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Thomas Elliott's Poetry anthology

My mind is not particularly well designed to write poetry. While it is completely out of control and is
barley held together with a lot of duct tape I still like doing things in order and making sure it is all
perfect (or good enough) before moving on. My brain preferring disorder tends to knock me off track
and before I know it I've started a whole new world. Now to most people this would seem to be the
perfect environment to write poetry. Neither the chaos or order part of my brain like making anything
other than worlds, people, weapons, ships and lives or any other number of actual things. Both sides
prefer the face value of things to their hidden meanings. If you want a good example I don't get social
cues unless I'm really paying attention and in my mind people should just say exactly what they want to.
To hell with the consequences.
But I digress while poetry is not one of my strong suits I can get something done that at least closely
resembles poetry. Just don't expect Shakespeare I don't do Shakespeare.
1. Once more
I glance down from the top of the roof at the small cafe below me. Several of the patrons are eating
while others wait for their meals. It is a quiet night and the breezes stirs my position making me a little
I see that out in the distance a small ship floats by on the clouds carrying with it whatever it is carrying. I
feel the wind pick up and I begin to run along the roof tops. Jumping from roof the roof carefully
avoiding the hazards that spring up around me. I am very careful of my footing watching so as not to slip
and fall.
I jump from one roof to another catching a small flag pole mid leap and hanging on to it enjoying the
night air. A man far below me calls up to me.
I smile down at him and continue running.
Dodging small obstacles that appear. I scale along the side of a small building grab on to a balcony
railing and pull myself up. There appears to be a small party of sorts going on I grab myself and drink and
float through the room. Conversing with the occasional person.
The night calls to me once more and I run from the room and begin my run once more. My first leap
leads me on run through the night faster and faster. I jump across a small street and catch glimpses of
people far below me. A long howl burst out of me as I continue to run turning heads.
I laugh at the fools stuck on the ground far below the poor souls will never experience the freedom I
have now. I scale the tallest building I can find and stand on top watching the city move around me.
I laugh and howl in joy before once more resuming my run.

2. Becoming a thumb tack
I am removed from my place and carried by a man who knows not where he is going.
My red body contains the nervous energy of the one who placed me where I was hoping I would hold
their world together.
But alas I cannot as I am just a simple thumb tack.
My place is to hold something
but only temporarily.
I know not what will become of me once I am done.
The man now places me towards the sky the wood texture of the desk below confuses me. I am poised
waiting to strike an unsuspecting victim.
I plot from my position the evil deeds I could accomplish.
Being a simple thumb tack no one would suspect me.
The blood of the humans will run cold. I will take my revenge.
I will be returned to the earth forcing something into place.
I dream of conquest.
my humble warrior
will assist me.
Return me to my place
and we shall rule together. You know you want that power that glory. Join me. You seem not to trust me
my champion.
You should.
My place is to supply order to the chaos.
To bring balance to many things.
To align the forces of light
and darkness.
I will unite it all.
I will bring peace.
I will create a new world.
But I am just a humble thumb tack and my time is at an end

3. Death's last fight

Death must be pretty good at golf
Because there is no way in hell the old man went without a fight
He always went with the best deal
He would have challenged Death to 18 holes

If the impossible happened and he lost
I expect he would have fought the reaper
He would slugged him as hard as he could
Probably would have fought with honor

at the start of the fight anyway
Probably would have started fighting dirty
He would have fought as hard as he could
He was certainly stubborn enough

So when I meet the reaper
I expect to see him with a broken nose and one black eye
And if my grandfather taught me anything
I'll make sure Death has two

4. Well boy I'll tell you
Life for me ain't been no easy flight
It's had storms in it,
and stalls,
and rough landings
and time when there is no way in hell you're goanna make it
But you do
But all the time,
I'se been climbin' on
And reaching clouds
And banking hard
And sometimes goin on even when you got no fuel
Where there ain't been no charts
So, Boy don't you stop flying
Don't you set down that plane
Cause you can't get no break
Don't you crash now
For I'se still flying
I'se still soring
And life for me ain't been
no easy fligt
Keep flying
Adapted from largoton huges

5. I jump into the creek I am standing above and fall into a watery tunnel. I fall sliding along the tube it is
almost like a water slide. I fly through the open air only to land in the underground.
The place is almost like a den with roots and dirt hanging from the ceiling. At the very top there is a
small hole leading outside.
I am greeted by number of very blurry creatures a deer, a rabbit, a mouse and several others eventually
a small fox appears and nods his head at me.
Returning the nod I hop in and enjoy the ride. We run up the side of a tree fly through the air and slide
down some more tunnels. Dodging back and forth across the ground following small trails all over the
place dipping underground occasionally only to appear in an open field. The rather hectic ride continues.
I try to get him to return home at one point but I guess he has decided not to listen. We go around the
lip of a volcano through past a man in a house watching screens.
Then once more we continue are dips and dives underground. We run past some ants at one point.
Finally we head back to the den. I step out and pant heavily. In the middle of the chamber there is a
large column of dirt. There is also a giraffe for some reason.
The fox hands me a stone toad and I give him my hat. We stare at the giraffe then I head back up.

