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on the
Think not that I am come
to destroy the a!" or the #ro#hets$
I am not come to destroy"
%&t to '&'i()
Matthe! *$+,
Amrita -o&ndation" Inc(
Second Printin2 +/03
4o#yri2ht" +/,/ %y Amrita -o&ndation" Inc(
P&%ished in U( S( A(
A Ri2hts Reser5ed
Internationa 4o#yri2hts
6i%rary o' 4on2ress 4atao2 N&m%er$ ,/7/+*8+
ISBN$ 17/8,+8971+7*
Printed in United States o' America
A Bi%ica :&otations ha5e %een taken 'rom the
;in2 <ames =ersion

Our One Father, we are traveling by many true paths unto Thy one abode of Light.
Show us the One Highway of ommon!reali"ation, where meet all by!paths of theologi#al
$a%e us feel that the diverse religions are bran#hes of Thy One Tree of Truth. &less
us, that we may en'oy the intuition!tested, ripe, lus#ious fruits of self!%nowledge, hanging
from all the bran#hes of manifold s#riptural tea#hings.
(n Thy One Temple of Silen#e, we are singing unto Thee a #horus of many!voi#ed
religions. Tea#h us to #hant in harmony our love)s many e*pressions unto Thee, that our
melody of souls may rouse Thee to brea% Thy vow of silen#e and lift us on Thy lap of
+niversal +nderstanding and (mmortality, that we may hear Thy Song)s refrain in all our
tender #hants to Thee.
>E.cer#ts 'rom the ori2ina +/3/ edition o' ?his#ers -rom Eternity@
Paramhansa Yo2ananda !as %orn on <an&ary *" +0/8 in Gorakh#&r in northeastern
India near the Himaaya Mo&ntains( -rom the eariest years o' his i'e" he on2ed to kno!
God" to taste the thirst7:&enchin2 !aters o' S#irit(
His search 'or the In'inite ed him to Sri Y&ktes!ar" his Prece#tor( Under the
2&idance o' this God7reaiBed teacher" he attained S&#reme ReaiBation and !as 2i5en the
re5ered tite o' Paramhansa
%y his Prece#tor in +/8*( Paramhansa Yo2ananda
%ro&2ht the s#ecia Techni:&es o' 4oncentration and Meditation to the ?estern ?ord"
inc&din2 ;riya Yo2a !hich is the scienti'ic method to acceerate the de5oteeAs s#irit&a
In addition to %rin2in2 the Techni:&es o' 4oncentration and Meditation to the ?est"
ParamhansaEiAs 2reat s#irit&a mission inc&ded im#artin2 his int&iti5ey7#ercei5ed
inter#retations o' the 4hristian Bi%e( Thro&2ho&t the te.t o' The Inter#retations o' The
Sermon on the $ount" Paramhansa Yo2ananda &ses ca#itaiBation to #ace em#hasis on a
s#eci'ic tr&th to aid the reader( In the instances !here there is red&ndancy o' materia" he
inc&des it %eca&se it reates and cari'ies the ne! materia introd&ced(
Paramhansa F iteray" #aram" hi2hestG hansa" s!an( The hansa is re#resented in scri#t&ra ore as the
5ehice o' Brahma" S&#reme S#iritG as the sym%o o' discrimination" the !hite hansa s!an is tho&2ht o' as
a%e to se#arate the tr&e soma nectar 'rom a mi.t&re o' mik and !ater(
,ogananda means &liss -ananda. through divine union -yoga./.
These s#irit&a inter#retations" recei5ed and inter#reted thro&2h 4hrist
4onscio&sness" are the methods !hich the Masters ha5e taken to sho! the !ord the
common" scienti'ic #at'orm o' int&iti5e #erce#tion" !here the 4hristian Bi%e" the Hind&
Bha2a5ad Gita" >Hind& Od and Ne! Testaments@" and tr&e Scri#t&res o' a tr&e rei2ions"
can 'ind &nity( The S#irit&a inter#retation o' the 4hristian Bi%e re5eas and i%erates the
Tr&th hidden in the dark ca5es o' theoretica and theoo2ica st&dies(
<es&s 4hrist !as cr&ci'ied once" %&t His 4hristian teachin2 has %een" and is no!
%ein2 cr&ci'ied %y i2norant #eo#e( The &nderstandin2 and a##ication o' these int&iti5ey7
#ercei5ed teachin2s are attem#tin2 to sho! ho! the 4hrist 4onscio&sness o' <es&s" 'ree
'rom theoo2ica cr&ci'i.ion" can %e %ro&2ht %ack a second time into the so&s o' men(
These s#irit&a inter#retations are %orn o' int&ition" and !i %e 'o&nd to %e
&ni5ersay tr&e i' they are meditated &#on !ith int&iti5e #erce#tion(
P&%isherAs NoteHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH((((((((((((H(HHHHHH(9
Pre'ace (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((*
The Uni5ersa 4hristHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH(((((((((((HH(HHHHH(((,
A Sacred Remem%ranceHHHHHHHHHHHHHH((((((((((((HHHHHH(((0
I The Beatit&des ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HHHH((((((((((((((HHHHH(((/
II Ye Are The Sat o' The Earth HHHHHHHHHH(((((((((((((HHH(+*
III O%ey the 6a!s ?hich Go5ern Tr&e 6i'e HH HHH(H(((((((((((((HHHH(+0
I= Be Ye Per'ect F
Seek God7ReaiBation HHHHHH((((((((((((((((((((HHH((((((((((((HHHH(3,
Prayer 'or S#irit&a De5eo#ment
The 6ordAs Prayer HHHHHHHHHH(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HHH(8+
= God and Mammon HHHHHHHHH(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HHHH(83
=I Remo5e I2norance -rom ?ithin O&rse5es HHHH(HH(((((((((((((HHH(80
=II The Tr&e Prece#tor is GodAs Messen2er 4eestia HHH((((((((((((HH((H(99
=III Em%race 4osmic ?isdom and Biss HHHHHHHHH((((((((((((((HHH(9I
&ut as many as re#eived him, to them gave he power to be#ome the sons of 0od./
-1ohn 2324.
As a sma c&# cannot hod an ocean !ithin it" no matter ho! !iin2 it may %e to do
so" ike!ise the c&# o' materia h&man conscio&sness cannot 2ras# the &ni5ersa 4hrist
4onscio&sness" no matter ho! desiro&s it is" %&t !hen the st&dent" %y the Praece#ta
method o' 4oncentration and Meditation" enar2es the cai%er o' his conscio&sness in a
atoms >4hrist 4onscio&sness@ !ithin his o!n( This is !hat is meant %y Jrecei5ed Him)(
Th&s" accordin2 to <es&s" a so&s !ho can act&ay 'ind their so&s one !ith 4hrist
4onscio&sness" %y int&iti5e Se'7ReaiBation" can %e caed the JSons o' God)(
A Scri#t&res" s&ch as the Bha2a5ad Gita" or the Hind& Bi%e" and the 4hristian
Bi%e" ha5e a three7'od meanin2( In other !ords" the Scri#t&res dea !ith three 'actors o'
h&man %ein2s" namey" the materia" the menta" and the s#irit&a( Hence" a tr&e
Scri#t&res ha5e %een so !ritten that they ser5e to %e %ene'icia to the %ody" mind" and so&
o' man( Tr&e Scri#t&res are ike the !es o' Di5ine !aters" !hich can :&ench the three7'od
materia" menta" and s#irit&a thirsts o' man( In addition" the Scri#t&res" in order to %e
!orth7!hie" sho&d reay he# the %&sinessman" the menta man" and the s#irit&a man(
Atho&2h %oth the materia and the #sychoo2ica inter#retations o' the Scri#t&res are
necessary" it sho&d %e remem%ered that the scri#t&ra a&thors &ndertook !ith 2reat #ains
to #oint o&t to man that the s#irit&a inter#retations are o' s&#reme im#ortance to him(
A materiay or inteect&ay s&ccess'& man may not %e tr&y" scienti'icay
s&ccess'& man !ho makes a #er'ect s&ccess o' i'eG !hereas" a s#irit&a man is the ha##y
Ja7ro&nd) man" !ho is heathy" inteect&a" contented" and tr&y #ros#ero&s" !ith a7
satis'yin2 !isdom( Since %y int&ition the s#irit&a a&thors 'irst so&2ht to make man #rimariy
s#irit&a" I 2i5e the s#irit&a inter#retation !ith the #sychoo2ica and materia inter#retations
inter!o5en( These inter#retations !i he# aike the s#irit&a as#irant" the inteect&a man"
and the %&sinessman(
These int&iti5ey7#ercei5ed s#irit&a inter#retations o' the !ords s#oken %y <es&s
4hrist are to %e st&died e5ery day conscientio&sy and meditated &#on %y tr&e 4hristian
and a tr&e de5otees o' God(
Uni5ersa 4hrist 4onscio&sness a##eared in the 5ehice o' <es&s" and no! thro&2h
the s#eci'ic techni:&es o' concentration and meditation as ta&2ht in the ori2ina Praece#ta
6essons" and these int&itionay7recei5ed inter#retations o' the Scri#t&res" the 4hrist
4onscio&sness is comin2 a second time to mani'est thro&2h the conscio&sness o' e5ery
tr&e de5otee o' God(
Initiay the or2aniBationa name and the !ritten teachin2s in America o' Paramhansa Yo2ananda !ere
kno!n as Yo2oda Sat7San2a Society and Yo2oda 4o&rse" res#ecti5ey( He ater enar2ed his !ritten
teachin2s and chan2ed the name o' them to the Praece#ta( The Techni:&es o' 4oncentration and Meditation
and ;riya Yo2a as ta&2ht in the ori2ina Praece#ta 6essons are a5aia%e 'rom Amrita -o&ndation" Inc(
?hen Paramhansa Yo2ananda %e2an !ritin2 his int&iti5ey7#ercei5ed
inter#retations o' the sayin2s o' <es&s" he #rayed 'or 4hrist to 2&ide him in di5inin2 the tr&e
meanin2 in his !ords(
ParamhansaEi !as %essed !ith the #resence and 5ision o' <es&s 4hrist many times
d&rin2 his i'e( On one s&ch occasion" in ater years" he asked a :&estion o' <es&s
#ertainin2 to these !ritin2s(
It !as a time o' sient #rayer and his room %ecame 'ied !ith an o#a7%&e i2ht" and
4hrist a##eared F radiant and a%o&t him a 2o! o' 2oden i2ht( 6ookin2 into his
!ondro&sy %ea&ti'& eyes" he asked 4hrist i' he had #eased him in the !ay he had
inter#reted his teachin2s(
At once a 4haice a##eared at 4hristAs i#s" and then came o5er to to&ch his o!n"
and 4hrist ans!ered$
,our lips have 5uaffed the same L(6(70 89T:;S from whi#h ( drin%./
?ords o' matchess ass&ranceK This hoy res#onse !as sacredy cherished !ithin
his heart(
9nd seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain< and when he was set, his
dis#iples #ame unto him< and he opened his mouth, and taught them./
>$atthew =32!4@
<es&s a5oided m&tit&des %eca&se" in a 5ast &nmana2ea%e cro!d" there is 5ery
itte e.chan2e o' s#irit&aity %et!een the Master and his disci#es( <es&s #re'erred one
seekin2 so& to a cro!d o' merey c&rio&s #ersons" and so He !as seekin2 cro!ds o'
So&s and not noisy cro!ds !itho&t So&s(
Those #eo#e !ho can mana2e to meditate on a mo&ntain to# 'ind it 5ery :&iet" and
'ree 'rom noise and the 5a#ors o' the city( A hi2h ee5ation %rin2s the meditator
to a rare'ied atmos#here !hich is 'ree 'rom 2ross 2ases( On a mo&ntain to# the #hysica
and Astra %odies o' man %ecome adE&sted and de#endent &#on a 'iner atmos#here than
the 2ross atmos#here o' the 5aey(
JHe o#ened His mo&th and ta&2ht them) means that d&rin2 His teachin2" <es&s et
oose some o' His 6i'e -orce and 5i%ration o5er the disci#es" so that they %ecame cam
and ma2netiBed to recei5e His 5i%ration #er'ecty(
&lessed are the poor in spirit3 for their>s is the %ingdom of heaven./
-$atthew =3?.
The !ord JBessed) comes 'rom Biss" !hich is e5er7ne!" e5erastin2 Eoy" ne5er
2ro!in2 stae ike short7astin2 h&man ha##iness( Here the !ord J#oor) si2ni'ies !antin2 in
ee2ance" or marks o' S#irit&a !eath( Those !ho ha5e 5ast s#irit&aity ne5er make a
dis#ay o' it( Those !ho a##ear to %e #o5erty7stricken in s#irit or those !ho shed a desire
'or materia o%Eects" earthy #ossessions" m&ndane 'riends" and h&man o5e !i %e rich
!ith the e5erastin2 ;in2dom o' ?isdom and Biss !here God and the Saints d!e in
constant comm&nion !ith them( Peo#e !ho are materiay rich may ha5e no inner S#irit&a
de5eo#ment" and those !ho are materiay #oor %y choice may %e s#irit&ay rich( To %e
#oor in s#irit does not mean that yo& ha5e to %e a #a&#er" %&t it certainy means that yo&
m&st not think o' materia ac:&isitions as a state o' S#irit&a o#&ence(
?hen the s#irit o' man mentay reno&nces >that is" %ecomes #oor@ a desires 'or
o%Eects o' this !ord" kno!in2 them to %e i&sory" #erisha%e" miseadin2" and &n%ecomin2
to the so&" then man %e2ins to 'ind %iss in ac:&irin2 astin2 inner :&aities( The materiay
#oor so&" a'ter o%tainin2 many astin2 so& :&aities o' e5er7ne! %iss and !isdom"
&timatey inherits the ost ;in2dom o' Immortaity and Hea5eny Biss(
&lessed are they that mourn3 for they shall be #omforted./
-$atthew =3@.
Ordinary s&''erin2 'rom oss o' materia #ossessions and 'rom &n'&'ied earthy
ho#es eads to sorro!" !hich is 5ery detrimenta to the retention o' S#irit&a Biss o%tained
%y stren&o&s e''orts(
Materia sorro! eci#ses and %&ries menta" #hysica" and S#irit&a ha##iness" %&t
mo&rnin2 or dee# sorro! d&e to se#aration 'rom Tr&th" or God" creates in one the
insatia%e desire to make the 2reatest e''ort to contact God directy( Those !ho reay
mo&rn and !ai 'or God and Tr&th incessanty" !ith e5er7increasin2 Bea" sha 'ind com'ort
d&e to the re5eain2 o' ?isdom7Biss sent to them %y God( It is the na&2hty %a%y !ho cries
contin&o&sy 'or S#irit&a kno!ed2e !ho attracts the attention o' the Di5ine Mother and
!ho is com'orted %y Her ?isdom re5eaed thro&2h int&ition or %y the re5eation o' Her o!n
Those !ho on2 'or materia thin2s" and 2et them" !i ha5e to mo&rn a2ain !hen a
o' them are taken a!ay at the time o' death( B&t those !ho on2 'or Tr&th and God !i %e
'ore5er com'orted a'ter recei5in2 the e5er7Eoyo&s Di5inity(
&lessed are the mee%3 for they shall inherit the earth./
-$atthew =3=.
Bessed are the ones !ho are meek and h&m%e in s#irit" 'or h&m%eness and
meekness create in them a %ottomess rece#tace o' reci#iency to hod a Tr&th( A stone7
hard" #ro&d indi5id&a ros do!n the hi o' i2norance and 2athers no moss o' !isdom"
!hie the meek so&s in the 5aey o' ea2er menta readiness 2ather the !aters o' !isdom
comin2 'rom a h&man and Di5ine so&rces( The #ro&d man #re5ents a Tr&th 'rom
enterin2 thro&2h the caste o' his so&( Those !ho 2ather !isdom in the 5aey o' their
so&s inherit the earth" that is" !isdom and earthy ha##iness" aon2 !ith it(
&lessed are they whi#h do hunger and thirst after righteousness3 for they shall be
-$atthew =3A.
Those #eo#e recei5e the e5er7ne! Biss o' God !ho 'ee a 2reat thirst and h&n2er
'or doin2 ony the s&#reme d&ties o' i'e( Ri2hteo&sness means to #ossess the :&aity o'
doin2 ony the ri2ht thin2 in a #hysica" menta" and S#irit&a de#artments o' i'e( Thirst is
satis'ied !ith i:&ids and h&n2er is satis'ied %y soid 'ood( These t!o !ords" Jthirst and
h&n2er") are a##ied here in connection !ith S#irit&a matters( A so& m&st 'irst ha5e thirst
'or the theoretica kno!ed2e o' the techni:&e o' sa5ation( A'ter that" !hen his thirst 'or the
techni:&e o' sa5ation is satis'ied" he %e2ins to satis'y his constant h&n2er 'or Tr&th %y
s!ao!in2 the Di5ine manna" or daiy S#irit&a #erce#tion res&tin2 'rom meditation( Those
!ho are thirsty and h&n2ry 'or materia thin2s 'ind that their thirst o' desires is ne5er
:&enched" nor is their h&n2er 'or materia #ossessions e5er satis'ied(
The so&Ls desire or thirst and h&n2er 'or God can ony %e ae5iated %y attainin2
immortaity and the im#erisha%e state o' Di5inity( B&t !hen the so& 'ooishy tries to
:&ench its thirst !ith the s&%stit&tes o' sense7ha##iness" it ho#s 'rom one sense7#eas&re
to another" &timatey reEectin2 them a as inade:&ate 'or :&enchin2 its so&7thirst( Sense7
#eas&res can ne5er 'i or satis'y the so&( Ony the attainment o' the ri2ht thin2s 'or the
so&" s&ch as immortaity" 5irt&e" %iss" ri2ht %eha5ior" and so on" can 'i or satis'y the so&(
&lessed are the mer#iful3 for they shall obtain mer#y./
-$atthew =3B.
