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The New Plague Part 2: The Discovery


When we last left our heroes, Caine the Paladin, Dante the Blacksmith, Juliana
the Mage, and Wolfe the Archer, were heading to the fortress city of Solitude. They
had been moving for about two months and they knew they were close to the city.
This is where the story begins.

The city should be over the next rise, said Dante, who was getting excited,
then he said, Lets go! He proceeded to run ahead. Then Wolfe Said, Dont leave
the group Dante! He reached the crest of the hill and stopped. You guys are gonna
want to see this, like right NOW, Dante said urgently. The others moved forward
quickly and joined Dante. They were greeted by a terrible sight. The city of Solitude
was before them, and massed with zombies. They then fought there way to the city
gates which stood ajar. This was not a good sign, as if they needed a bad sign other
than the zombies. So they traveled once more unto the breach.

They agreed that they should go to the castle. Solitude was a tremendous city,
so getting to the castle was no quick and easy task. Caine led them toward the castle
through heavily infested streets. It was starting to get dark when Juliana said,
Maybe we should find shelter. I agree, Im almost out of arrows, said Wolfe.
Look theres a blacksmiths forge, said Dante. He gestured at a heavily fortified
building with a sign of a hammer and anvil hanging over the door, which stood open.
The group cautiously entered and killed the three zombies inside, before declaring
the building safe. Dante slept deeply at first while Wolfe kept watch, and then he
woke up, relieved Wolfe and took watch the rest of the night so he could fix the
teams weapons and make Wolfe more arrows. In the morning, Juliana found a
journal of the blacksmith. After reading it she told the others about how the zombie
plague started in Solitude and that the blacksmith had later discovered that the
necromancers were behind it. The group decided that they needed to stop the
necromancers in an attempt to destroy the zombies. When they left Dante had a sack
with him, but he wouldnt tell anyone what was inside.

They headed out to the castle and reached it by about mid-day. They entered
the outer ward, finding it swarmed with zombies. They decided to clear them out so
when they fought the necromancers, they wouldnt be able to call upon these
zombies for help. Upon engaging them they realized that they were much stronger
than the other zombies that they had fought. Seeing the fight going badly, Dante
decided to pull out his new toys from his sack. He pulled out an elegant sword and
gave it to Caine, and he told him I forged this out of a strange metal I found in the
shop. He then gave Juliana a pair of gauntlets and told her, These will focus and
magnify the power of your spells. Almost done, he gave Wolfe a quiver of arrows,
about to decline, Dante cut in and said, Watch where you shoot these, theyre highly
explosive and detonate on impact. After hearing that, Wolfe happily accepted the
arrows. Lastly he pulled an enormous hammer from the sack, thinking to himself
about how he enchanted the hammer to send zombies flying with each hit. With the
new equipment, the heroes easily defeated the zombies. They unknowingly fought
all afternoon and into the night, they decided to camp inside the outer ward, after
closing the gates of course.

So ends The New Plague Part 2: The Discovery, with our heroes on the front
door step of the necromancers, who created the zombie plague. Find out what
happens in the next story The New Plague Part 3: The Final Battle.

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