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Cold War


How did the Cold War start?
These are two ways that the Cold War started:
The U.S. and Soviet Union couldnt agree on what a rebuilt Europe should be like. This disagreement starts tension and
rivalry between The U.S. and Soviet Union

The Soviets wanted America to open a second European front in the beginning of the war(America did not help out). Also
the U.S. secretly made an atomic bomb that the Soviet spies (Ethel and Julius Rosenberg) stole and started to make their
own bomb.

Cuban Missile Crisis
In 1962 The U.S. caught the Soviet Union building nuclear missile bases in
Cuba. This really worried us, so to be safe we got the United Nations
involved to get their word to inform the boats to turn around.
Long term consequences of the Cold
After the Cold War there were many consequences that the world feared.

Everyone lived in fear of nuclear attack for almost 50 years

All of the other countries had to decide what side to join and if they didnt
join the right side than they wouldn't gain the benefits the other side
would have provided them (food, protection, shelter etc.)
NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The NATO was and alliance between many nations to ensure safety
against communist threats.
Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was created in 1955 in response to NATO. The
Warsaw Pact was a group of Pro Communist countries that backed
each other up.
The Cold Wars impact On Vietnam,
Afghanistan, and Korea
Vietnam: lengthy, expensive war, that put North and South Vietnam against each
Afghanistan: America gives Afghanistan money and weapons to use against North
Vietnam to get back at the Soviet Union. (Soviet Union was helping N.Vietnam)
Korea: North Korea (communists) crossed the 38
parallel and began to invade
South Korea (democracy). North Koreans used aircraft and tanks to wipe out South
Duck and Cover
The duck and cover method was a way for the people to stay safe from

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