Mercy is a sort o' 'athery heartache 'or the de'iciency in chid so&s( The !ise aone
can %e reay merci'&" 'or they ook &#on a !ron27doers as chidren !ho deser5e
sym#athy" 'or2i5eness" he#" and 2&idance( Mercy is &seess &ness the 'athery heartache
mets and e.#resses itse' in o''erin2 'or2i5eness and act&a s#irit&a he# in eiminatin2 the
error in an indi5id&a( The moray !eak %&t !iin27to7%e 2ood" the rea sinner" >the 2reatest
trans2ressor a2ainst his o!n ha##iness@ and the s#irit&ay i2norant" sho&d o%tain merci'&
he# 'rom the !ise( Besides these" the #hysicay decre#it and the mentay and s#irit&ay
!eak a need merci'& he# 'rom so&s that are ca#a%e o' renderin2 merci'& he#(
Mercy denotes the ca#acity 'or %ein2 he#'&( There'ore" ony de5eo#ed or :&ai'ied
so&s can %e #racticay and merci'&y &se'&( So&s !ho contin&o&sy de5eo# themse5es
in e5ery !ay and merci'&y 'ee the ack o' a7ro&nd de5eo#ment in others" s&rey !i met
the heart o' God !ith com#assionate sym#athy and o%tain His &nendin2 and he#'&
mercy( In other !ords" yo& m&st %e merci'& to yo&rse' %y makin2 yo&rse' s#irit&ay
:&ai'ied" and m&st aso %e merci'& to other de&ded chidren o' God i' yo& !ant to recei5e
di5ine mercy(
&lessed are the pure in heart3 for they shall see 0od./
-$atthew =3C.
P&rity o' the inteect 2i5es one the #o!er o' correct reasonin2" %&t #&rity o' the heart
2i5es one the contact o' God( O' co&rse" #&re !isdom and di5ine &nderstandin2 are
identica( Inteect&aity is a :&aity o' the #o!er o' reason" and !isdom is the redeemin2
:&aity o' the so&( Inteect&aity is con'ined to de5eo#in2 the #o!er o' h&man reason"
!hich can inter#ret the data o''ered %y the senses( ?isdom si2ni'ies the a7seein2 #o!er
o' the so&" !hich not ony tr&y inter#rets #henomena as #resented %y the senses" %&t
inter#rets the #ne&mena" the s&%stance or ca&se" !hich ies screened %ehind the 5ision o'
the senses(
P&rity si2ni'ies !isdom72&ided actions or the adE&stin2 o' h&man actions to the
sacred so& :&aities o' o5e" mercy" ser5ice" se'7contro" se'7disci#ine" conscience" and
The #&re7eyed :&aity o' !isdom m&st %e com%ined !ith the 'eein2 o' the heart(
?isdom sho!s the ri2hteo&s #ath and the heart desires and o5es to 'oo! that #ath( That
is" a !isdom72&ided #&re :&aities m&st %e !hoe7heartedy >not inteect&ay or
theoreticay@ 'oo!ed(
A'ter attainin2 #&rity and !isdom" one can #ercei5e God !ho is a com%ination o'
s&#reme !isdom and s&#reme o5e( ?hen #&re !isdom is com%ined !ith #&re di5ine o5e
'or a Bein2s" then one can see or %ecome One !ith God( Physicay !e see thro&2h o&r
eyes" %&t s#irit&a seein2 is #er'ormed %y the a7seein2" a7'eein2 eyes o' int&ition( ?hen
oneLs heart and so& are 'ied !ith !isdom and di5ine o5e" then int&ition de5eo#s( This
de5eo#ed int&ition re5eas to the tr&e de5otee the tr&e God as the &nion o' !isdom and
di5ine o5e(
&lessed are the pea#ema%ers3 for they shall be #alled the #hildren of 0od./
-$atthew =3D.
Those !ho make #eace in the 'actory o' meditation are the chidren o' God( He is
the 'irst7%orn7#eace in the Tem#e o' Sience( God is the 'irst #eace 'et in meditation( God
'irst mani'ests Himse' as #eace to one !ho meditates( Hence" those !ho re2&ary
meditate are the makers or !orshi##ers o' Peace7God" and there'ore" they are His tr&e
chidren( Those !ho !orshi# God as the #eace o' meditation are the ones !ho tr&y kno!
and 'ee the nat&re o' God(
S&ch de5otees" !ho 'ee God as #eace" a!ays !ant the Peace7God to %e mani'est
in their home" in society" in the nei2h%orhood" in the nation" and in a nationaities and
races( So" anyone !ho %rin2s #eace to an inharmonio&s 'amiy has esta%ished God there(
Anyone !ho remo5es the mis&nderstandin2 %et!een so&s has &nited them in GodLs
#eace( Anyone !ho" 'orsakin2 nationa 2reed and se'ishness" !orks to esta%ish #eace
amidst !arrin2 nations" is esta%ishin2 God in the heart o' nations( Anyone !ho stirs &#
stri'e amon2 %rother nations &nder the 2&ise o' #atriotism is a traitor F a 'aithess chid o'
God( Anyone !ho kee#s 'amiy mem%ers" nei2h%ors" and 'riends 'i2htin2 thro&2h 'osterin2
'asehoods and 2ossi#" is aso a maker o' dist&r%ance and he#s to o&st God 'rom the
tem#e o' harmony(
&lessed are they whi#h are perse#uted for righteousness> sa%e3 for their>s is the
%ingdom of heaven./
-$atthew =32E.
The %iss o' God !i 5isit those so&s !ho et themse5es &nder2o the tort&re o' the
'ase criticism o' so7caed 'riends 'or doin2 !hat is ri2ht" &nin'&enced %y !ron2 c&stoms or
socia ha%its( Do not drink %eca&se yo& ha##ened to %e at a cocktai #arty( I' #eo#e ca
yo& craBy 'or actin2 ri2ht in not drinkin2" reEoice" 'or thro&2h se'7contro yo& !i attain %iss
and #er'ection(
Hodin2 on to yo&r s#irit&a %eie's" e5en i' yo& ha5e to ose yo&r %ody" as did the
martyrs o' yore" is admira%e" 'or yo& !i inherit the immorta %iss'& ;in2dom o' God( A
so& !ho rein:&ishes a materia desires and cheer'&y stands the ridic&e o' short7si2hted
'riends" demonstrates that he is 'it 'or the &nendin2 %iss o' God( ?ordy #eo#e #re'er
sense7#eas&re to the &nendin2 %iss o' God" and that is !hy they are 'ooish or
&nri2hteo&s( They do not kno! !hat is ri2hteo&s or 2ood 'or them( The tr&e de5otee is
ri2hteo&s" 'or he kno!s that to contact GodLs &nendin2 %iss is ri2ht and 2ood 'or himse' in
the hi2hest sense(
The a%o5e #assa2e aso means that those so&s !ho are #ersec&ted and tort&red
%y the tem#tations o' the senses and %y %ad ha%its in order to cin2 to the #eace and
#o!er in se'7contro and to the ha##iness o' meditation" are ri2hteo&s" 'or they are
'oo!in2 the ri2ht !ay !hich eads to the de'eat o' the senses and %rin2s the ;in2dom o'
&nendin2 %iss to the 5ictorio&s(
No matter ho! #o!er'& are the tem#tations o' sense ind&2ence" and ho! stron2
are %ad ha%its" yo& m&st resist them !ith the !isdom72&ided #o!er o' se'7contro( Those
!ho resist tem#tation" %&t are not con5inced that tem#tation #romises ony a itte #eas&re"
and a!ays 2i5es sorro!" and that tem#tation is not the thin2 to ind&2e in" t&rn into
hy#ocrites and &timatey s&cc&m% to the !ies o' tem#tation( ?hen tem#ted" yo& m&st
kno! that tem#tation is #oisoned honey and that God is the honey o' immortaity seaed in
mystery( Those !ho meditate %reak the mystery sea and drink the honey o' immortaity(
Hea5en is that state o' transcendenta" omni#resent Eoy !here no sorro!s e5er dare
to tread( By 'oo!in2 contin&o&s 2ood actions" so&s &timatey reach that %eati'ic state o'
%iss 'rom !hich there is no 'a( Ony #eo#e !ho are not 'i.ed in meditation si# and 'a
'rom this state o' ha##iness(
Hea5en is termed a kin2dom %eca&se each de5otee" 2ainin2 that state o' cosmic
%iss" %ecomes one !ith the ;in2 o' Hea5eny Biss" or God( That kin2dom o' 4osmic
4onscio&sness is o!ned %y the ;in2" God" or %y any ee5ated so& !ho %ecomes one !ith
God( The so& !ho mer2es himse' !ith God 'ees the cosmic %iss o' %ein2 one !ith God(
Hence" any de5otee !ho as#ires to o!n the ;in2dom o' Hea5en" m&st &nite his e2o !ith
God and %ecome the ;in2 o' the Uni5erse(
&lessed are ye, when men shall revile you and perse#ute you and shall say all
manner of evil against you falsely, for my sa%e. ;e'oi#e and be e*#eeding glad3 for great is
your reward in heaven3 for so perse#uted they the prophets whi#h were before you./
-$atthew =322!24.
The a%o5e does not mean that one has to create a %and o' re5iers or #ersec&tors in
order to reach the ;in2dom o' Hea5en( It si2ni'ies that" i' it so ha##ens that" in the co&rse
o' yo&r s#irit&a i5in2" yo& 'ind that materiay7minded #eo#e #ersec&te yo& 'or yo&r 5irt&e"
and yo& can #ass thro&2h that test cheer'&y !itho&t yiedin2 to their !ron2 !ays" then yo&
!i 'ind the %iss comin2 'rom God and the ha##iness that res&ts 'rom cin2in2 to the tr&e
%iss7yiedin2 ha%its( I' #eo#e criticiBe yo& 'or yo&r !ron2 actions" e5en tho&2h yo& are
o&t!ardy 2ood" do not 'atter yo&rse' that yo&r are %ein2 #ersec&ted 'or GodLs sake( It is
ony !hen #eo#e ca yo& e5i" !hen yo& kno! that yo& are 2ood" and !hen they say that
yo& are !ron2 !hen yo& kno! that yo& are ri2ht" that yo& m&st not %e sorro!'&" %&t
reEoice( Yo& m&st retain the Eoy o' meditation i' yo& are ri2ht" in s#ite o' #raise or %ame
'rom #eo#e(
I' yo& !ant to sto# 2oin2 to the mo5ies too many times" or to 'ore2o ide tak !ith
yo&r reati5es and nei2h%ors" in order to #reser5e and maintain the ac:&ired #eace o'
meditation and th&s %e s&%Eect to their criticism 'or not !astin2 yo&r time as they do" then
reEoice" 'or yo& !i" thro&2h adherence to di5ine ha%its o' %iss" &timatey inherit the
kin2dom o' &nendin2 %iss(
JTo %e #ersec&ted 'or my nameLs sake) si2ni'ies %ein2 criticiBed 'or maintainin2 the
'eein2 o' %iss res&tin2 'rom meditation( God is %iss and His 'irst mani'estation to the
de5otee is %iss in the tem#e o' meditation(
Bein2 re!arded in Hea5en si2ni'ies the state o' eterna %iss 'et in sta%iiBin2 the
state o' #eace res&tin2 'rom meditation( The man !ho 2i5es &# meditatin2 %eca&se o' the
criticism o' his nei2h%ors" reati5es" or so7caed 'riends" oses the contact o' hea5eny %iss(
Those !ho can retain their state o' %iss" ac:&ired %y meditation" are do&%y re!arded" d&e
to the sta%iity o' %iss increasin2 to 2reater %iss( This is the #sychoo2ica re!ard res&tin2
'rom the sta%iiBation o' the ha%it o' enEoyin2 the %iss o' meditation( I' anyone can %ecome
'i.ed in %iss" accordin2 to the a! o' ha%it" he !i %e re!arded !ith contin&o&s %iss(
Hea5en is not ony a state o' %iss 'et in this i'eG is it aso an a'terdeath state in
!hich e5er7ne! Eoy is 'et in the immortaiBed so&(
4om#etey redeemed so&s are those !ho do not ha5e any morta desires in their
hearts !hen they ea5e the shores o' the earth( These are the so&s !ho" %y o5ercomin2
morta desires" %ecome #ermanenty ' as #iars in the mansion o' 4osmic
4onscio&sness" and ne5er 2o o&t a2ain or %ecome reincarnated on the earth #ane &ness
they do so !iin2y in order to %rin2 earth7%o&nd so&s %ack to the mansion o' God(
Him that over#ometh will ( ma%e a pillar in the temple of my 0od, and he shall go
no more out./ -;ev. ?324.
Besides many others" Hea5en is aso the and o' astra i2ht" !here atomic %ossoms
%oom in the 2arden o' ether and !here ha'7redeemed so&s stay to enEoy the s&#erior Eoys
o' astra i'e" and then" a'ter the res&ts o' their 2ood astra actions >karma@ are !orked o&t"
they are sent %ack to the earth thro&2h reincarnation( In the astra !ord" the cimate"
atmos#here" 'ood" and #eo#e are made o' di''erent 5i%rations o' i2ht and are e.tremey
%ea&ti'& and m&ch more re'ined than the cr&dities o' the earth( A '&rnishin2s" #ro#erties"
cimatic conditions" and trans#ortation" are %ro&2ht a%o&t %y the !i #o!er materiaiBin2 or
demateriaiBin2 eectro7atomic 6i'e -orce(
Partiay ri2hteo&s #eo#e" !ho 'i2ht tem#tation on earth" are ao!ed" a'ter death" to
2o to this semi7#ermanent a%ode o' Astra Hea5en" !here many ha'7an2es and ha'7
redeemed so&s carry on a s&#erior" %&t simiar" i'e to that on earth" deain2 entirey !ith
5i%rations and ener2y" %&t !ith no soids" i:&ids" or 2aseo&s s&%stances" s&ch as ha5e to
%e enco&ntered d&rin2 the earthy soEo&rn(
J-or 2reat is yo&r re!ard in Hea5en") si2ni'ies that i' yo& #er'orm 2ood actions on
earth" yo& !i rea# their 'r&its either on earth !hie i5in2" or in Hea5en a'ter death(
Accordin2 to the testimony o' <es&s" it is distincty e5ident that i'e is contin&o&s a'ter
death( In order to rea# a re!ard 'or an earthy 2ood action in Hea5en" the 2ood so& m&st
s&%sist a'ter death(
Pro#hets are so&s !ho are anchored in Tr&th" !ho try to ead #eo#e to s#irit&a
!ays %y their e.em#ary cond&ct( The #ro#hetic state in5o5es com#ete &nion !ith God(
Pro#hets come on earth to decare God in the mysterio&s s#irit&a !ay( They are &s&ay
e.traordinary re'ormers !ho come on earth at the command o' God to sho! e.traordinary
s#irit&a to mankind( They demonstrate the #o!er and s&#er in'&ence o' o5e
o5er hate %y 2ettin2 themse5es martyred( Pro#hets re'&se to 2i5e o&t their Tr&ths E&st
%eca&se o' #ersec&tion and they re'&se to hate their #ersec&tors( They demonstrate and
retain the a7'or2i5in2 o5e o' God e5en !hen se5erey tort&red #hysicay and mentay"
thro&2h dishonor or 'ase acc&sations(
,e are the salt of the earth3 but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be
saltedF (t is then#eforth good for nothing, but to be #ast out, and to be trodden under foot
of men. ,e are the light of the world./
>Matthe! =32?!2@@
The a%o5e si2ni'ies that h&man so&s are the most im#ortant o' a earthy creat&res"
as sodi&m chorides is the most im#ortant sat 'or :&ein2 the thirst in desert tra5es( In the
Orient" d&rin2 desert tra5e" #eo#e carry ar2e #ieces o' rock sat" !hich they ick d&rin2
the e.treme heat o' the desert in order to :&ench their thirst d&rin2 the shorta2e o' !ater( I'
any%ody shares that i'e72i5in2 sat !ith another" one s#eaks o' him as ha5in2 Jeaten his
sat") that is" shared his hi2hest con'idence( Besides" sat 2i5es 'a5or to a 'ood( -or most
h&man %ein2s" earthy i'e !o&d %e tasteess !itho&t it( Simiary" man himse' is the Jsat
o' the earth") 'or amon2 a creat&res the h&man %ein2 has the hi2hest ca#acity 'or doin2
2ood to others( There'ore h&man %ein2s are the sat o' the earth(
<es&s says that i' sat oses its sa5or it cannot %e &sed in anythin2" nor can its
:&aity %e re5i5edG there'ore" it m&st %e thro!n a!ay( So" #eo#e !ho are made in the
ima2e o' God" i' they desecrate that ima2e thro&2h i2norant i5in2" ose their essentia
:&aity o' %ein2 so&s" and th&s cease to %e the sat o' the earth" or cease to %e the most
ser5icea%e Bein2s on earth( Uns#irit&a so&s ao! themse5es to %e do!n7trodden %y the
'eet o' &seessness and death(
JYe are the i2ht o' the !ord") si2ni'ies that h&man %ein2s make this earth &mino&s
%y their #resence( I' the stars and the moon shone on this earth and the %eak mo&ntains
ke#t themse5es decorated !ith si5er #eaks" %&t" i' no man i5ed to a##reciate them" they
!o&d %e in the #er#et&a darkness o' o%i5ion( I' %ossoms !aited and 'aded !itho&t the
2aBe o' so&s &red %y their 'ra2rance" e5er enterin2 their #eta doors" !ho !o&d kno! the
%ea&ty o' 'o!ersM Not the hard7hearted mo&ntains nor the %rainess skies" %&t ony so&s
!ho" %y the i2ht o' their conscio&sness" re5ea the %ea&ty o' Nat&re and God( ?itho&t the
i2ht o' h&man conscio&sness the star and moon7decked ni2ht" and the ocean" the
scenery" and the s&n7decked day" !o&d i5e in the !om% o' dark aeons(
It is the i2ht o' h&man conscio&sness that re5eas the e.istence o' Nat&re" !ord"
and God( Hence" man is the i2ht o' the !ord( No other i5in2 creat&re" e.ce#t man" is
endo!ed !ith the a7re5eain2 am# o' h&man conscio&sness(
9 #ity that is set on a hill #annot be hid. 7either do men light a #andle, and put it
under a bushel, but on a #andlesti#%3 and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let
your light so shine before men, that they may see your good wor%s, and glorify your Father
whi#h is in heaven./
-$atthew =32@!2A.