6. Who Am I?
I am a fox in the woods.
I am the wind in the trees.
I am the shadows that crawl through the forest.
I am the Arrow that flies in the distant past and the vessel that soars in the distant future.
I am here.

I am small and swift.
Light and fast.
Peaceful yet prepared for violence.

I am the fox in the woods.
I have been here a long time and will be for a long time coming.

7. Light and Dark
I stand and watch from the shadows
The man moves towards the girl
Once more the darkness comes
The man grabs the girl

I start to move from my place
Once more the light will follow
I kick him hard in the back knocking him to the ground
And the darkness will have no place left to hide

My partner shouts and raises his badge
The darkness will run
The man starts to struggle
But the light touches all
I roll him over
The light burns all
and drive my fist into his nose

8. in Gibson Park
I sit on my little island in Gibson park with my back against a tree and my small black laptop resting on
my legs.
The laptop feels out of place here as if it's an intruder in this strange land. I myself feel very much at
home as the warm sun shines down on me.
The woods around me are full of small sounds the birds chirping some bugs buzzing near my head. I
feels the need to run wild it seems so peaceful here I think it would be nice place to rest.
The teacher calls to us and it is time to leave maybe I will return here later maybe I will not but it was
time well spent
in Gibson Park

9. Battle of the void
The Titan shakes as its massive main gun sends a streak of light through the black abyss.
I see the light cleave through an opposing ship and continue on its path unaware of the damage it has
The opposing ships send their own light back towards us and a ship beside us is torn it two
Our sister ship The Longshot beside us opens fire releasing its fury against our enemy
I maneuver The Titan to a better position and continue our unending attack
I take a quick glance at the nearby sun that threatens to blind all who look at its glory for too long
Time slows down and I get a chance to think about this fight
This battle is over nothing
we are fighting in nothing
we are fighting for our own causes that amount to nothing
so why are we fighting
I look back towards the enemy and see light fly across the void
The Titan shakes again as another round destroys another ship
A friendly ship is hit and it explodes into a ball of flame
Thousands are now dead
I didn't know any of them
The only reason I consider the ship friendly is because it's on my side in a conflict none of us understand
I stare back at the sun which has been observing our battle
How many wars have you seen I think as a beam streaks past our ship vibrating it slightly
Our ship
Who's ship is it
I'm the Captain but I barley do anything other than shout at people and make decisions
The guy standing next to me is my first officer so it's not his ship
The guy down in engineering is a good bet but he reports to me
So it's my ship
But Why
Why are we here
What is our purpose
Who Am I
I stopped when I realised I didn't know

10. The Reason I lose Focus
The reason I lose focus is not because I can't stay focused continually but because it is a stress relief.
I see the world in hundreds of ways at the speed of light.
I understand things.
I plan things in advanced
I see what I could become or things I could never be but are wonderful all the same
I think some people would pay millions just to feel and see and understand the things I do
Even I just for a minute
Now when I say I'm thinking of stories
I really mean full lives
I feel there Triumphs and Failures
I feel their loves and losses
I feel their hope and their sorrow
And It is amazing
I get to live the lives of thousands
The lives of Heroes and Villains
Of Super soldiers and Mercenaries
Of Men with honor and Men with none
Of Werewolves and Monsters
Of Cyborgs and Robots
Of creatures beyond the comprehension of normal people
I get to strike fear into the hearts of evil
I get to talk and fight side by side with characters from books, movies and games
The Lives I live aren't other people to me they are me
I am the a hero
I am a soldier
I am the light and the dark
I am everything and nothing all at once
and I feel great
I see the world and all its glory and all its darkness

So when people ask me why I lose focus it's not because I don't care
Or I don't understand
Or I'm not Interested
It's because the world in my head is so much brighter than the one outside of it
Why would I just live my normal boring life when I can experience so much more
So I'm going to go enjoy the worlds I have created
I'm going to stay here and let my mind drift
Your welcome to join me
I don't mind the company

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