose at an
unusually high rate and t his has been interpreted as one o the main reasons or pain, aching and
atigue. ,14,15,16,
At present there is no ideal conentional medical treatment or ibromyalgia. 1he use o an
antidepressant ,such as amitriptyline, or an anti -inlammatory ,such as ibuproen, has yielded poor to
moderate results. Mild exercise which includes lexibility work can help alleiate some o the symptoms as
well. Also, aquatic exercise, chiropractic care, massage, heat treatments and rest can decrease
sensitiity at the tender points to improe stamina, energy and mobility ,1,.
1he senior author o this paper, ater personally experiencing and training in the Bowen 1echnique, has
been so impressed with the simplicity o the technique and its wide ranging beneits that sh e has
olunteered to direct and international research eort to scientiically assess its alidity. One o the
reasons the AALM was chosen or this presentation is due to the act that the Bowen 1echnique,
which parallels many o the ideas and techniques o the AALM, has receied a similar response rom
traditional ,allopathic, physicians, that o being summarily dismissed as anecdotal and unscientiic.
1. Participants will receie a brie oeriew o the Bowen 1echnique.
2. Participants will be shown eidence that the Bowen 1echnique can aect autonomic unctions,
using lRV as an example.
3. Participants will learn the types o illnesses that may respond to this simple technique.
The Bowen Technique
1he bodywork known as the Bowen 1echnique is based on the principle o "less is more" ,18, and
consists o small precise moes on speciic points o the body which are light and gentle and can be
used on the young, ragile and elderly. 1he Bowen moes are organized int o sets with requent and
important pauses between sets to gie the body time to equilibrate. 1he 1echnique uses moements on
speciic points on muscles, tendons, and neres, some o which generate energetic moement and others
which block or relect energetic moement. 1he targeted area o the body is isolated between blocks,
energy is generated in the area as the practitioner moes oer the muscle and the energy
reerberates between the blocks until the muscle tension in the area is reduced and thereore, relaxed.
In this preliminary study the ollowing Bowen protocol was ollowed on both the ibromyalgia and
normal groups:
Study subjects were placed ace down on a standard massage table, head to one side, and arms beside the
hips. All moes started rom the let side. lour Bowen moes were made on the lower back, bilaterally
or a total o eight. 1he irst moe is just aboe the buttocks, the second on the outside o the
buttocks, the third at the knee and ourth at mid-thigh. Lach side is worked in turn and there is a two-
minute wait and moe two is repeated. Lach moe is ery speciic and lasts only a ew seconds. In
general, certain ingers and,or the thumb are used to roll tissue oer speciic points on muscles or
tendons. lor the bulk o the time the subject is simply lying comortably with no physical interaction with
the practitioner.
A similar set o maneuers is then ollowed on the neck and shoulders, there are six moes bilaterally or a
total o twele and two waiting periods o two minutes each. Next the subject is gently turned onto his
back and three moer moes are made bilaterally or a total o six, including two waiting periods o
two minutes each. At the conclusion the subject is assisted to a sitting position with legs dangling o
the table. 1he subject is then eased o the table so that both eet touch the loor simultaneously
and gently seated in the reclining chair or the second lRV reading. 1his entire procedure requires
about 20 minutes.
1here are many other Bowen moes which are speciic to a large ariety o conditions, and many o
these were used on dierent subjects subsequent to this protocol. loweer, since there was no
preiously documented Bowen procedure or ibromyalgia, we elt that the basic protocol described
aboe would be suicient to determine i the technique had any eects on this condition.
Heart Rate Variability
A single lead LCG was used to ealuate beat to beat ariation measured by the time interal between R
waes in milliseconds. Skin was prepared by cleaning with alcohol prior to the application o
electrode patches. Any lead coniguration which generates an adequate R wae amplitude can be
used. A standard lead l coniguration was preerred which proided adequate amplitude in most
1he subject was seated in a reclining chair in a semi-recumbent position o about 30 degrees ertical as
this angle has been reported to be the ideal balance point between sympathetic and parasympathetic
dominance ,6,. A real time LCG was monitored or 5-10 minutes until heart rate stabilized. A
rhythm analysis was perormed prior to beginning data collection to reeal the presence o any
dysrhythmias that would disqualiy the person rom the study. Subjects had been pre-screened and
excluded with any known history o dysrhythmias or diabetes.