<&st as i2hted candes are meant to %e #&t on candesticks" so that they may 2i5e
i2ht in the ho&se" and not %e co5ered &# %y %&she %askets" so aso" so&s are i2hted !ith
the ima2e o' God" not to %e enshro&ded %y i2norance" &seessness" materiaity" and death"
%&t that they may" !ith the i2ht o' !isdom and 2oodness" %rin2 heain2 to s#irit&ay
diseased so&s( E5i eci#ses the i2ht o' the so&( As the 'ame o' a cande is e.tin2&ished
%y ack o' o.y2en" so a so& oses its &ster !itho&t the 5itaity o' 2oodness( Good so&s
m&st not remain hidden" as e.#ressed in GrayLs JEe2y) 77 J-& many a 'o!er is %orn to
%&sh &nseen" and !aste its s!eetness on the desert air() They o&2ht to mani'est their
2ood actions amon2 men" so that dark so&s may %e i&mined( Good so&s shine !ith the
in5isi%e 6i2ht o' God( Good so&s make the in5isi%e 6i2ht o' GodLs 2oodness 5isi%e in
their hearts and actions" and 2ood so&s decare the #resence o' God and act ike s#irit&a
%eacons to ead stray so&s %ack to the mansion o' God(
The -ather is hidden %ehind the etheric !as o' hea5en and coistered in the
in5isi%e caste o' 4osmic 4onscio&sness" and He comes o&t o' His secret #ace ony into
the tem#e o' i&mined so&s( It is the i2ht o' 2oodness in ad5anced so&s !hich re5eas
and decares the 2ory o' the hidden -ather( God is o&r -ather %eca&se He is the 4reator
o' a 2oodness" o&r S&#reme soe ori2inator and #rotector(
Thin% not that ( #ome to destroy the law or the prophets3 ( am not #ome to destroy,
but to fulfil. For verily ( say unto you, till heaven and earth shall pass, one 'ot or one tittle
shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled./
-$atthew =32B!2C.
4ommercia #riest7cra't o'ten merchandises rei2ion and distorts its #rinci#es( Great
saints are %orn to e.#ose those distortions and to %rin2 o&t the #rinci#es o' tr&th !hich are
&ni5ersay tr&e and &se'& 'or a times F #resent" #ast" and '&t&re( B&t the commercia
#riests" a'raid that their trade in rei2ion !i %e h&rt" a!ays condemn the actions o' tr&e
re'ormers as hi2hy irrei2io&s" &nscri#t&ra and %as#hemo&s(
-orestain2 this resistance and acc&sation 'rom &nscr&#&o&s Pharisees" <es&s
so&nded a note o' !arnin2 to His 'oo!ers and em#haticay said$ JRemem%er ye" chidren"
I came not to destroy the &ni5ersa a! o' ri2hteo&sness" nor the e5er7tr&e teachin2s o' the
#ro#hets" %&t I came to revive them()
<es&s came to sho! the di''erence %et!een the tr&e" eterna #rinci#es o' rei2ion
and the distorted c&stoms o' rei2ion( Rei2io&s c&stoms are an aoy o' #artia rei2io&s
#rinci#e and the !eaknesses o' h&man character(
Priests" !ho cannot 'oo! the strict rei2io&s #rinci#es" o'ten modi'y them to s&it
their !eaknesses and their acc&sin2 conscience( The #rinci#es o' i'e and ideas sho&d
ne5er %e dra22ed do!n to meet &s e5en i' !e cannot reach their hei2ht( ?e sho&d
ackno!ed2e o&r ina%iity to 'oo! the #rinci#es instead o' o!erin2 the sanctity o' the
ideas that 2o5ern o&r i5es(
<es&s said that matter and #anetary mani'estations" inc&din2 the earth" !ere the
condensed mind and ener2y o' God$ JThe !ord !as made 'esh and d!et amon2 &s") that
is" the 5i%ratory #o!er o' tho&2ht and ener2y !ere condensed into the earth sha#e( GodLs
tho&2ht a%o&t creatin2 an earth !as im#re2nated !ith His !i and ener2y and !as
:&ickened and materiaiBed into the 2rosser 5i%ration o' earth or matter(
Hea5en consists o' the &ni5erse o' rays" atoms" eectrons" and i2hts !hich d!e
%ehind the ether and %eyond the imited #o!er o' 5isi%iity o' the h&man eyes( Both earth
and Hea5en are 2ross and astra motion #ict&res o' the earthy and astra i'e #ayed on the
screen o' h&man and so& conscio&sness(
<es&s said that a these Hea5eny and earthy motion #ict&res ha5e one #&r#ose"
that is" to '&'i e5ery %it o' the a! o' ri2hteo&sness as intended %y God and His tr&e
de5otees( <es&s em#hasiBed that &nti a the a!s o' ri2hteo&sness in a their detais are
'&'ied" hea5en and earth" !ith a their imitations" !i 2o on e.istin2( Hea5en and earth
are made mani'est in order to !ork o&t a o' the di5ine a!s o' ri2hteo&sness in its entirety"
then it !i not %e necessary 'or them to any on2er" %&t" %ein2 #er'ect" they !i %e
a%sor%ed into the %osom o' God( Hea5en and earth are 'i2htin2 im#er'ection and are
e.istin2 to mani'est the #er'ect a!s o' God( And hea5en and earth !i ne5er %e a%sor%ed
into God &nti the a! o' idea i5in2 and a its a&.iiary a!s are '&'ied in the earthy and
di5ine i5in2 o' men and astra Bein2s(

8hosoever therefore shall brea% one of these least #ommandments, and shall tea#h
men so, he shall be #alled the least in the %ingdom of heaven3 but whosoever shall do and
tea#h them, the same shall be #alled great in the %ingdom of heaven. For ( say unto you,
That e*#ept your righteousness shall e*#eed the righteousness of the s#ribes and
Gharisees, ye shall in no #ase enter into the %ingdom of heaven./
>Matthe! =32D!4E@
?hosoe5er does not i5e the i'e o' tr&th in a its detais" %&t !ho %reaks one o' the
east tr&ths commanded 'rom !ithin %y the 5oice o' conscience and int&ition" sha not %e
re2arded hi2hy accordin2 to the standards o' God7kno!n men( The 2reatest in the
;in2dom o' God are those !ho are enEoyin2 4osmic 4onscio&sness( S&ch so&s o%ey the
2reatest and the east a!s !hich 2o5ern tr&e i'e(
Those !ho i5e accordin2 to the hi2hest and the east a!s o' tr&th in their o!n i5es"
and !ho teach them %oth 5ocay and s#eciay %y the o' their i5es" are
considered hi2h %y those !ho are 2raced !ith 4osmic 4onscio&sness( The ;in2dom o'
Hea5en is not a and r&ed %y an a&tocratic di5ine kin2( It is a state o' 4osmic
4onscio&sness" in !hich a d&aities are a%oished" and the conscio&sness o' the One
6o5in2 ;in2" -ather" God" rei2ns on the throne o' a s#ace(
Tho&2h there is no essentia di''erence %et!een so&s !ho ha5e com#etey attained
the state o' 4osmic 4onscio&sness" yet there are 5ario&s 2rades o' saints e5en amon2
those !ho ha5e contacted God( The 'irst contact o' God may %rin2 to a de5otee 2reat
%essin2 and &nderstandin2" %&t that does not o%iterate a o' the e''ects o' #ast actions(
?ith contin&o&s e.#erience o' GodLs contact" incarnations o' stored &# e''ects o' actions
are 2rad&ay roasted o&t( The time necessary 'or the roastin2 #rocess determined the
de2ree o' 2reatness or the :&aity o' saints(
Those !ho ha5e contacted God" and !ho yet %reak the east mandatory tr&ths" and
teach men the #ath o' sa5ation" are caed the east !hen 5ie!ed 'rom the hi2hest s#irit&a
standard( B&t those !ho #ractice a the com#&sory s#irit&a a!s reatin2 to saintiness"
and teach #eo#e to do the same %y their i5in2" are caed the 2reatest %y those
!ho i5e in the one s&#reme s#irit domain >kin2dom@ o' 4osmic 4onscio&sness(
Those !ho do not com#etey #ractice s#irit&a doctrines in their i5es and yet try to
teach #eo#e the #ath o' sa5ation" are not as 2ood as those saints !ho teach #eo#e the
#ath o' God thro&2h s#irit&a i5in2" in !hich a the min&test a!s o' Tr&th are #racticed in
daiy i'e(
To think tr&th may increase the desire to 'oo! its a!s( To think tr&th" %&t to ne2ect
to 'oo!s its a!s in i'e" may de5eo# a do&%e" hy#ocritica i'e( One m&st harness each
2ood tho&2ht to the corres#ondin2 2ood acti5ity" other!ise too m&ch thinkin2 a%o&t
2oodness !itho&t a corres#ondin2 2ood acti5ity" may make one de5eo# !ron2 'amiiarity
!ith thinkin2 tr&e a!s" eadin2 to sheer ne2ect o' %rin2in2 them into i'e(
<es&s em#hasiBed the di''erence %et!een the ri2hteo&sness o' the Scri%es and
Pharisees and tr&e ri2hteo&sness( The 2ood Pharisees and Scri%es &s&ay de5ed in
theoretica rei2ion and sacerdota ceremonies !itho&t &nderstandin2 their inner meanin2s"
and th&s ind&2ed in s&#er'icia skin7dee# ri2hteo&sness( This kind o' ri2hteo&sness may
make one oya to a theoretica #hioso#hy or to a set o' rei2io&s #ractices and %eie's"
#rod&cin2 an e.tremey di&ted s#irit&a #anacea !itho&t creatin2 m&ch so&7de5eo#ment(
<es&s s#oke o' de5eo#in2 the conscio&sness o' doin2 ri2ht and i5in2 Tr&th" shorn
o' a s&#er'icia i5in2( Rea ri2hteo&sness si2ni'ies com#ete identi'ication !ith a Tr&th" or
Identi'ication !ith a Tr&th" and not its #art" is ony #ossi%e thro&2h meditation and
Samadhi" or ecstasy" in !hich the de5otee" the act o' meditation" and God" as the o%Eect o'
contem#ation" a %ecome one(
Miions o' #eo#e do not e5en think a%o&t rei2ion" and miions o' rei2io&s
indi5id&as are satis'ied !ith attendin2 ch&rch one ho&r a !eek or %y readin2 a 'e! s#irit&a
%ooks" or #racticin2 a 'e! rei2io&s ceremonies( That is !hy they ne5er attain 4osmic
4onscio&sness or the ;in2dom o' God F the domain o' a s#ace" !hich is #er5aded %y o&r
h&m%e Roya S#irit( This is the #a#a%e reason !hy so 'e! attain 4hristhood(
Desire7mad h&man %ein2s" ike &ncontroed %ar2es" are r&shin2 do!n the 'ood
stream o' i'e" ready to 'a 'rom the rocks o' e.#erience do!n into the !aters o' death and
%e dro!ned in o%i5ion( Ony the !isdom72&ided %oats o' i5es sto# r&shin2 do!n the 'ood
o' c&stom and con5ention and to&ch the shores o' a7redeemin2 contentment in God(
This is one o' the 2reatest tr&ths that <es&s tod to a mankind$ JI' yo& !ant the
kin2dom o' God" yo&r meditation and ri2hteo&sness m&st e.ceed the ordinary theoretica
rei2io&s i5in2 o' #riests( Uness yo& 'oo! the rea !ay" yo& can ne5er attain the 'ina
state o' 4osmic 4onscio&sness" o' hea5eny %iss" 'rom !hich yo& can ne5er 'a a2ain()
,e have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not %ill3 and
whosoever shall %ill, shall be in danger of 'udgment3 &ut ( say unto you, That whosoever is
angry with his brother without a #ause shall be in danger of the 'udgment3 and whosoever
shall say to his brother, ;a#a, shall be in danger of the #oun#il3 but whosoever shall say,
Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire./
-$atthew =342!44.
<es&s s#oke here o' the ancient a!" JTho& shat not ki" and !hosoe5er sha ki
sha %e in dan2er o' the E&d2ment() Those !ho destroy Hea5en7created h&man %ein2s %y
mis&sin2 their reason and God72i5en inde#endence !i %e E&d2ed %y the inscr&ta%e
Di5ine 6a!(
M&rderers not ony !ork a2ainst the a! o' Di5ine creation" %&t they de#ri5e the
m&rdered indi5id&as o' the o##ort&nity to !ork o&t their karma >#ast actions@ and #ro2ress
to!ard God and s#irit&a emanci#ation( God creates morta i'eG to ki is to o%str&ct the
hi2hest Di5ine !ish o' %rin2in2 so&s to immortaity a'ter #&ri'yin2 them in the '&rnace o'
morta trias(
The tho&2ht and the desire to ki is aso 5ery dan2ero&s" as the menta act o' kiin2
is the 'orer&nner o' the act&a #hysica act o' kiin2( No m&rder is #ossi%e !itho&t 'irst
ha5in2 a tho&2ht o' m&rder in the mind( In cases o' e.treme an2er" #eo#e mentay ki
their enemies( Sometimes !e hear someone say$ JI co&d shoot that man() A this is 5ery
%ad( The tho&2ht and tak o' m&rder are the menta chemicas !hich e.#ode the %om% o'
m&rdero&s acti5ity( A tho&2hts" s#eech" and actions reati5e to m&rder m&st %e stricty
<es&s aso said that it is not ony !ron2 to ki" %&t it is e5i to %e an2ry !itho&t ca&se"
'or an2er may ead to m&rdero&s actions( <es&s said that yo& are to o5e yo&r enemies"
and here He tes yo& not to %e an2ry e5en i' there is ca&se and #ro5ocation" 'or
#ro5ocation" arisin2 'rom a E&st ca&se or 'rom an ima2inary mis&nderstood reason" may
create s&''icient !rath in a man to con5ert him a&tomaticay into a m&rderer(
An2er o%iterates reasonin2 #o!er and #re5ents the &nderstandin2 mind 'rom takin2
the ri2ht co&rse d&rin2 a momento&s iss&e( Anyone !ho is an2ry !ith his %rother thro&2h
the mis&nderstandin2 o' 'acts is one !ho is an2ry !itho&t reason(
Dan2er o' E&d2ment s&22ests the 4osmic 6a! o' action" !hich is %ased &#on the
a! o' ca&se and e''ect( This a! %esto!s 2ood or %ad 'r&ition to #eo#e" accordin2 to their
2ood or %ad acti5ities(
E5ery action #rod&ces a res&t in the 'orm o' a tendency !hich is od2ed in the mind
as a menta seed( This menta7tendency seed 2erminates into action !hen the #ro#er
!ater o' en5ironment arri5es( A 2ood menta seed #rod&ces 2ood action and a %ad one
res&ts in e5i #er'ormance( Hence" one sho&d %e 5ery care'& ho! he acts" 'or actions
re#eat themse5es thro&2h the #o!er o' the e't7o5er corres#ondin2 tendencies( It is a
ri2ht !hen 2ood actions are re#eated" %&t it is disastro&s !hen e5i actions are re#eated
a2ainst the !i o' the #er'ormer( E5ery !ron2 action %rin2s caamity 'rom the E&d2ment" or
the res&t #roceedin2 'rom the a! o' ca&se and e''ect(
Aso" anyone !ho cas another a J'oo) sha s&''er 'rom the 'ire o' i2norance(
I2norance is he" and it %&rns !isdom a!ay( To o5ercome the !isdom o' anyone %y a
stron2 s&22estion o' i2norance is to do them a 2reat !ron2( To ca&se the cons&min2 'ire o'
i2norance to enter a so& is a 2reat sin( To %&rn in the 'ire o' i2norance is E&st as %ad as
ca&sin2 others to %e cons&med in the 'ire o' i2norance( To %ehod i2norance in others is to
en5eo# onese' in the cons&min2 'ire o' i2norance(
Therefore, if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother
hath aught against thee3 Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way3 first be
re#on#iled to thy brother, and then #ome and offer thy gift. 9gree with thine adversary
5ui#%ly, whiles thou art in the way with him3 lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to
the 'udge, and the 'udge deliver thee to the offi#er, and thou be #ast into prison. 6erily, (
say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means #ome out then#e, till thou hast paid the uttermost
-$atthew =34?!4A.
