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Alec Gaxiola

Four years old, he was born on July 14, 2009. He is 40.5 in he weighs 41.61 lbs.
He has brown hair, brown eyes, light skin. Alec is very shy, talks little but he is
very involved in a lot of things we want him to participate in. Alec is funny,
learns quickly and plays with a lot of the kids. Alecs favorite activities are
that he loves the sand box, loves playing with plastic dinosaurs and plays with
our marbles. Alec does not have a favorite play mate because he plays with
everyone and gets along with all his classmates especially with his teachers. He
also watches other kids play and waits patiently for someone to invite him or
we tell him where to go. Alecs mother is named Gisela Villarreal and his dads
name is Bruno Gaxiola. I chose Alec because he was perfect to observe, with
being bilingual it gives me the chance to understand how the challenges would
be if I were in this situation where a kid understands little English and mixes
his words with Spanish.

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