1wenty three-minute epochs were used in the lRV protocol and measurements were taken immediately
beore and immediately ollowing a Bowen treatment. 1he interals were analyzed using the
Predictor sotware program distributed by Arrhythmia Research 1echnology, Austin, 1exas, to
generate both time and requency domain parameters. 1he time domain parameters include the
ollowing measures o central tendency, mean, mode, median, standard deiation rom the mean,
MSSD, the mean squared successie dierence, SDNN, the standard deiation o 5 minutes R to R
interal aerages, and the PNN50, the total number o normal R to R interals within a gien window o
time. 1he requency domain analysis yields power spectrum alues which represent the sympathetic ,Ll-low
requency, mixed sympathetic and parasympathetic ,Ml-mid requency,, and parasympathetic nerous
systems ,ll-high requency, respectiely.
1wenty-three minute epochs were used in the lRV protocol as a reasonable compromise between the
ie ,or less, minutes needed to get a good requency domain reading and an ideal 24-hour time
domain summary. Actually, both Ll and ll can be measured in as little as approximately two
minutes. loweer, in order to standardize dierent studies comparing short-term lRV, ie-minute
recordings o a stationary system are preerred unless the nature o the study dictates another design.
In this case, we were also interested in the time domain methods, especially the mean, the standard
deiation rom the mean, and the MSSD, all o which can be used to inestigate recordings o short
duration. 1wenty minutes hae been suggested as the minimum time to help discern i there is a
change in steady state conditions or a gien physiological state ,6,. In this case, we hypothesized that
the Bowen 1echnique, i eectie, would demonstrate a short time change in lRV rom subjects in the
ibromyalgia group and arbitrarily chose the 23 minute epoch as a reasonable starting point, both rom
the prior knowledge in the aboe reerenced studies and subject comort and compliance. Ve ound that
just sitting perectly still in tilted chair or 23 minutes is diicult or many indiiduals with ibromyalgia.
Clinical Assessment
Lach subject was clinically assessed immediately beore the initial lRV measurement and again
immediately ollowing the second lRV reading. Any change in the perception o ibromyalgia
symptoms by the subject was noted and taken at ace alue. Lxperienced Bowen practitioners recognise that
the technique appears to hae a proound eect on the so-called mind,body connection in persons
undergoing a Bowen treatment or the irst time, as was the case with all o our study subjects. 1hey will
oten experience a watershed-type eent with eelings o deep emotion or spirituality. Ve were
prepared or this and noted changes not necessarily directly related to ibromyalgia but intriguing
Lach person was taken as their own control or clinical assessment and was careully ealuated pre
and post Bowen treatment or changes in their sel-reported symptomatology, particularly or changes in
pain indexes and perceied energy leels. Lxpected normal indiiduals were taken rom a cohort o
olunteers who were ree o any acute or chronic medical diagnosis and considered themseles as
healthy and symptom ree. 1his proed deceptie as most reported a change o some type ollowing a
Bowen treatment. Also, a ew, supposedly in good health, had pathologies that were picked up by
clinical assessment or lRV and had to be excluded rom the study. 1hey were reerred or urther
As mentioned aboe, in the setting or this study and gien the small number o subjects aailable, the use
o a true normal group proed elusie. Simply put, most o our apparent normal group, in
supposed good health, had minor complaints, many unrecognized until ater a Bowen treatment, which
responded to this interention. 1hus, the normal group should be considered or what they are,
aerage people with typical minor complaints, and the data interpreted rom that perspectie. 1hose
study subjects with ibromyalgia can easily sere as their own control since their symptoms are so much
more dramatic. Ve studied 11 indiiduals control subjects and ibromyalgia subjects but 3 o these
were used additional times so that we had 11 data sets or each group.
lrom a clinical assessment point o iew, the responses o the indiiduals in the normal group were
widely aried ater the Bowen 1echnique. Some were relaxed while others were energized. Some
were mellow while others elt enlightened. Some expressed a little shakiness while others elt a deep
emotional block had been released. Many commented that some little annoying pains were suddenly
gone. Only two people reported essentially no change in awareness and were probably the only true
normal subjects in our study.