Tho&2h God does not a##arenty recei5e materia 2i'ts that are #resented on the
atar o' a tem#e" yet He recei5es the de5otion o' the heart !hich act&ates one to o''er a
2i't to Him( No one can reay #resent a 2i't to God %eca&se a thin2s %eon2 to Him" %&t to
2i5e &nto God the 2i'ts that are 2i5en %y Him sho!s and a##reciati5e heart( Better than
materia 2i'ts o''ered in stone7made tem#es" God o5es the 2i't o' o5e" #eace" and
de5otion o''ered in the tem#e o' oneLs o!n heart or thro&2h the tem#es o' the hearts o'
That is !hy <es&s said that %e'ore yo& try to o''er a 2i't to God in a tem#e o' stones"
yo& sho&d o''er Him a tem#e o' harmony %y %ecomin2 reconcied to an estran2ed %rother(
To #ease an estran2ed %rothers is to #ease God( It is 2ood to #ease God in the heart o' a
reconcied %rother 'irst" and then o''er a 2i't in a tem#e a'ter!ard(
It is %etter to %ecome reconcied to an enemy than to %e thro!n into the #rison o'
hatred %y the an2er d&e to inharmony( Inharmony" res&tin2 'rom enmity" is the E&d2e and
the o''icer !hich thro!s one into the #rison o' inner dist&r%ance( =eriy" no one can come
o&t o' the #rison o' inharmony &ness he oses the ast 'arthin2 o' an2er 'rom !ithin himse'(
To %ehod an enemy in any so& is to eci#se the #resence o' God there( A !ise man m&st
not ose the conscio&sness o' the omni#resence o' God %y %ein2 &na%e to see Him hidden
%ehind the smoke screen o' hatred thro!n aro&nd an enemy7%rotherLs heart(
,e have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shall not #ommit adultery3
&ut ( say unto you, that whosoever loo%eth on a woman to lust after her hath #ommitted
adultery with her already in his heart. 9nd if thy right eye offend thee, plu#% it out, and #ast
it from thee3 for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that
thy whole body should be #ast into hell. 9nd if thy right hand offend thee, #ut it off, and
#ast it from thee, for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not
that thy whole body should be #ast into hell./
-$atthew =34B!?E.
<es&s said that" not ony is ad&tery sin'&" %&t that" accordin2 to s#irit&a a!" the
&st'& 2aBe at a !oman in5o5es the committin2 o' ad&tery in the mind( It is a common
occ&rrence in modern times 'or men to ook at a %ea&ti'& !oman !ith &st'& 2aBe and
yearnin2( S&ch ooks 'rom men seem to 'atter some !omen" !ho dress &# to dra! s&ch
attention 'rom men( It is not ony sin'& 'or men to %esto! &st'& 2ances on !omen" %&t it is
sin'& 'or !omen !i'&y to a!aken se.7tho&2hts in men" and aso to 'ee 'attered %y &st'&
Accordin2 to h&man a!" &ness there is #hysica ad&tery" no one can %e
condemned( H&man a! does not condemn a man 'or constanty ind&2in2 in menta
ad&tery e5en to the 2reatest de2ree( B&t the Hivine Law #ondemns mental adultery aso
%eca&se" !itho&t its 'irst ad5ent" #hysica ad&tery !o&d not %e #ossi%e(
The Hind& Scri#t&res s#eak o' the 'oo!in2 !ays o' committin2 ad&tery$ >+@ To
think &st'&y o' a !oman" !itho&t the !oman %ein2 #resent %e'ore the #hysica eyes" is
ad&tery( >3@ To tak a%o&t a !oman !ith a &st'& desire is ad&tery( >8@ To to&ch a !oman
!ith &st'& desire is ad&tery( >9@ To e5en 2aBe &#on a !oman !ith &st'& desire is
ad&tery( >*@ To hod con'identia taks !ith a !oman !ith the &timate ho#e o' #hysica
&nion is ad&tery( >I@ The act o' #hysica &nion !itho&t marria2e is ad&tery(
Ho! many !ays there are to sin" no i5in2 morta kno!s( The :&estion o' se. is a
5ery #&BBin2 one( Uness the se.7&r2e !ere 2i5en to man 'rom !ithin" he !o&d not 'ee
the desire( Since #hysica &nion is the a! o' #ro#a2ation o' the s#ecies" it sho&d not %e
&sed 'or any other #&r#ose than that(
To &se the sense o' taste to seect 'ood" and to eat the ri2ht thin2s 'or heath is
2ood" %&t to con5ert the sense o' taste to 2reed" disre2ardin2 the heath o' the %ody" is sin
and eads to #hysica disaster" res&tin2 in indi2estion and i7heath(
Heath'& h&n2er can %e a##eased" %&t 2reed 'or 'ood can ne5er %e satis'ied( In the
same !ay" #hysica &nion 'or #rocreation is a ri2ht" %&t to concentrate &#on sense
#eas&re is disastro&s" 'or the desire can ne5er %e a##eased( Ind&2ence is destr&cti5e to
heath and the ner5o&s system" and the entire menta" ne&ra" and s#irit&a 'ac&ties are
The 5ita essence ost in #hysica &nion contains microsco#ic atoms o' intei2ence
and ener2y" and the indiscriminate oss o' it" d&e to e.cess" is e.tremey harm'& to s#irit&a
<es&s said that" as it is %etter to ose and eye than the !hoe %ody" so it is %etter to
'ore2o sense ind&2ence rather than to ose the !hoe so&( Peo#e !ho i5e on the
momentariy7a&rin2 se. #ane 'or2et to achie5e or e5en mentay ima2ine the 5ast
&nendin2 Eoys o' the S#irit(
The mind is sin2e7tracked( I' it e5er 2ets &sed to se.7ha%its" it is 5ery di''ic&t to
make it mo5e in the channes o' the &nendin2 ha##iness o' meditation( It is 5ery di''ic&t 'or
the se.7addict to concei5e o' the %o&ndess %iss o' meditation( Se.7addicts are 5ery
ner5o&s and restess( Their minds !ander constanty" and it is 5ery di''ic&t 'or them to
concentrate &#on the a7into.icatin2" e5er7ne! %iss o' meditation( It is %etter that one o'
the #hysica #eas&res o' i'e %e destroyed than to et it annihiate the entire ha##iness o'
the S#irit(
D&e to economic reasons F ack o' the cha#eron system" co7ed&cation" and 'ree
mi.in2 o' the" menta and #hysica ad&tery is common in modern times( In R&ssia"
#eo#e can marry and di5orce at !i !itho&t cost or di''ic&ty( 4om#anionate marria2e is
sanctioned in many co&ntries(
Animas cannot commit ad&tery" e5en tho&2h they are indiscriminate 'rom the
h&man stand#oint" %eca&se they ha5e se.7&nion 'or #rocreation ony" and are im#eed %y
instinct and nat&re( They do not ind&2e in se'7created se.7tho&2hts( They o%ey the nat&ra
im#&se o' se. E&st ike other cas o' Nat&re" and th&s he# #rocreation o' their s#ecies(
Man" %ein2 endo!ed !ith reason" commits sin %y addin2 his e5i" insatia%e" &st'&
tho&2hts to the instinct o' #rocreation( Accordin2 to s#irit&a a!" there'ore" to &se the se.7
instinct other than 'or #rocreation o' the h&man s#ecies is considered sin'&( A married man
aso" i' he thinks &st'&y o' his !i'e" commits sin" 'or she sho&d %e considered as a tem#e
o' GodLs creation" thro&2h !hich a ne! so& is to %e %orn and n&rt&red(
It is tr&e aso that" 'or the materia desire 'or name" 'ame" &st" #ossession" and o5e
o' money" #eo#e 2i5e &# the entire kin2dom o' immorta %iss( There'ore" it is %etter to
destroy one #eas&re than to ose the entire ha##iness o' the Bein2(
(t hath been said, 8hosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of
divor#ement3 &ut ( say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the
#ause of forni#ation, #auseth her to #ommit adultery3 and whosoever shall marry her that is
divor#ed #ommitteth adultery./
-$atthew =3?2!?4.
Those !ho di5orce their !i5es !hen tired o' them" or 'or any reason other than
&n'aith'&ness" ha5e committed ad&tery( Anyone marryin2 a !oman !ho is di5orced 'or
any reason other than ad&tery" commits ad&tery( This seems to %e a 5ery drastic a! to
#eo#e !ho" #art 'rom each other d&e to incom#ati%iity o' tem#er" then decide to remarry(
The idea is that to marry the !ron2 !oman" act&ated %y socia or #hysica instinct" is
sin'&( One sho&d 2et married ony !hen he 'inds so& &nity !ith a #ro#er mate( And the
t!o th&s married sho&d stick to one another( Pro#er marria2e 2i5es %irth to rea o5e"
&nion on a hi2her #ane" and does a!ay !ith i5in2 on the se.7#ane(
Peo#e !ho are constanty 2ettin2 di5orced and 2ettin2 married a2ain" ne5er 2i5e
the di5ine o5e a chance to 2ro! on the soi o' #ro#er matrimony( The minds o' s&ch
#eo#e are e5er concentrated &#on se. and materia %ea&ty( Hence" too many di5orces 'or
'imsy reasons 2i5e %irth to ad&tery" !hich consists in concentratin2 &#on se. as an end in
itse'" instead o' a means to an end o' #rocreation on the #hysica #ane" or #rocreation o'
o5e and emanci#ation on the s#irit&a #ane(
9gain, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not
forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths3 &ut ( say unto you, Swear not
at all3 neither by heaven3 for it is 0od>s throne3 7or by the earth3 for it is His footstool3
neither by 1erusalem3 for it is the #ity of the great Iing. 7either shalt thou swear by thy
head, be#ause thou #anst not ma%e one hair white or bla#%. &ut let your #ommuni#ation
be, ,ea, yea3 7ay, nay3 for whatsoever is more than these #ometh of evil./
-$atthew =3??!?B.
In oden times the Scri#t&res enEoined that one sho&d not s!ear %&t ta&2ht that is
!as #ermissi%e to 2i5e the oath o' ae2iance &nto the 6ord( Ho!e5er" <es&s said that is
!as not 2ood to s!ear at a" es#eciay %y &sin2 the name o' hea5en or earth" 'or hea5en
is GodLs transcendenta cham%er o' %iss'& retirement" and the earth is the #ace o'
hea5eny acti5ity( God rests in the hea5eny re2ion o' s#ace hidden %ehind the !as o' i2ht
rays( There God rests in eterna %iss( The earth is the 'ootstoo o' God" that is" it is a #ace
!here God !orks !ith His -eet o' motion and acti5ity( Neither sho&d one s!ear %y
<er&saem or any hoy city" !hich has had the sacred mani'estation o' the Roya God
thro&2h His saints( Neither sho&d one s!ear %y the head %eca&se it is the sacred a%ode
o' the so&(
S!earin2 is the res&t o' o5er!orked emotion( D&rin2 the menta %indness ca&sed
%y emotion or heated ar2&ment" or an2er" or 'ase assertion" one is a#t to s#eak &ntr&th or
to assert &ntr&th 5ioenty( And to add to s&ch im#&si5e &ntr&th'& statements the sacred
name o' God" or hea5en" or God7created earth" or the sacred a%ode o' saints" or the hoy
a%ode o' the so& in the head" is sin( Do not dra2 do!n somethin2 !hich is hoy to s&##ort
somethin2 !hich is !ron2 or meanin2ess(
S!earin2 re5eas !eakness o' character" ack o' 'ineness" and ack o' re5erence(
S!earin2 makes one chea# and aso creates a chea# atmos#here" &nderminin2 the
sacredness o' hoy thin2s and im#airin2 the sanctity and serio&sness o' 2ood so&s(
S!earin2 re5eas that one has to resort to emotiona e.camations instead o' &sin2 the
carity o' reason to #ro5e his #oint( A tr&e statement 'irmy asserted does not need to %e
desecrated %y s!earin2" !hich may 'asten &#on one the ha%it o' #re5arication"
e.a22eration" and misre#resentation( S!earin2 de5eo#s #ro'ane an2&a2e" an im#&si5e
and o5er%earin2 nat&re" and hasty and im#atient assertions(
In con5ersation and ar2&ment" it is %est to &se JYea" Yea") or JNay" Nay") camy or
em#haticay administered" as the occasion demands(
,e have heard that it hath been said, 9n eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth3 &ut
( say unto you, That ye resist not evil but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right #hee%,
turn to him the other also. 9nd if any man will sue thee at the law, and ta%e away thy #oat,
let him have thy #loa% also. 9nd whosoever shall #ompel thee to go a mile go with him
twain. 0ive to him that as%eth thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou
-$atthew =3?C!@4.
<es&s says here that the Mosaic 6a! o' an eye 'or an eye" and a tooth 'or a tooth"
may ha5e %een E&sti'ied in the time !hen #eo#e !ere not 5ery ad5anced s#irit&ay( He
says aso that the s#irit&a man m&st rise a%o5e the desire 'or #etty re5en2e %eca&se
'or2i5eness is a 2reater s#irit&a 5irt&e than the !reakin2 o' 5en2eance( The Jeye 'or an
eye) a! is e5i" 'or" atho&2h a##arenty it seems E&st to inE&re a man !ho has in'icted
some inE&ry on another man" this 2i5in2 !ay to re5en2e does not teach ri2ht actions to the
!ron2 doer" %&t instead it makes him more hate'&" and he thinks$ JI !ish I had taken %oth
o' his eyes o&t" instead o' one eye" so that he co&d not retaiate %y #&ckin2 o&t one o' my
eyes() Hence" to !reak 5en2eance does not sto# the rec&rrence o' an e5i act" %&t rather" it
'osters co&ntess e5i tho&2hts and acts o' 5en2eance(
There'ore" <es&s s#eaks o' not resistin2 e5i !ith e5i methods" %&t ad5ises man to
con:&er e5i thro&2h the yiedin2" a&rin2 #o!er o' o5e( I' any%ody !ants to satis'y his
an2er %y sa##in2 yo& on one cheek" and i' yo& sa# %ack" his an2er increases and he
!ants to sa# yo& more than e5er" or kick or shoot yo&" !hie" i' yo& !iin2y et him sa#
yo& t!ice" then his !rath is :&ite ikey to %e s#end and he !i yied &nder the in'&ence o'
yo&r o5e( ?rath is increased %y !rath as 'ire increases %y 'ire" %&t as 'ire is e.tin2&ished
%y !ater" so aso" !rath is !i#ed a!ay %y kindiness(
I' a man s&es yo& and takes a!ay some o' yo&r money" !iin2y 2i5e him a itte
more than he takes a!ay %y 'orce" then he may 'ee remorse'& and come %ack to his
These s#irit&a a!s can %e com#etey #racticed ony %y saints or %y #eo#e i5in2
&nder idea conditions( I' the mort2a2e on a ho&se is 'orecosed" a modern man cannot
2i5e his home a!ay" and he is com#eed to demand E&stice 'rom those !ho are &nE&st to
I' a man #ays t!o tho&sand doars to a %ackmaier !ho demands one tho&sand"
that !i not sto# the thie'" %&t !i #rom#t him to come %ack a2ain and demand 'o&r
tho&sand( S#irit&a a!s" tho&2h they are eternay tr&e" can ony %e 'oo!ed in a more or
ess modi'ied 'orm accordin2 to the nat&re o' the en5ironment in !hich one i5es and
I' a kidna##er insists on takin2 his 5ictim 'orty mies a!ay 'rom his home" he sho&d
not a2ree to 2o ei2hty mies a!ay &nti com#eed to do so( The idea is that i' one resists a
kidna##er !ith an2er and a%&se" the res&t to the kidna##ed #erson may %e disastro&s" %&t
i' he &ses o5e" kindness" and e.treme h&m%eness" his attit&de may met the heart o' his
cr&e ca#tors and e''ect reease(
It is 2ood to 2i5e to deser5in2 #eo#e !hat yo& can a''ord to 2i5e !itho&t ca&sin2
yo&rse' or other needy ones de#endent &#on yo& e.treme hardshi# !hich they re'&se to
&nder2o( One sho&d not Jro% Peter to #ay Pa&()
One sho&d not star5e oneLs 'amiy in order to %e a #hianthro#ist( Gandhi con5inced
his 'amiy o' the 5irt&e o' sacri'ice and then 2a5e a o' his #ossessions a!ay !itho&t sa5in2
e5en any %onds or stocks 'or his !i'e and chidren( S&ch action is a ri2ht i' the sacri'ice is
#er'ormed !ith the !iin2 a2reement o' the other #eo#e concerned(
It is 2ood to end to needy #eo#e" %&t do not %e an2ry i' yo& do not 2et yo&r money
%ack( It is %etter not to end at a" than to %ecome an2ry or &2y %eca&se yo&r de%tor is
#oor and cannot #ay %ack !hat he o!es yo&(
6end ony !hat yo& can a''ord to 2i5e a!ay and 'or2et a a%o&t it( 4onscientio&s
#eo#e !i #ay yo& %ack i' they ha5e money" and &nscr&#&o&s #eo#e !i not ret&rn yo&r
money i' they can a''ord to( It is 2ood to share yo&r #ossessions( Remem%er" yo& o!n
nothin2" 'or at death a thin2s ha5e to %e 'orsaken( Thro&2h some 2ood actions o' yo&rs
yo& ha5e %een 'ort&nate eno&2h so that God has oaned yo& money" #ro#erty" and so
'orth" so" e5en as the Hea5eny -ather oans yo& money and #ossession" yo& sho&d do
the same to yo&r o!n h&man %rothers( No one o!ns anythin2( Peo#e are ony 2i5en the
&se o' thin2s( Rocke'eer and Henry -ord co&d not take a doar o' their 5ast 'ort&nes on
to Hea5en !hen they died( Hence" a #ossession %ein2 %orro!ed 'rom God" one sho&d
earn to oan them to other chidren o' God accordin2 to the no%e Di5ine
,e have heard that is hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine
enemy. &ut ( say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that #urse you, do good to
them that hate you, and pray for them whi#h despitefully use you, and perse#ute you< That
ye may be the #hildren of your Father whi#h is in heaven< for he ma%eth his sun to rise on
the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the 'ust and un'ust./
-$atthew =3@?!@=.
