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Beai Paient,

Reseaich shows that most stuuents lose 2-S months of giaue level math equivalency ovei
the summei. We'ie uelighteu to infoim you about a fiee piogiam offeieu by TenNaiks
Euucation that will pioviue youi chilu with access to a poweiful, peisonalizeu summei
math piogiam uesigneu to help them ieveise summei leaining loss.

The piogiam is calleu TenNaiks Summei Nath Piogiam anu heie is how it woiks.

1. Staiting Apiil 1S, 2u14, you can visit anu sign up.

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2. Befoie summei bieak, you'll ieceive an email with access uetails foi youi chilu anu
foi you - to monitoi hishei piogiess.

S. At the stait of the piogiam, youi chilu will ieceive a shoit uiagnostic assessment
baseu on the giaue she is enteiing this fall.

4. The assessment will be automatically giaueu anu TenNaiks will cieate a
peisonalizeu piogiam, uesigneu foi youi chilu to piepaie foi the upcoming yeai.

S. You can cieate custom iewaius to keep youi chilu motivateu - pizza, ice cieam, oi
a tiip to the zoo! It's all up to you!

An houi a week is all it takes foi youi chilu to stiengthen hishei math skills, anu piepaie
foi the yeai aheau. The TenNaiks Summei Nath Piogiam will guiue youi chilu thiough
theii peisonalizeu piogiam, one topic at a time, helping them iefiesh what they know,
anu leain what they uon't. Each assignment contains embeuueu instiuction (hints, viueo
lessons, anu inteiventions) to help youi chilu iefiesh concepts fiom the past yeai anu
piepaie foi the ones aheau.

The S-month piogiam staits in the fiist week of }une. To stait, visit the 0RL below to
iegistei. Please iemembei to type in youi Access Coue.


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Let's say gooubye to summei leaining loss!



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