All the ibromyalgia subjects reported at lease some relie o their symptoms, and many elt substantial
relie. 1wo things were clearly eident. lirst, all experienced some immediate relie post-Bowen
treatment. Second, this decrease in symptomology persisted oer widely arying time periods
ranging rom a ew days to seeral weeks. One subject reported that her ibromyalgia symptoms
continued to be relieed oer a six-week period.
1he lRV results ully complimented our clinical assessment. lor each subject, three reports are
generated or each lRV run. A requency spectrum, deried rom R to R interal distribution, is
generally the most useul to isualize shits in the ANS. 1his requency spectrum displays a plot o the
three requency bands, Ll ,0.000-0.040 lz,, Ml ,0.040-0.150 lz,, and ll ,0.15-0.510lz,. 1hese
correspond to the sympathetic mixed sympathetic and parasympathetic, and parasympathetic domains,
respectiely. lor our purposes, most o the spectral power is in the Ml which also contains most o the
sympathetic spectral power ,,. Dierent studies hae diided these bands into arious requencies but
the basic concept remains the same.
Graph 1 below shows a typical requency domain graph o an apparently normal indiidual.
Graph 2 shows an ANS that appears to represent high sympathetic actiity.

Graph 3 shows in contrast an ANS that appears to represent high parasympathetic actiity.
1hus, it is apparent that one can tell at a glance i there has been a substantial shit in the balance o
Also generated is a joint interal scatter graph or chaos distribution, which represents the distribution o
ariability within the system. A typical scatter graph is shown in Graph 4.

linally, there is a histogram o R to R interals generated. A typical histogram is shown in Graph 5

and its shape will change as the balance in ANS is changed.
Vhile these graphs are useul to see changes within an indiidual, it is the statistical analysis o the
cumulatie changes in the entire cohort that are relectie o a group response to the Bowen 1echnique and
that is what we report here. 1he mean increase in the R to R interal or the normal group was 52
milliseconds ,msec, or 6 while or the ibromyalgia subjects the numbers were 63 msec or . 1he
dierence is that or the normal group, about hal had essentially no change or slightly negatie
numbers which means that their heart rate did not change or increased slightly ater the Bowen
treatment. 1his is basically a random change which is what you would expect or a normal group.
In contrast all the ibromyalgia subjects had positie numbers which means that in all cases their
heart rate decreased ater the Bowen treatment. 1hat, by itsel, does not show increased ariability.
loweer, this becomes eident when one looks at the increase in the standard deiation. lor the
normal group, this was 1.5 msec ,1., while or the ibromyalgia group this was 11.8 msec ,42.0,. 1his
was also eident or the MSSD where the increase or the normal group was only 3.8 ,15.5, while or
the ibromyalgia group the increase was 9.0 ,44.4,.
As in the time domain, similar trends were seen in the requency domain. lor the normal group, the Ll
spectral power ,area under the cure - auc, increased 3 msec2,lz ,29, ersus 38 msec2,lz ,211 ,
or the ibromyalgia group. Ml decreased 243 msec2,lz , -33, ersus an increase o 33 msec2,lz
,182,, and ll increased 108 msec2,lz ,2, ersus 120 msec2,lz,144,. Like the time domain,
seeral indiiduals in the normal groups had decreased alues or little change that would
indicate a loss o ariability ,spectral power -auc,. Since, as mentioned aboe, most power or our
study lies in the Ml region, the total power or the normal group changed only 112 msec2, lz ersus
495 msec2,lz or the ibromyalgia group.
A measure o the alidity o the data set can be determined by comparing the ration o Ml to ll both
pre and post Bowen treatment or both groups. ,23, lor the normal group, those ratios were 2.03 pre
and 2.19 post, while or the ibromyalgia group, these rations were 2.44 pre and 2.63 post. 1hese alues
are in the middle o the expected range and help to conirm the alidity o our data set. ,19,
1he two-t ,double-tailed, test ,used because it is theoretically just as possible that the Bowen
1echnique would hae a negatie impact, showed statistical signiicance at the 99 conidence leel
or all the time domain parameters deined preiously. A Vilcox test ,non-parametric, also showed
similar conidence or all the time domain parameters ,19,. 1he alues or this ibromyalgia data set are
shown in 1able 1 below.
Our original promise that the Bowen technique would be helpul in alleiating many o the symptoms o
ibromyalgia was clearly demonstrated by both clinical assessment and a marked shit in lRV.