<es&s says it is not eno&2h to o5e yo&r nei2h%ors ony and e.c&de yo&r enemies(
He says that a !ise man %ehods in the circ&m'erence o' his 4osmos not ony the
#resence o' 'riends" %&t aso enemies( -riends and enemies are e:&ay GodLs chidren(
Na&2hty or 2oodG a #eo#e are aike the chidren o' the S&#reme( One !ho e.tends his
o5e to 'riends and enemies aike 'inds the d&aity o' o5e and hate 5anish 'rom him and he
%ehods ony the #resence o' one o5e e5ery!here on the earth" in 'o!ers" animas" and
es#eciay in the hearts o' 'riends and enemies( In order to see the omni#resent God" the
de5otee not ony sho&d %ehod Him thro&2h the o#en #orta o' 'riendshi#" %&t sho&d tear
the dark screen o' hate a!ay in order to %ehod Him #resent in the heart o' enemies aso(
It is easy to c&rse anyone !ho hates yo&" %&t c&rses do not sto# yo&r enemy 'rom
hatin2( They ony increase his hatred to!ard yo&( Many #eo#e c&rse their enemies in
order to sto# their hatred" %&t 'ai to do so( I' c&rses 'ai to sto# hatred" !hy sho&d one
c&rse and !aste ener2y this !ayM It is %etter to &se o5e and %essin2 to #eo#e !ho c&rse
yo&" so that they may chan2e their e5i !ay thro&2h yo&r 2ood
Action s#eaks o&der than !ords( I' yo& hate at heart and tak o5e as a matter o'
di#omacy to !in yo&r enemy" it !i not !ork 'ore5er" 'or the h&man heart is int&iti5e( It is
not easy to decei5e the h&man heart and its int&iti5e #erce#tion( Think o5e as yo& tak o5e
and that !i s&rey moi'y and chan2e yo&r enemies e5en i' they do not admit it o&t!ardy(
It is necessary that yo& sho&d reay !in yo&r enemies %y o5e( 6o5e is a di5ine ceanser
and a more astin2y e''ecti5e !ay o' !innin2 yo&r enemies( Hatred de'eats the 5ery
#&r#ose 'or !hich it is &sed to s&##ress and #&t do!n the enemies %y 'orce o' hatred(
Not ony mentay o5e those !ho hate yo&" %&t act&ay do some 2ood to yo&r
enemies i' yo& #ossi%y can( This is a s&re !ay o' con5incin2 them that yo& o5e them( Do
2ood to them" e5en tho&2h they hate yo& and are !iin2 to inE&re yo&( E5en i' yo& can in
no !ay 2o near those !ho hate yo& in order to do 2ood to them" #ray to the omni#resent
God that He 'ree them 'rom hatred( I' yo& cannot take a!ay the hatred 'rom yo&r enemies"
God can do so" 'or He is omni#resent in the heart and mind o' yo&r enemy( I' yo&r #rayer is
sincere and stron2" God !i %e mo5ed to take a!ay the hatred 'rom yo&r enemyLs heart i'
He thinks that is the %est co&rse 'or yo& and a concerned(
I' yo&r #rayer to chan2e yo&r enemyLs attit&de is not heard" then kno! that God
!ants yo& to #ass the test o' o5in2 yo&r enemy !hie he hates yo&( Hate dro!ns yo&r
enemy in dee#er hate" o5e i'ts yo&r ad5ersary 'rom the dark !aters o' hatred(
Pray 'or them !ho hate yo& and #ersec&te yo& thro&2h ies" hate'& tak" and aso
e5i actions" 'or God can remedy a inharmonio&s conditions( Those !ho o5e their
enemies are s&rey o5ed %y the Hea5eny -ather and %ecome ike Him( As God o5es His
na&2hty or 2ood chidren" so aso the tr&e chid o' God earns to o5e a o' his di5ine
%rethren aike( As the s&n shines e:&ay on the diamond and the charcoa" so GodLs i2ht
or mercy shines e:&ay on the 2ood and the e5i" and the rain o' His he#'& #o!ers is
sho!ered on the E&st and the &nE&st aike" %eca&se they are a His chidren(
Ho!e5er" it m&st not %e &nderstood that the 2ood and %ad aike are a%e to recei5e
GodLs i2ht so e:&ay and E&sty aotted %y Him( The charcoa can ne5er re'ect the same
amo&nt o' s&ni2ht as the diamond does( In the same !ay" dark mentaities do not re'ect
God as m&ch as the 2ood do" atho&2h GodLs i2ht shines e:&ay in them %oth( In other
!ords" God ne5er de#ri5es His &nE&st chid %eca&se o' his e5i !ays( He 2i5es the same
meas&re o' o5e to His na&2hty chid so that he may ha5e a chance to reco5er( The
na&2hty chid needs the i2ht o' God more than the 2ood one" since he i5es in se'7created
darkness( The 2ood chid can redeem himse' thro&2h the re'ected and a##reciated i2ht o'
God( In that !ay God is more to %rin2 his #rodi2a son %ack to His Mansion than
He is to the 2ood one !ho is aready there" ha5in2 !iin2y 2one there(
It aso m&st %e thoro&2hy %orne in mind that atho&2h God in His in'inite kindness
2i5es as m&ch to His !icked chid as He does to His 2ood son" the e5i son cannot &tiiBe
the s#irit&a 2i'ts &ness he chan2es his e5i !ays( That is a the more reason !hy the
!icked sho&d chan2e their !ays and a##reciate the di5ine 2i't o' &nderstandin2(
For if ye love them whi#h love you, what reward have yeF Ho not even the publi#ans
the sameF 9nd if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than othersF Ho not even
the publi#ans soF &e ye therefore perfe#t, even as your Father whi#h is in heaven is
>Matthe! =3@A!@C@
E5en the ordinary #oitician ret&rn o5e 'or o5e and sa&te 'or sa&te %eca&se o'
materia #oicy and o&t!ard co&rtesy( B&t" as the #er'ect -ather o5es His na&2hty or 2ood
chidren aike" so aso yo&" !ho are seekin2 #er'ection" m&st o5e e:&ay GodLs e5i or
2ood chidren(
Mortas %eha5e ike mortas %y 2i5in2 in the same meas&re !hat they recei5e" %&t to
%e ike the immorta God" a so& m&st 2i5e o5e 'or hate" and 2oodness 'or e5i actions(
S&ch action entites mortas to %ecome #er'ect and immorta %ein2s( I' God 2a5e hate 'or
hate" !here !o&d man %e todayM God" %y 2i5in2 sient o5e to man" is he#in2 manLs so!
%&t s&re emanci#ation( God ne5er o&dy admonishes the !ron2 doer" %&t sienty and
o5in2y taks to him thro&2h the !his#ers o' his conscience( To %ecome ike the -ather" the
ordinary se'7de&ded morta m&st %eha5e ike the #er'ect -ather(
Ta%e heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them< otherwise ye
have no reward of your Father whi#h is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine alms,
do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypo#rites do in the synagogues and in the
streets, that they may have glory of men. 6erily ( say unto you, They have their reward. &ut
when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand %now what thy right hand doeth3 That thine
alms may be in se#ret3 and thy Father whi#h seeth in se#ret himself shall reward thee
-$atthew A32!@.
Since no one o!ns anythin2" %&t is ony 2i5en the &se o' thin2s" accordin2 to the
meas&re o' his ;arma >#re5io&s action@ and" %eca&se o' Hea5enLs %o&nty" man sho&d
earn to #resent 2i'ts to his %rethren in secret" e5en as God 2i5es s&ni2ht" air" 'ood" i'e"
o5e" and !isdom to man shro&ded in &tmost secrecy( Tho&2h man earns accordin2 to the
meas&re o' his a%iity" yet he co&d not 2et anythin2 &ness God created the thin2s he
There'ore" a thin2s are 2i'ts o' God" e5en tho&2h He makes man !ork 'or them 'or
the sake o' his o!n e5o&tion thro&2h str&22e( Man has many needs" and he recei5es the
2i't o' God in heath" #ros#erity" and" a%o5e a" in s#irit&a :&aities( Man &ses the God7
2i5en 2i'ts o' intei2ence" creati5e a%iity" and !i #o!er" and !ith these he achie5es
!onders( God !ants His 'ort&nate chidren to share His 2i'ts !ith His &n'ort&nate chidren"
and God !ants a 2i'ts to %e #resented in secret" !itho&t marrin2 them !ith re#&2nant
#ride or #&%icity( I' anyone 2i5es money or !isdom to another and %ra2s a%o&t it" he
destroys its sanctity( The Hea5eny 6a! does not 2i5e the re!ard or re5eation to %ra22in2
Do not 2i5e yo&r materia ams in #om# in the tem#es" and do not %oastin2y o''er
yo&r !isdom to others( Ne5er say$ JI he#ed to redeem s&ch and s&ch a #erson() I' yo& do
so" yo& may recei5e materia re!ard %y 2ainin2 some 'riends and some 'oo!ers" %&t that
%ra22in2 !i kee# a!ay !ise 'riends and the a7!ise God(
Remem%er" it is necessary to sho! God that yo& are not attached to yo&r God72i5en
#ossessions" and that yo& are ready to share them !ith yo&r %rethren( Most #eo#e are
!iin2 to o''er ad5ice and sym#athy" %&t !hen it comes to sharin2 their hard7earned money
!ith others" they are 'orced to %e Jti2ht!ads) !ith cosed #&rse strin2s" %eie5in2 ony in
'amiy ha##iness F JUs 'o&r and no more() Some #eo#e ne5er hesitate to %&y yachts and
ne! costy cars" %&t are 5ery ti2ht !hen it comes to 2i5in2 a h&ndred doars to a 5ery
needy ca&se( There they economiBe and 'ee ri2hteo&s !hen 2i5in2 'i5e or t!enty7'i5e
There'ore" the #rimary esson to %e earned on earth" as e.em#i'ied %y God" is to
e5ery day share at east a itte o' yo&r earthy #ossessions !ith !orthy" needy #ersons" or"
sti %etter" !ith !orthy" needy Di5ine 4a&ses(
A'ter yo& earn to 2i5e 'reey to others" and :&iety" as yo& 2i5e to yo&rse'" then the
Di5ine a! o' s&##y !i secrety !ork 'or yo&( As yo& o5in2y" :&iety" nat&ray" and
Eoyo&sy" !itho&t remorse" %&y thin2s 'or yo&rse'" so m&st yo& earn to do the same 'or
others" in the same !ay( As one 2i5es the %est 2i'ts to himse'" !itho&t #&%icity" so one
sho&d earn to 2i5e to others !itho&t ostentation(
To #resent 2i'ts to others %y identi'yin2 their necessities as yo&r o!n" e.#ands yo&"
and yo& earn to d!e" not ony in yo&r o!n i'e" %&t in the i5es and hearts o' others aso(
Th&s" in the re!ard o' Hea5en" the sient 2i5er 'ees GodLs omni#resence in other hearts"
%&t the %ra22in2 2i5er" tho&2h %etter than the miser" rea#s some res&ts d&e to %esto!in2
2i'ts &#on others" %&t his 2i't is tin2ed !ith the desire 'or dis#ay and #ride" and he is
en2rossed in imitin2 and con'inin2 e2otism" and misses the re!ard o' Hea5en" !hich
consists in se'7e.#ansion in the hearts o' others" !hen 2i'ts are 2i5en in sience" and %y
the identi'ication o' se' !ith others( E2otistic 2i5in2 concentrates the mind on the 'ase"
insincere a##a&se o' men" %&t sient 2i5in2 &nites the heart o' the 2i5er !ith the heart o'
the one %ene'ited" and !ith the S#irit o' God(
?hen yo& 2i5e to others" !ith yo&r ri2ht hand or the ri2ht s#irit" et not yo&r e't
hand" or e2otism" %e conscio&s o' it( Those !ho think that they are 2reat 2i5ers are not as
2reat as those 2i5ers !ho are so en2rossed in 2i5in2 that they ha5e no time to think that
they are 2i5in2 at a( I' yo& #resent to others materia and s#irit&a 2i'ts as i' yo& !ere
2i5in2 to yo&rse'" then the S#irit !i re!ard yo& !ith the #erce#tion o' Omni#resence sent
o#eny into yo&r heart(
9nd when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypo#rites are3 for they love to
pray standing in the synagogues, and in the #orners of the streets, that they may be seen
of men. 6erily ( say unto you, they have their reward. &ut thou, when thou prayest, enter
into thy #loset, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father whi#h is in se#ret3 and
thy Father whi#h seeth in se#ret shall reward thee openly./
-$atthew A3=!A.
Those !ho #ray in syna2o2&es and on street corners" not in sincerity" %&t E&st to
dis#ay their seemin2y de5o&t nat&re to men" are hy#ocrites( They &se #rayers" not to
#ease God" %&t they &se #rayer and God to try to make #eo#e %eie' in their #riesty
sanctity( S&ch #eo#e are hy#ocrites %eca&se their actions are no synchroniBed !ith their
moti5es( It is the 2reatest sin to &se God and #rayer to sec&re the de5otion o' #eo#e &nder
'ase #retences( S&ch hy#ocrites" 'or ins#irin2 sim#es" tr&stin2 #eo#e in the tho&2ht o'
2oodness" rea# re!ard %y o%tainin2 earthy #o!er and the de5otion o' %ind 'oo!ers" %&t
God" !ho sees the heart o' the hy#ocrite" ne5er res#onds to 'ase #rayers( Hy#ocrites are
'ooish to seek tem#orary #raise %y &sin2 God and #rayers" 'or2ettin2 that the a7
redeemin2 %essin2 o' God is to %e had ony %y &sin2 sincere #rayers in :&ietness(
Most modern ch&rches ad5ocate #rayer in #&%ic and there%y kee# their mem%ers
on the o&ter #hysica #ane( S&ch #rayer may do some 2ood" %&t not a 2reat dea" and in
order to %e e''ecti5e at a" it m&st %e s&##emented %y dee#" secret" so&7o5in2 #rayers in
the :&ietness o' a coset or a room !ith cosed doors(
As the #aror a!akens the socia conscio&sness" the i%rary 'osters a readin2
conscio&sness" and the %edroom s&22ests see#in2" so occidenta #eo#e sho&d ha5e a
room or a screened7o'' corner" or a !e75entiated coset" 'or the #&r#ose o' sience
>meditation@" as most tr&e orienta homes ha5e(
The ack o' indi5id&a #rayer and comm&nion !ith God has di5orced modern
4hristians and 4hristians sects 'rom the rea #erce#tion o' God( The ch&rch sho&d not %e
a socia and mora or2aniBation ony( It sho&d #rimariy %e an academy 'or trainin2 in tr&e
Most ch&rches" %eca&se they ha5e no esoteric so&7i'tin2 trainin2" are %&sy !ith
do2ma and e.c&de a #eo#e !ith di''erent ideas( The #eo#e !ho reay #ercei5e God
inc&de e5ery%ody !ithin the #ath o' their o5e(
Not ony do the ?estern %rothers need to earn the indi5id&a method o' Di5ine
romanticism in sec&sion" %&t they sho&d earn 'rom the East the techni:&e o' contactin2
God in sience(
Many #eo#e !orshi# God in secrecy %&t are so ho&nded %y their restess tho&2hts
that they do not kno! ho! to !orshi# Him in inner secrecy( ?hen one earns 'rom the East
the method o' !orshi##in2 God !hie secreted a!ay 'rom restess tho&2hts" then God
re!ards %y o#eny mani'estin2 Himse' to the de5o&t de5otee(
&ut when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do3 for they thin% that
they shall be heard for their mu#h spea%ing. &e not ye therefore li%e unto them3 for your
Father %noweth what things ye have need of, before ye as% him. 9fter this manner
therefore pray ye./
-$atthew A3B!D.
=ain re#etition in #rayers si2ni'ies o&dy or mentay sayin2" JGod" God" God") !hie
in the %ack2ro&nd o' yo&r mind yo& think o' an a&tomo%ie ride or ho! to make more
money" and so 'orth( This is takin2 the name o' God in 5ain" or &sin2 it 'r&itessy" 'or He
!i ne5er mani'est Himse' to yo& kno!in2 that yo& #re'er somethin2 ese more(
Heathens are #eo#e !ho are en2rossed in their %odies( They make #rayer a #art o'
the #hysica %y #arrotin2 or chantin2 the name o' God !itho&t &nderstandin2 the meanin2(
I' a yo&n2 man carried a #orta%e 5ictroa !hich #ayed nothin2 %&t" JI o5e yo&") a the time
and &sed that to e.#ress his o5e to his %eo5ed" then" o' co&rse" she !o&d say" JMy dear
'riend" yo& are tryin2 in 5ain to con5ince me that yo& o5e me and yo& donLt mean it at a()
Hence" to re#eat constanty to God o&dy" JGod" I o5e yo&" God" I o5e yo&") and then in
the %ack2ro&nd o' yo&r mind to think o' somethin2 ese" is 'r&itess and 5ain" 'or it %rin2s no
res#onse 'rom God( B&t to re#eat mentay" JO God" I o5e yo&") co&ntessy" so that !ith
each &tterance yo&r o5e and &nderstandin2 o' God 2ro! dee#er" is the ony s&re method
o' makin2 God7contact(
Tho&2h God does not res#ond to s&ch takati5e" %indy7re#eated #rayers" yet He
cannot remain sti !hen the tr&e de5otee #rays &nceasin2y !ith e5er7increasin2 de5otion(
<es&s s#eaks ese!here o' #rayin2 &nceasin2y( Unceasin2 #rayer in5o5es re#etition" not
%ind" %&t e5er7increasin2" inteect&a and s#irit&a de5otion( There'ore" do not #arrot yo&r
#rayers o&dy( The #arrot may %e ta&2ht to re#eat the name o' God !itho&t kno!in2 its
meanin2 at a( It is %etter to #ray once dee#y and &nderstandin2y and intensey than to
o''er a !hoe dayLs #rayer 'ied !ith %ind" meanin2ess re#etition(
Prayers sent o&t so&'&y once" or many times" %rin2 res#onse 'rom God( The
de5otees !ho o5e God dee#y do not ha5e to %e2 God 'or their daiy necessities" 'or the
Hea5eny -ather !i 2i5e the needed 2i'ts to the de5otees !itho&t their ha5in2 to ask 'or
them( God ne5er !ants His chidren to %e2( Tr&e chidren o' God" !ho are one !ith the
-ather" ook &#on #rayer as %e22ary %eca&se it seems to e.#ress do&%t( A tr&e son kno!s
that the -ather kno!s a the thin2s a de5otee needs(
<es&s 2a5e a mode #rayer 'or %oth !ordy #eo#e and s#irit&a #eo#e( This #rayer
can %e di5ided into t!o #arts F one #art 'or the hi2hy s#irit&a man !ho !ants nothin2 %&t
s#irit&a de5eo#ment" and the other #art 'or materiay7minded #eo#e !ho !ant mosty
materia thin2s 'irst and then a itte s#irit&a achie5ement(
Prayer 'or S#irit&a De5eo#ment
The 6ordLs Prayer
JO -ather" ?ho are hidden in the de#ths o' Hea5eny Int&ition" may Thy name %e
2ori'ied on earth( May Thy s#irit&a kin2dom come and %e s&%stit&te 'or the materia
kin2dom o' the earth(
Gi5e &s this day o&r daiy s#irit&a %read F The contact !ith Thy %iss" Thy ?isdom"
and Thy 6o5e F the ony So&7s&stainin2 %read !hich !e seek(
6ea5e &s not in the #it o' tem#tation !herein !e 'e thro&2h the mis&se o' Thy 2i5en
reason" and !hen !e are stron2er" and Tho& dost !ish to test o&r s#irit&a stren2th"
-ather" make Thyse' more tem#tin2 than tem#tation( Teach &s to %ehod that the earth is
not r&ed %y materia 'orces" %&t %y Thy ;in2domLs #o!er and 2ory 'ore5er(
Teach &s to contact Thee thro&2h the 4osmic =i%ration o' A&m >Amen@ heard in
Teach &s to 'or2i5e othersL 'a&ts as Tho& dost 'or2i5e o&r 'a&ts" O 6ord()
7o man #an serve two masters< for either he will hate the one, and love the other<
or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. ,e #annot serve 0od and mammon./
>Matthe! A34@@
No one can ser5e t!o di''erent contradictory ideas !ith the same de5otion( I' yo&
are a '&7'ed2ed matter and #eas&re !orshi##er" yo& !i 'or2et God( I' yo& are en2rossed
in the %iss o' God" then yo& !i 'or2et and ose the taste 'or materia Eoys( So do not try to
en2a2e yo&r attention on t!o contradictory ideas F God and Mammon( O' co&rse" it is
#ossi%e to kee# yo&r maEor attention on God !ith yo&r hands and #art o' yo&r mind
#er'ormin2 materia d&ties and enEoyin2 materia thin2s( That is a %etter !ay o' i5in2 F the
Yo2ic i'e o' ha##y medi&m F to i5e in the !ord 'or God rather than %ecomin2 a monk or
an e#ic&rean(
Therefore ( say unto you, ta%e no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye
shall drin%< nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. (s not the life more than meat, and
body than raiment. &ehold the fowls of the air3 for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor
gather into barn< yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. 9re ye not mu#h better than
>Matthe! A34=!4A@
Take no tho&2ht" that is" do not &se &# a yo&r tho&2hts !orryin2 a%o&t yo&r i'e
!hich comes 'rom God( Do not ose yo&r mind !orryin2 a%o&t !hat yo& sha eat or !hat
yo& sha drink" or !hat cothes yo& !i !ear( 6ook ho! the 'o!s o' the air" tho&2h they
so! no 2rain nor rea#" yet they are 'ed %y God( In the ?estern !ord" 4hristian men think
day and ni2ht o' 'ood" drink" and cothin2" so m&ch so" that at the hei2ht o' se'ish ind&stria
ci5iiBation" they ha5e e.#erienced de#ression and inner discontentment" %ein2 2or2ed !ith
materiaity( Ho&ses" money" and a&tomo%ies may %e necessary to modern e.istence" %&t
&ness one 2i5es some time to God and meditation" he can ne5er make i'e ha##y(
The Aryan Hind&" on the other hand" thinks ony o' God and has ne2ected his
materia i'e" and in s#ite o' his s#irit&aity is s&''erin2 'rom #o5erty" 'amine" sickness" and
#oitica sa5ery(
The od doctrine o' com#ete ren&nciation is e.tremeG i' #eo#e et 2o their d&ties"
then cities !i %e dens o' maaria and #o5erty( B&t %eca&se #eo#e are &sin2 a their
tho&2hts to make money" they ha5e 'or2otten in !hat ies the secret o' a tr&y ha##y i'e(
?hat <es&s means is to #&t yo&r #rinci#a tho&2ht on God F the Gi5er o' 6i'e and its
necessities F and not on the necessities o' i'e in &tter o%i5ion o' God( 4om#ete
concentration on materia thin2s in &tter o%i5ion o' God !o&d #rod&ce nothin2 %&t inner
discontentment" &n%aance" and #hysica and s#irit&a &nha##iness(
The Di5ine man eats" drinks" and cothes himse'" %&t his !hoe attention is on God
and not on the materia necessities( The materia man cothes himse' and drinks and eats"
and that is a he doesG &nder the smoke screen o' materiaity he hides 'rom God( To c&t o''
i'e 'rom its 5ery Di5ine in5i2oratin2 so&rce" de#etes i'e and makes it r&n dry o' the tr&y
satis'yin2 Eoys o' tr&e e.istence(
The 'o!s do not store &# 'ood in %arns" yet God 'eeds them" and ho! m&ch more
He !o&d 'eed His %etter chid" man" i' he !o&d ony de#end &#on the Di5ine Bo&nty and
not ato2ether remain en2rossed in ac:&irin2 materia thin2s in &tter o%i5ion o' God( I' God
'eeds the instincti5ey de#endin2 'o!s" ho! m&ch more !o&d He 'eed man i' he !o&d
ony de#end &#on Him(
8hi#h of you by ta%ing thought #an add one #ubit unto his statureF 9nd why ta%e
ye thought for raimentF onsider the lilies of the field, how they grow< they toil not, neither
do they spin, 9nd yet ( say unto you That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed
li%e one of these. 8herefore, if 0od so #lothe the grass of the field, whi#h today is, and
tomorrow is #ast into the oven, shall he not mu#h more #lothe you, O ye of little faith./
-$atthew A34B!?E.
As %y no h&man e''ort or care can the %ody %e made e5en a itte on2er" so aso %y
a h&man care man cannot maintain himse' !itho&t the he# 'rom God( God is the Maker
o' 6i'e and the 4reator o' s&ni2ht" 2rain" !ater" and air" !hich s&##ort h&man i'e( B&t
%eca&se man does his share to ac:&ire God72i5en thin2s" he soon 'or2ets the direct hand
o' God in a h&man a''airs( Man cannot make 2rain" nor #o!er o' di2estion to di2est 'ood"
nor i'e !hich a%sor%s the 2rain chemicas into his tiss&es(
6ook ho! the iies are attired !ith etherea 'ra2rance and %ea&ty %y God" e5en
tho&2h they make no conscio&s e''ort to s#in their #etaed cothin2( ;in2 Soomon" !ith a
his 2orio&s arti'icia roya ro%es" co&d not decorate himse' ike the nai5e iies cothed %y
Tho&2h amost a think 'irst o' %reak'ast" &nch" and dinner" and !hat to eat and ho!
m&ch money to make in order to eat and cothe #ro#ery" sti it sho&d %e remem%ered that
to think o' the 2i'ts o' God a the time in #re'erence to thinkin2 o' the Gi5er" is e.tremey
To think o' God" the Gi5er" aon2 !ith the str&22e to ac:&ire materia thin2s" is a
ri2ht( The iies are cothed directy %y God and they do not ha5e to #ay 'or the s&nshine"
air" and soi chemicas !hich they re:&ire" %&t" in the #resent ci5iiBation" man has to #ay
'or his 'ood and cothin2 and he co&d not ha5e them 2i5en to him !itho&t his tho&2ht and
str&22e to 2et them( In the Orient" !hen <es&s ta&2ht" #eo#e i5ed sim#y and co&d 2et
themse5es 'ed and cothed !itho&t m&ch e''ort thro&2h charity or 'amiy he#( No!adays"
conditions o' i'e are chan2edG ci5iiBation is more indi5id&aistic and se'ish" hence man has
to str&22e 'or his e.istence and 2i5e considera%e tho&2ht to his maintenance(
Then the :&estion comes" is it im#ossi%e to a##y the a%o5e 4hrist doctrine in
modern i'eM No( History sho!s that the smartest" !eathiest indi5id&as o' a A2es" !ith a
their tho&2ht and e''ort and cra'tiness to ac:&ire !eath and materia s&ccess 'rom time to
time" ha5e %een made to !ao! in the mire o' #o5erty thro&2h the nai5e decree o' -ate(
Those !ho think that #ros#erity de#ends ony &#on manLs e''ort and cra'tiness are mi2htiy
Modern de#ression in America has h&m%ed many miionaires !ho !ere s&re o'
their a%iity to in5est #ro#ery and #reser5e their mi2hty 'ort&nes( The s#irit&a a!s o'
J&nse'ishness) and Jinc&din2 the #ros#erity o' others in oneLs o!n #ros#erity) !ere
%rokenG hence" the ad5ent o' de#ression( Ind&stria se'ishness !as #reci#itated 'rom dire
h&man 2reed 'or 2od" eadin2 to &n'air s&icida com#etition and the d&m#in2 o' #rices to
ki the com#etitor and the a7destroyin2 de#ression( E5en the smartest %&sinessmen ha5e
%ecome chidren in the hands o' destiny and de#ression" kno!in2 not !hich !ay to t&rn(
?hen the materiay7minded %&sinessmanLs %rain is %e'&dded !ith 2reed" his intei2ence
instit&tes #ans !hich 'ai one a'ter the other( This is the #rice a materiay7minded God7
'or2otten e2otistic #eo#e are %o&nd to meet sometime or other(
The idea is this$ a %&sinessman !ho kee#s his mind #rinci#ay concentrated &#on
the Ami2hty Gi5er o' a thin2s !o&d ne5er %e e't !itho&t anythin2 >&ness it is 'or a test@
e5en in the !orst de#ression !hich mi2ht come aon2( God is the 4reator and O!ner o' a
'ood" cothin2" money" #ro#erty" and i'eG it is He !ho 2i5es a those thin2s to man so that
he can maintain his i'e on earth( I' the nations o' the earth i5ed as %rothers in the United
States o' the ?ord" no indi5id&a o' the earth co&d die o' star5ation or 2o naked( B&t man"
%y 2i5in2 arti'icia monetary 5a&e to #rod&ction" has %ro&2ht in stri'e %et!een ca#ita and
a%or" eadin2 to systematicay rec&rrin2 in'ations and de#ressions( ?hen a mem%er o' a
'amiy 2ets sick or disa%ed" he is not the o%Eect o' charity" %&t he honora%y shares the
'amiy 'ood and !eath( The same sho&d hod 2ood 'or each mem%er o' the !ord 'amiy(
No%ody sho&d star5e %eca&se he has no Eo%" or %eca&se he is od or disa%ed(
Brain and hands %oth coo#erate to maintain the %ody and e:&ay share the 'ood in
the stomach" so aso ca#ita >the %rains o' the society@ and the a%or >the !orkin2 #o!er o'
the society@ m&st coo#erate to make i'e #ros#ero&s and e:&ay share in a they #rod&ce(
Neither ca#ita nor a%or sho&d 2et s#ecia #re'erence in an im#eriaistic or sociaistic 'orm
o' 2o5ernment( 4a#ita and a%or ha5e their eterna #ace" and they m&st do their
res#ecti5e d&ties in e:&aity( E5ery%ody sho&d %e rich" or e5ery%ody 2et aon2 someho!"
e:&ay sharin2 in nationa !eath" or e5ery%ody sho&d %e #oor i' #o5erty comes
&na5oida%y thro&2h the incemencies o' Nat&re( There sho&d not %e some richer than
others( That is the root ca&se o' crime" 2reed" se'ishness" !ars" 'amines" #estience" and
a &ntod socia e5is(
I' nations reaiBed that a #ossessions are 2i'ts o' God and that there'ore a thin2s
sho&d %e shared e:&ay" then they co&d i5e cent&ries !itho&t !ars and 'amine( One
nation #ossessin2 e5erythin2 side %y side !ith another nation star5in2 to death" can ne5er
kee# #eace on earth( Nations m&st ook a'ter one another or they are doomed( That is !hy
<es&s s#eaks to the nations o' the earth$ JYe nations" do not %e se'ish and think ony o'
'ood" ind&stry" and raiment" in &tter 'or2et'&ness o' %rotherhood and the Gi5er o' a thin2s"
God" or ye !i %rin2 com#ete disaster on yo&rse5es thro&2h yo&r o!n se'7created
i2norance and its attendant !ars" #estience" and so 'orth()
The #ros#ero&s nation mi2ht think$ J?hat do !e care 'or other nations$ et &s ro in
#entyG !hat do !e care 'or other star5in2 nations dyin2 %y the miions" as on2 as !e are
#ros#ero&s() ?e" the #eo#e o' an intei2ent #ros#ero&s nation m&st reaiBe that nationa
#ros#erity de#ends &#on nat&ra reso&rces" mora cond&ct" harmony" and s#irit&a i5in2 o'
the #eo#e( A nation" no matter ho! s&ccess'&" i' it %ecomes de%a&ched" se'ish" and
inharmonio&s" !i ha5e ci5i !ars" treachery" and 'orei2n a22ression to disr&#t its
Hence" no indi5id&a or nation sho&d %e se'ish and 2i5e entire tho&2ht to 'ood or
raiment" %&t sho&d %e h&m%e" share #ros#erity !ith a %rothers" and ackno!ed2e God as
the ony Gi5er and O!ner o' a the earthLs 2i'ts(
God cothes the 2rass !ith 2reen attire and then it is %&rnt in the 'iery s&n( A thin2s
o' this earth are e5anescentG hence" man" !ho is more im#ortant than the 2rass" sho&d not
%e %&sy !ith tem#ora thin2s and %e cast in the 'ire o' i2norance and misery( I' the 2rass
2ets its attire" 'rom God" man" !ho is more im#ortant than 2rass" sho&d not do&%t his 'ood
and raiment 'rom God" %&t rather man sho&d try to seek the ;in2dom o' Hea5en and
e5ade the 'ate o' the 2rass !hich is cothed and then %&rnt %y the s&n to i'eessness( Man"
%ein2 conscio&s" sho&d ha5e more 'aith in God(
Therefore ta%e no thought, saying, 8hat shall we eatF Or, 8hat shall we drin%F Or,
8herewithal shall we be #lothedF -For after all these things do the 0entiles see%3. For your
heavenly Father %noweth that ye have need of all these things./
-$atthew A3?2!?4.