Clinical assessment, while alid, is always susceptible to the criticism that it is based partially on sel-
reporting by the subject which could be inluenced by a multitude o actors unrelated to the
protocol. In this case, the act that most subjects reported some immedia te relie makes it unlikely that
an extraneous ariable was responsible or this eect. 1he obseration that this relie continued to
increase or some subjects oer a period o hours would also argue that the eect was real.
linally, this relie o symptoms persisted or a period o days to weeks among the majority o our
subjects. All o these changes would indicate that a shit in the ANS balance had occurred.
It is reasonable to expect that a short -term shit in the ANS would be expressed and, could possibly be
documented, by lRV assessment. 1his proed to be the case as demonstrated in 23 minute lRV
sampling epochs immediately pre and post Bowen. Ve conclude that this demonstrates that our
clinical assessment o the improement in ibromyalgia symptoms was alid.
1o document the length o time that a Bowen treatment retains its shit or impression on the ANS is
diicult by current lRV study techniques. 1his is because a undamental shit in the ANS would
occur where most o the power is concentrated, the Ml, and thus, would be slow to occur.
Additionally, oer a period o days, there would be circadian and hormonal rhythms to sort out.
Lastly, only a small shit at the point o most power could hae a proound eect on the ANS but it
would take days o sampling to distinguish this rom background noise. It may be, howeer, that
Pre Meant SD Post Mean SD
Vilcoxon Z p
leart Rate ,BPM, 1.91 .53 66.88 .01
Mean RR interal ,msec., 843.93 100.12 90.2 10.05 2.93 .01
SD ,msec., 30.49 11.93 42.30 14.95 2.93 .01
MSSD 19.91 10.10 28.89 14.40 2.93 .01
PNN50 3.38 4.2 10.5 10.86 2.52 .05
long term shits in the ANS can be documented by successie short-term lRV studies o the type
done here. Conceptually, this can be thought o as a series o snapshots o the ANS oer time that
could be iewed as the trends toward long-term changes in ANS balance.
As on-going research eort o ours is to perorm repeated Bowen treatments and short term lRV
studies on the same subject oer time to see i we can determine the optimal treatment period or
ibromyalgia subjects, as well as treatment periods or other conditions or which Bowen is prescribed.
Originally, Mr. Bowen empirically determined that a week between treatments, with a range o ie to
ten days, was most eicacious. Ve recognize that the laid-back liestyle o Australia in the 1940s was
considerably dierent rom the urban liestyle o most people at the end o the millennium.
Certainly chemical sensitiity and enironmental estrogen mimics would hae been rare eents.
1hus, we eel there is a compelling need to update and indiidualize treatment schedules or the
Bowen 1echnique.
Likewise, we also eel there is a need to document the alue o the Bowen 1echnique in emergency
medicine. 1here are speciic moes resered or acute and emergent conditions such as asthma
attacks, seere migraine headaches, and angina pain which would lend themseles to easy
documentation with short-term lRV studies o the ANS balance.
1he act that our normal group turned out to hae a ariety o responses to the Bowen 1echnique
initially surprised us. In retrospect, this was predictable as most people today are not in perect
health and the Bowen 1echnique is reputed to beneicially help a wide assortment o conditions.
Now recognising this modern reality, we would design uture studies using each subject as his or
her own control. 1he act that ew people are truly in perect health is an important point when
designing small, clinical studies in enironmental medicine. It does not preclude the use o alid,
blinded studies but it does mean that traditional outcome studies based on a comparison o a large
number o treated subjects ersus a placebo control group is inappropriate. Ve stress this because
we beliee that similar studies o the ANS, which can be thought o as a window into the mind,body
connection, by short term lRV measurement can be implemented to determine the alidity o some
enironmental medicine techniques which hae been rejected by the allopathic medical community
such as end point titration or enzyme potentate desensitization.
1he Bowen 1echnique, a gentle, hands-on method, as used in this study, clearly had a positie
health eect, particularly on ibromyalgia subjects. 1hese results were documented by measuring
changes in the ANS balance by lRV and clinical assessment. 1hus, it is reasonable to conclude
that similar studies would support many o the claims made or the Bowen technique. lurther, the
measurement o shits in the ANS by lRV studies is a powerul tool and could be used or
inestigation into other enironmental issues.
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