Day and ni2ht the !ordy man thinks o' 'ood" drink" and raiment( By so doin2"
tho&2h he 2ets some 'ood" drink" and raiment" sti he does not enEoy them '&y" 'or he is
ne5er satis'ied and is a!ays ookin2 'or more or is a'raid o' osin2 !hat he has(
As the Hind& Scri#t&re says$ JYo& cannot %e a man o' God i' yo& !ork 'or yo&r o!n
2ain or remain an ider and do not !ork at a() A man o' God !orks dii2enty" #er'ormin2
ony d&ti'& actions to #ease God and to share the 'r&its o' action !ith GodLs chidren" and
not 'or his o!n se'ish desires(
?e are sent on earth %y God to !ork 'or Him" and hence those !ho !ork 'or the e2o
and its desires %ecome entan2ed in the net o' e5er7rec&rrin2 im#er'ect earthy desires and
cannot 2et a!ay to e5erastin2 'reedom(
The !ise man !ho eats" drinks" and cothes himse' %eca&se God has 2i5en him a
%ody to ook a'ter" is 'ree( I' the !ise man ne2ects his %ody and star5es it to dearth" he
sins a2ainst GodLs a!s o' creation( The #erson !ho dresses" drinks" and eats to #ease
his 5anity and morta desire is di5orced 'rom God aso(
<es&s asked man not to %e en2rossed in the tho&2ht o' 'ood and drink and raiment"
'or God kno!s that man needs these thin2s and m&st ha5e them( God has created many
5arieties o' 'ood and drink and materias 'or manLs necessities( Since God is so tho&2ht'&
o' man" he certainy sho&d not 'or2et God( <es&s in no!ise tod #eo#e to ne2ect
ac:&irin2 materia necessities" %&t He s#oke a2ainst 2i5in2 to them the so&Ls entire
Ac:&ire e5erythin2 yo& need !ith the tho&2ht o' God" !ith yo&r attention #rinci#ay
restin2 on God( That is the s&re !ay to ha##iness( To ac:&ire yo&r necessities" 'or2ettin2
God" is the certain !ay to in'inite misery(
&ut see% ye first the %ingdom of 0od, and his righteousness< and all these things
shall be added unto you. Ta%e therefore no thought for the morrow3 for the morrow shall
ta%e thought for the things of itself. Suffi#ient unto the day is the evil thereof./
-$atthew A3??!?@.
Man sho&d not seek #ossessions 'irst" and then God" %eca&se those !ho seek
materia thin2s 'irst" ose the 2reatest thin2 F God( The mind" %ein2 ike %ottin2 #a#er"
!hen it soaks &# #&tri'ied" dark materia desire 'irst" cannot take &# the 'ra2rant #&rity o'
God( B&t the mind !hich seeks God 'irst" 2ets e5erythin2 aon2 !ith Him( To #ossess God
is to o!n the Uni5erse( ?hen yo& #& the ear" the head comes !ith it( ?hen yo& #& at
God 'irst" then eterna #ros#erity o' immortaity" !isdom" and e5er7ne! %essin2s are
a&tomaticay added to yo&(
Seekin2 the ;in2dom o' God 'irst is the 2reatest messa2e o' <es&s to indi5id&as
and nations o' the earth %eca&se it is the s&rest !ay to astin2 indi5id&a" socia" and
nationa ha##iness( Perisha%e materia #ossessions do not contain the im#erisha%e
;in2dom o' God" o' immortaity and e5erastin2 Biss" %&t the im#erisha%e ;in2dom o' God
contains in it a the #erisha%e 2ood o' the !ord( Those !ho are 'ooish" seek #erisha%e
materia thin2s 'irst and 2et so acc&stomed to !orkin2 'or them" d&e to the ensa5in2 ha%it
o' the mind" that they are &na%e to seek the e5erastin2 ;in2dom o' God( So <es&s said to
%e !ise and not !aste yo&r e''ort in ac:&irin2 materia thin2s !hich yo& ha5e to 2i5e &#
#er'orce at the time o' death( Rather" 'irst 'orm the ha%it o' ac:&irin2 the ;in2dom o' God"
and i' yo& are s&ccess'& in ac:&irin2 that" yo& !i ha5e immortaity and e5er7ne! Biss"
not ony in this i'e %&t thro&2h eternity" and in addition yo& !i aso %e 2i5en a the
#erisha%e materia thin2s !hich yo& need in this i'e( No %&sinessman sho&d t&rn do!n
s&ch an o''er(
Besides" !hen a so&" made in the ima2e o' God" instead o' seekin2 immortaity"
seeks materia thin2s" he %ecomes a %e22ar and recei5es ony a %e22arLs #ittance" %&t
so&s !ho seek 'irst to ret&rn to the ;in2dom o' God" a'ter %ein2 #rodi2a and !anderin2
a!ay 'rom it in earthy incarnation" once a2ain %ecome the tr&e chidren o' God and
recei5e" !itho&t askin2" the Hea5eny chidrenLs share( To recaim yo&rse' as a tr&e chid
o' God is to recei5e a thin2s F #ros#erity" immortaity" and God !itho&t askin2( To the tr&e
chid o' God" the ;in2dom o' God is ret&rned and a materia #ossessions are 2i5en in
addition" 'or the ;in2dom o' God contains in it aso the ;in2dom o' the earth(
O' co&rse" E&st %ind seekin2 the ;in2dom o' God !i not doG neither !i %ein2
content a yo&r i'e in seekin2 the Di5ine ;in2dom !itho&t recei5in2 it 2et yo& any!here(
Man m&st kno! the techni:&e o' God7contact" >earned 'rom the sa2es o' India !ho ha5e
s#eciaiBed in it@ and !hen the ecstatic comm&nion !ith God is an esta%ished 'act" then
!i he kno! that !ith the ac:&irement o' the ceestia ;in2dom" a thin2s are !ithin his
reach( <es&s said$ JI and my -ather are One") >and that is !hy He co&d 'eed 'i5e tho&sand
#eo#e !ith 'i5e oa5es o' %read" and co&d recreate His %ody a'ter death F and
achie5ement !hich no scientist has yet d&#icated@( <es&s had God 'irst" so He had #o!er
o5er i'e and death" destiny" and a conditions(
It is ridic&o&s 'or man to :&estion his Di5inity" or to ask !hether he can attain
4hristhood or not( Man does not need to ac:&ire GodhoodG he has ony to kno! that he is
made in GodLs ima2e(
There'ore" rea 4hristian i5in2 sho&d consist in seekin2 the com'ort o' meditation
'irst and then makin2 materia i'e 5ery sim#e( A com#e. materia i'e is ony #easin2 to
the eyes" %&t 'e! reaiBe J!hat #rice materia com'orts() Economic sa5ery" ner5o&sness"
%&siness !orries" &n'air com#etition" od a2e" !ars" disease" ack o' 'reedom" and misery
and death are the har5est o' a materiay %&sy i'e" !hich is de5oid o' the a##reciation o'
%ea&ty" Nat&re" and God in i'e( Then !hy s#end a yo&r 5a&a%e i'eLs time seekin2
#erisha%e thin2sM ?hy not s#end yo&r time seekin2 God 'irst thro&2h dee# meditation
&nti yo& act&ay contact Him" and then !ith His contact recei5e the immorta" im#erisha%e
thin2s o' hea5en and a the #erisha%e thin2s o' this i'e !hich yo& need(
6i5e !ith God today and He !ho 2&ides the destiny o' the !ord" inc&din2 yo&rs" !i
#an yo&r morro! 'or yo& accordin2 to yo&r acts o' today(
It is hard to 2et rid o' the e5i o' materia attachments" and th&s not 2o on
acc&m&atin2 seeds o' e5i attachment 'or tomorro!" %&t it m&st %e done some time(
Men seek matter 'irst" and are d&#ed %y #artiay recei5in2 #erisha%e thin2s( <es&s
kne! that He !as one !ith God( That is !hy He had e5erythin2 F contro o5er i'e" matter"
and a conditions( There'ore" do not #ray 'or materia thin2s 'irst" 'or yo&" as a %e22ar"
cannot 2et !hat yo& !ant to #ossess( I' yo& E&st #ray to %e a miionaire" I ass&re yo& no
matter ho! hard yo& #ray yo& cannot %e one( Do not #ray as a morta" %&t 'irst kno! %y
dee# meditation that Jyo& and yo&r -ather are One() ?hen yo& kno! this" yo& are richer
than a miionaire( Hence" i' yo& kno! God" yo& !i not need to #ray" to s&##icate or %e2"
'or yo& !i %ecome a Son o' God and" %ein2 the 4hid o' God" yo& !i ha5e e5erythin2
!hich God has(
I' yo& #ray at a" do not #ray as a morta" 'or in so doin2 yo& cannot 2et more than
yo&r morta or %e22arLs share" %&t #ray a'ter kno!in2 God" then yo& can ha5e anythin2 in
His ;in2dom !itho&t s&##ication" on demand" as yo&r Di5ine Birthri2ht(
Do not make the mistake" as miions o' #eo#e do" o' #rayin2 and #rayin2" and
ne5er 2ettin2 any!here( Pray to kno! God 'irst" then #ray 'or or demand a'ter!ard
anythin2 yo& !ish to ha5e( That is the rea !ay to 2et yo&r #rayers ans!ered(
1udge not, that ye be not 'udged. For with what 'udgment ye 'udge, ye shall be
'udged3 and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 9nd why
beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother>s eye, but #onsiderest not the beam that is in
thine own eyeF Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine
eye< and, behold, a beam is in thine own eyeF/
>Matthe! B32!@@
Do not %e critica a%o&t !hat other #eo#e do" so that yo&r actions !i not %e taken
into acco&nt %y others( This #assa2e seems a sort o' mora threat" to the e''ect that i' yo&
merciessy e.#ose the 'a&ts o' others" simiary !i yo&r o!n 'a&ts %e %ro&2ht to i2ht( In
other !ords" !e ha5e no ri2ht to criticiBe others 5ioenty !hie !e #ossess the same 'a&ts"
'or s&ch action %rin2s ony ridic&e and an2er( I' a iar admonishes a ier" it has itte e''ect(
A E&d2e !ho has committed m&rder himse' has no ri2ht to condemn another
m&rderer to death" 'or then the in5isi%e eye o' the e5en7handed E&st a!s o' God !i %rin2
the hy#ocrite to E&d2ment( It is neither 2ood nor e''ecti5e to E&d2e others !itho&t 'irst
riddin2 onese' o' the same de'ects( Action and s#eak o&der than !ords( 6o5in2
s&22estion 'rom a 2ood #erson is a ri2ht i' the sinner !ants to %ecome %etter or is
remorse'&( Tr&th and God ony can E&d2e 'airy" 'or they are 'a&tess(
To re5ea the mora !eakness o' others and %rin2 them to discom'it&re and
resentment is not the !ay o' the !ise( 4r&e E&d2ment o' the !ron2 actions o' others
makes one 'or2et that the sinner is %&t an error7stricken chid o' God( Hate the sin" %&t not
the sinner" 'or he is a chid o' God in error F yo&r o!n Di5ine %rother eci#sed %y i2norance(
The #&r#ose o' E&d2ment m&st %e c&rati5e ony and not the re5en2e'& o&tcome o' an2er(
God" !ho is a%o5e a %ase #assions" is the ony im#artia E&d2e and kno!s !hat is
ri2ht( Man is a#t to %e re5en2e'& and &nE&st !hen he is E&d2in2 the 'a&ts o' others( ?e
sho&d treat the error7stricken as !e !o&d ike to %e treated i' !e o&rse5es !ere stricken
!ith error( In the same s#irit in !hich !e E&d2e others does the Di5ine 6a! E&d2e &s(
Instead o' E&d2in2 !ith harshness" !e sho&d s&22est !ith o5e( Besides" those !ho are
&sed to E&d2in2 others !itho&t correctin2 themse5es 'irst are a#t to %eie5e 'asey that
they are 'ree 'rom these same 'a&ts F E&st %eca&se they ha##en to admonish others( O'
co&rse" yo& can E&d2e another !ith kindness 'or the #&r#ose o' correction( S&ch an act is
a ri2ht" 'or the Di5ine 6a! !i %e kind or cr&e in E&d2in2 yo&r 'a&ts" e5en as yo& are kind
or cr&e in estimatin2 the discre#ancies o' others(
To !arn others a%o&t the dan2ers o' e5i 'rom oneLs o!n %itter e.#erience is 2ood i'
it is done in #ri5ate !ith the soe desire o' sa5in2 them 'rom misery" %&t ne5er te other
#eo#e their 'a&ts in #&%ic( Unscr&#&o&s #eo#e o5e to tort&re others a%o&t the 5ary
'a&ts they themse5es #ossess in a%&ndance( Bein2 di5ine %rothers" !e sho&d not E&d2e
another %rother !ith &nkindness( Unkind" re5en2e'& E&d2in2 o' the 'a&ts o' others creates
resentment and menta re%eion( A o5in2 #erson does not cr&ey E&d2e and #&nish his
%rother" %&t he criticiBes !ith o5e i' necessary(
Accordin2 to the a! o' ca&se and e''ect" i' one is &sed to E&d2in2 others !ith
kindness" he recei5es the same treatment in ret&rn 'rom Tr&th" !hich secrety 2o5erns a
i'e( In other !ords" ony the kind" !ise" and #er'ecty %aanced indi5id&a is 'it to E&d2e(
Accordin2 to the #sychoo2ica a! o' ha%it" i' yo& are cr&e to others" yo& ha5e har%ored
cr&e tho&2hts in yo&rse' 'irst" and i' yo& are constanty cr&e" yo& ha5e har%ored cr&e
tho&2hts :&ite o'ten" and %y constanty har%orin2 cr&e tho&2hts" yo& !i acc&stom
yo&rse' to %ein2 cr&e( Hence" it is not 2ood to har%or cr&e tho&2hts a%o&t others &nder
any circ&mstances( To %e cr&e to others is to attract cr&ety to yo&rse' %y e.citin2 and
an2erin2 others( P&nishment or re!ard is not im#arted %y God as an act o' re5en2e or an
act o' s#ecia 'a5oritism" %&t 2ood and e5i res&ts are occasioned %y 2ood and e5i actions(
To E&d2e others cr&ey is to attract cr&e criticism 'rom others" !hich makes yo&r o!n i'e
I' yo& are %ind in one eye" !hy ca another %ind %rother" %ind" &ness yo& !ant to
tort&re or ridic&e yo&rse'M I' yo& sho! kindness" yo& are :&ite ikey to attract the same
thin2 'rom others( -or instance" it is ridic&o&s to try to hea some one o' the ha%it o'
smokin2 i' yo& are an in5eterate smoker yo&rse'( O' co&rse" it is a ri2ht to !arn another
%rother o' the ditch o' error into !hich yo& ha5e 'aen" i' yo& do not !ant him to s&''er
ike!ise" %&t to condemn #&%icy or to #&nish another 'or a 'a&t !hich yo& #ossess is
&nE&sti'ia%e( I' yo& are a traitor to yo&r co&ntry" yo& sho&d not admonish other traitors( I'
yo& are s&''erin2 'rom mora sickness" do not make yo&rse' hoarse e.#ressin2 hoy !rath
a2ainst others !ho are moray !eak" 'or then #eo#e !i 'ind o&t yo&r secret errors and
#&t them %e'ore the !ord" ridic&in2 yo&r hy#ocrisy and inconsistency(
?hene5er yo& tak a2ainst another #erson 'or the o5e o' 2ossi# or in order to satis'y
yo&r takati5e instinct" remem%er" yo& !i %e E&d2ed %y yo&r Hea5eny -ather in the same
!ay" 'or !hate5er yo& 2i5e o&t" the same !i yo& attract( I' yo& #edde the !eaknesses o'
others" the Di5ine 6a! !i mysterio&sy %rin2 a%o&t the #&%icity o' yo&r o!n inner 'a&ts(
The man s&''erin2 'rom theoo2ica indi2estion himse' cannot c&re others s&''erin2
'rom the same maady( The theoo2icay !ise" %&t i2norant in Se'7ReaiBation" cannot ead
others into the ha5en o' s#irit&a Se'7ReaiBation( <es&s and His disci#es a!akened God7
contact in many men" %&t many o' the modern ministers cannot a!aken God in #eo#e"
%eca&se they kno! not God themse5es( Passin2 theoo2ica e.aminations" re2&ar
#re#aration and dei5erin2 o' theoretica sermons" and takin2 in a hoy 5oice" !ith emotion"
does not make one God7kno!n or make him a%e to transmit God to others( GodLs ministry
sho&d ne5er %e chosen as a i'eLs !ork !itho&t kno!in2 God 'irst in oneLs o!n
conscio&sness( E5en %&siness ethics demand that one sho&d ne5er attem#t to se
anythin2 !itho&t a thoro&2h ac:&aintance !ith the artice and 'aith in its &se'&ness( Then
!hy try to se God to others !itho&t kno!in2 or %eie5in2 at a !hat God is and ho! He
can %e &se'& to a in the s&#reme !ayM
J<&d2e not" that ye %e not E&d2ed() <es&s re'ers here mosty to se. immoraity" !hich
is d&e to %ad #re7nata or #ostnata ha%its" or to %ad com#any( There is a com#&sion o'
the #hysica se. 'orce %y !hich #eo#e are ed astray( Ho!e5er" %eca&se some #ersons
ha%it&ay ha5e no se. desire" that does not make them saints" 'or they may ha5e a 5ery
!icked" insincere heart( Some indi5id&as str&22e day and ni2ht a2ainst the se.
com#&sion d&e to e5i heredity" to %ad karma o' #ast i5es" or to adhesions or con2estion
in the se. re2ion( S&ch s&''erers sho&d cons&t a #hysician and sho&d #ractice the
techni:&e 2i5en %y a G&r&7Prece#tor in order to 2et rid o' this a%norma se. cra5in2(
A man !ho can match his !i #o!er a2ainst se. com#&sion and !in" and !ho can
con5ince the mind that the #eace o' se'7contro is 2reater than se. ind&2ence" is a 2reater
man than the one !ho is 2ood %eca&se he doesnLt ha5e any se. desire to o5ercome( A
man !ho is innocent %eca&se o' ack o' e.#erience may s&cc&m% to tem#tation !hene5er
it 'irst comes to him( O' a e5is" %e!are o' the ha%it o' remainin2 on the se. #ane in
tho&2ht or action" 'or it is one o' the most di''ic&t sense desires to %e controed" re2&ated"
and s&%E&2ated(
There'ore" i' yo& are s&''erin2 'rom immoraity" yo& ha5e no ri2ht to E&d2e other
immora #eo#e( To E&d2e does not si2ni'y that yo& sho&d not !arn an innocent #erson or
a si2hty immora indi5id&a o' the dan2ers o' 'ormin2 %ad ha%its( I' yo& E&d2e others ony
to he# them or to correct them !itho&t h&rtin2 them %y e.#os&re" or 2ossi#" or scodin2" or
ta&ntin2" then s&ch E&d2ment is a ri2ht(
<&d2in2 is o' di''erent kinds( J-or !ith what 'udgment ye E&d2e" ye sha %e E&d2ed()
J?hat E&d2ment) si2ni'ies E&d2in2 #eo#e in order to a&dacio&sy h&rt them or %rin2 them to
ridic&e( E5en to #&nish e5i #eo#e :&iety in s&ch a !ay that they !i try to re'orm
themse5es" is a ri2ht( The co&rt E&d2e #&nishes crimina 'or the sake o' a society" as !e
as 'or their o!n 2ood" so that they !i not #er'orm 2reater and 2reater crimes( B&t" to
#&nish #eo#e E&st to satis'y !rath" or 'or any other !ron2 #&r#ose" is e5i(
Gossi#" either 'or #eas&re or thro&2h 'orce o' ha%it" ne5er heas the #erson taked
a%o&tG it ony r&''es him" makes him mad" stee#ed in des#air" ashamed" and stren2thens
his determination to contin&e to %e e5i( There is a #ro5er% !hich says$ JThe one !ho has
ost one ear 2oes thro&2h the 5ia2e at the side" sho!in2 the 5ia2ers his %est ear" and
hidin2 the ost ear( B&t he !ho has ost %oth ears" 2oes thro&2h the center o' the 5ia2e"
%eca&se he cannot hide 'rom anyone()
Any #erson !hose mora errors are &nd&y e.#osed" %ecomes des#erate and
shameess" ike the man !ho ost %oth ears" and th&s he makes no e''ort to %e %etter( That
is !hy yo& m&st not E&d2e !ith an e5i intention or E&d2e in a !ay to harm the #erson
J<&d2e ye not othersG E&d2e yo&rse'() I' yo& ha##en to o5e to tak o&dy a%o&t the
'a&ts o' others" then satis'y that &st %y o&dy takin2 a%o&t yo&r o!n #ri5ate secret 'a&ts"
and see ho! yo& ike it e5en 'or a min&te( No!" i' yo& cannot stand one min&teLs #&%icity
a%o&t yo&r o!n 'a&ts" then yo& m&st not in any !ay reEoice in e.#osin2 others(
Besides" the e5i yo& te a%o&t others %ecomes e.a22erated and #eo#e are ready
to cr&ci'y the condemned #erson !itho&t E&d2in2 the circ&mstances !hich ed him to %e
moray !eak( To tak a%o&t the secret 'a&ts o' others" is to make them ose the desire to
%e 2ood( O' co&rse" in rare cases" the 'ear o' #&%icity kee#s some #eo#e 2ood" %&t
#&%icity a%o&t a #ersonLs 'a&t makes him des#erate and makes him ose the desire to %e
2ood( Aso" a itte !eakness in a #erson" thro&2h #&%icity" o'ten %ecomes %i2 and
&ni5ersay kno!n" !hereas #eo#e !ith 'ar 2reater !eaknesses" %eca&se o' not %ein2
detected" 2o &nchecked(
I' there is #enty o' menta dirt in yo&r o!n inner home" 2et %&sy and cean it o&t and
do not !aste time in takin2 a%o&t the menta dirt e.istin2 in others( Those !ho are se'7
eected critics" and !ho E&d2e others" are the ones !ho &s&ay 'or2et to scr&tiniBe their
o!n inner !eaknesses( They think that they are a ri2ht %eca&se they can #ercei5e the
'a&ts o' others( Do not hide %ehind s&ch and erroneo&s menta smoke screen( Uness yo&
are 'ree 'rom 'a&t yo&rse'" yo& ha5e no ri2ht to !aste yo&r time in tein2 others ho! to %e
'ree 'rom the se'7same 'a&ts !hich ha&nt yo&(
?hy %ehod the mote in yo&r %rotherLs eye i' the same tro&%e e.ists in yo&M Be'ore
yo& as#ire to take the mote 'rom yo&r %rotherLs eye" yo& sho&d 'irst take it o&t o' yo&r o!n
eye( I' yo& !ant to make others mora" yo& m&st remo5e a immoraity 'rom yo&r o!n i'e(
<es&s kne! that some immora #eo#e are e.tremey !eak in 'esh" tho&2h mentay they
!ant 5ery m&ch to 2et rid o' their mora !eakness( <es&s said to he# s&ch he#ess
mentay sick #eo#e %y !isdom and o5e instead o' increasin2 their tro&%es %y &nkind
car#in2 criticism(
Thou hypo#rite, first #ast out the beam out of thine own eye< and then shalt thou
see #learly to #ast out the mote out of thy brother>s eye. 0ive not that whi#h is holy unto
the dogs, neither #ast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet,
and turn again and rend you./
-$atthew B3=!A.
Insincerity and hy#ocrisy are the 2reatest o' a crimes( I' in!ardy yo& do not care to
o5ercome yo&r !eakness %&t sti #ro'ess hatred 'or s&ch !eakness" then yo& are
insincere and hy#ocritica( To try to concea yo&r 'a&ts in order to sa5e yo&rse' 'rom
cr&ci'i.ion and s#irit&a im#otency" is not hy#ocrisy( To concea yo&r 'a&ts !hie yo&
sincerey" !ith a yo&r mi2ht" try to destroy them" is not hy#ocrisy( Ho! many yo&n2
#eo#e !o&d ha5e %een %etter i' society had not 'orced them to %e hy#ocrites( Hy#ocrites
are those !ho take #eas&re in #osin2 as 5irt&o&s !hen they are not( S&ch #eo#e are
ne5er re#ententG they o5e to decei5e others a%o&t themse5es( S&ch hy#ocrites ne5er try
to re'orm(
I' anyone acc&ses yo& o' ha5in2 a certain 'a&t" consider serio&sy !hether yo& ha5e
it or not( I' yo& ha5e the 'a&t yo& are acc&sed o'" e.c&se yo&rse' :&iety" or cas&ay deny
it" %&t #ositi5ey remo5e that 'a&t 'rom !ithin yo&( I' yo& do not ha5e the 'a&t yo& are
acc&sed o' ha5in2" then 5ehementy deny it and :&icky de#art !itho&t %ein2 !rath'& or
I' yo& !ant to remo5e the i2norance o' others" remo5e a i2norance 'rom !ithin
yo&rse'" 'or i' yo& ha5e ac:&ired !isdom" yo& !i kno! and see %etter ho! to remo5e
i2norance 'rom the i5es o' other #eo#e(
S#irit&a ad5ice is o' no a5ai to h&man do2s !ho %ark at yo& !ith criticism and
ridic&e( <&st as s!ine tram#e on #ears cast %e'ore them" so #eo#e" !ho are dee#y
!ao!in2 in anima 'ith" do not a##reciate the #eary !ords o' saints !ho s#eak o' the
#riceess ha##iness o' a se'7controed e.istence( I' yo& try to re'orm o!7minded"
con'irmed" and determined e5i #eo#e" not ony !i they sneer at yo&r sermons" %&t they
may inE&re and %ackmai yo&( Stay a!ay 'rom 5ery e5i #eo#e !ho do not !ant to %e 2ood
and !ho ony a&2h at a that is 2ood(
9s%, and it shall be given you< see%, and ye shall find< %no#%, and it shall be opened
unto you< for every one that as%eth re#eiveth< and he that see%eth findeth< and to him that
%no#%eth it shall be opened./
-$atthew B3B!C.
Peo#e do not 2et many thin2s !hich they desire %eca&se they do not kno! ho! to
ask God 'or them( I' yo& ask 'or materia or s#irit&a thin2s a'ter yo& kno! and ha5e
contacted God %y the #ractice o' meditation" then yo& !i 2et !hat yo& need( I' yo& seek a
thin2 or God !hoeheartedy" mindin2 not re5erses" &nti yo& o%tain !hat yo& !ant" then
yo& !i s&rey 'ind it( I' yo& o''er contin&o&s menta knocks o' demand at the doors o' inner
sience" then God #er'orce !i o#en the inner door and et yo& into His ;in2dom o' In'inity(
To the one !ho knocks !ith his so& at the dark 2ates o' meditation" to him the inner door
s!in2s o#en" 'or e5eryone !ho #ersistenty asks 'or anythin2 !i recei5e an ans!er( The
na&2hty s#irit&a %a%y" !ho is not &red %y earthy toys and !ho #ersists in knockin2 and
cryin2 at the cosed 2ates o' sience" is the one !ho is et into the Inner 4ham%er o' a
-&'iment" !here Di5ine Mother rei2ns in a the '&ness o' Her Gory(
JHe that seeketh") that is" he !ho ne5er sto#s seekin2 God and is not 'asey
satis'ied" 'inds God( And he !ho knocks at the tem#e doors o' sience !ith contin&o&s"
&na%ated Bea and de5otion" to him the inner doors o' !isdom !i %e o#ened(
Or what man is there of you, whom if his son as% bread, will he give him a stoneF
Or if he as% a fish, will he give him a serpentF (f ye then, being evil, %now how to give good
gifts unto your #hildren, how mu#h more shall your Father whi#h is in heaven give good
things to them that as% himF/
-$atthew B3D!22.
The earthy 'ather 2i5es %read and not stones to his s&##icatin2 son( Neither does a
'ather 2i5e a snake to the son !ho asks 'or 'ish( I' e5i #arents cannot re'rain 'rom 2i5in2
their chidren 2ood 2i'ts" then ho! m&ch more the A72ood Hea5eny -ather !i 2i5e yo&" i'
yo& ony ask Him" e5en i' yo& are not deser5in2( The idea is that an e5i 'ather 2i5es 2ood
2i'ts to his chidren irres#ecti5e o' !hether the chidren are 2ood or %ad" so aso God 2i5es
2ood thin2s to a His chidren !hether they are 2ood or %ad(
JYo&r -ather" !hich is in hea5en") si2ni'ies the Hea5eny -ather !ho d!es %ehind
the #eary ram#arts o' inner sience" and !ho can %e comm&ned !ith ony in dee#
meditation( The Hea5eny -ather does not deny s&nshine" air" or i'e e5en to His sim#est
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so
to them< for this is the law and the prophets./
-$atthew B324.
There'ore" a the 2ood thin2s !hich yo& !ant #eo#e to do to yo&" yo& sho&d do the
same to them( I' yo& !ant #eo#e to tak kindy and 2enty to yo&" and to %eha5e to!ard
yo& sincerey" honora%y" and o5in2y" yo& m&st do the same to others( The Di5ine 6a!
and the #ro#hets dea !ith #eo#e in the no%est !ay" so that #eo#e may a!ays act no%y(
God does not #&nish anyoneG #eo#e dist&r% themse5es d&e to their o!n !ron2 actions(
That is !hy God is sient" ony !his#erin2 2enty and o5in2y thro&2h yo&r conscience$
J4hid" !ake &#" 'orsake the e5i !ay() God 2i5es o5e so that His chidren may" thro&2h
His 2reat 6o5e" earn to o5e Him and 'orsake a e5i !ays(
:nter ye in at the strait gate3 for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth
to destru#tion, and many there be whi#h go in thereat< &e#ause strait is the gate, and
narrow is the way, whi#h leadeth unto life, and few there be that findeth it./
-$atthew B32?!2@.
The #ath o' e5i is !ide and its 2ate is %road" and many 'oos 2o thro&2h it( The 2ate
o' e5i is e5i action( It is easy to #er'orm e5i %eca&se it re:&ires no e''ort to ro do!n a hi"
%&t e5ery e5i action re#eated eads aon2 the !ide #ath o' e5i" !hich is 'oo!ed %y the
&nthinkin2 masses( The !idth o' the e5i #ath si2ni'ies the &nimited !ays o' #er'ormin2 e5i
deeds( JHo! many !ays there are to sin no i5in2 morta kno!s()
Tho&2h the 2ate and #ath o' e5i are so %road and roomy" yet the !ay o' e5i
s&ddeny ends in a #reci#ito&s 'a into the 5aey o' s&''erin2( The mad thron2 enters the
easy 2ates o' e5i and 'oo!s the %road #ath o' e5i actions" and as the e5i doers Eoste
mady aon2 the #ath o' e5i" they s&ddeny 'a into the 5aey o' misery and their so&sL
ha##iness #erishes(
The 2ate o' 2oodness is strai2ht and the #ath narro! and di''ic&t" >E&st ike cim%in2
&#hi@ and 5ery 'e! seem to #ay attention to this #ath o' 5irt&o&s im#&ses >2ate@ and
ri2hteo&s actions >#ath@ !hich eads to e5erastin2 i'e(
The #ath o' 5irt&e" tho&2h seemin2y di''ic&t and &nattracti5e in the %e2innin2 and
not 'oo!ed %y many" yet eads those !ho #ersist in #&rs&in2 the strai2ht" narro! !ay o'
2oodness" into a ;in2dom o' &ndreamed7o' %ea&ty and &nendin2 %iss(

&eware of false prophets, whi#h #ome to you in sheep>s #lothing, but inwardly they
are ravening wolves. ,e shall %now them by their fruits. Ho men gather grapes of thorns,
or figs of thistlesF :ven so, every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a #orrupt tree
bringeth forth evil fruit. 9 good tree #annot bring forth evil fruit, neither #an a #orrupt tree
bring forth good fruit. :very tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and #ast
into the fire. 8herefore by their fruits ye shall %now them./
>Matthe! B32=!4E@
Be!are o' so7caed teachers !ho &se rei2ions as a means o' e.#oitation to 2ain
the !eath o' shee#7i'e &ndiscriminatin2 #eo#e( They commit the hi2hest sin a2ainst God"
a2ainst the Master o' the Uni5erse" %y tryin2 to &se and se Him 'or monetary 2ain( S&ch
teachers are !o5es o' e5i" dressed in the shee#Ls skin o' h&m%eness and o&t!ard
s#irit&aity( Do not E&d2e a teacher %y his o&t!ard dress o' s&#er'icia %eha5ior" %&t try to
kno! him thro&2h #ractica deain2s( Any man dressed in #onti'ica ro%es may ook hoy"
%&t he cannot hide his !icked heartG it m&st come o&t in his !icked actions( As yo& cannot
#&ck 2ra#es 'rom a thorn %&sh or 'i2s 'rom thistes" so yo& cannot rea# 2oodness 'rom a
reco2niBed e5i indi5id&a !ho is hidin2 %ehind the 5eneer o' 2oodness(
On the other hand" yo& may #&ck a %ea&ti'& ot&s" e5en i' it 2ro!s in a mirky #ond"
or yo& may &se the s!eetmeats o' a #erson !ho i5es on starch aone( Yo& may e5en read
a 2ood %ook !ritten %y an e5i man and %e #ro'ited %y it" %&t it is an &ndenia%e tr&ism that
i' yo& st&dy %ooks !ritten %y God7ins#ired indi5id&as yo&r #ro'it !i %e 2reater( The !ords
o' the Praece#ta Teachin2 %&rn !ith the 'ire o' Tr&th and im#art &nendin2 !armth and
2o! to those !ho are s#irit&ay cod and h&n2ry(
Es#eciay in the s#irit&a #ath m&st yo& 'oo! a God7ins#ired #erson or a 2&r&7
#rece#tor !ho is chosen 'or yo& %y God( Yo& are 'ree to E&d2e an ordinary teacher" %&t
once yo& choose a 2&r&7#rece#tor" yo& m&st 'oo! him &n:&estionin2y !itho&t E&d2in2
him" his merits or demerits( ?hen yo& 'irst desire to tread the #ath o' Hea5en" God sends
yo& teachers and %ooks" %&t !hen yo&r desire is stron2" ri#e" and ready" God %rin2s yo& a
2&r& or #rece#tor7messen2er ceestia" thro&2h !hose commands" reason" and ad5ice God
!i ead yo& thro&2h one i'e" or thro&2h as many i5es as necessary" &nti yo& are 'ree( In
'reein2 the disci#e" the 2&r& aso %ecomes 'ree( The 2&r& and disci#e 'orm the
&nconditiona s#irit&a #act$ J?e !i s#irit&ay o5e and redeem each other" hi2h or o!"
2ood or %ad" &nder a circ&mstances" &nti !e %oth 'ind redem#tion() H&man o5e is
conditiona and %ased &#on s#eci'ic merit( Di5ine o5e is &nconditiona" and the 2&r&7
#rece#tor and disci#e !ho as#ire to e.#erience it m&st necessariy #ractice s&ch
&nconditiona di5ine o5e thro&2h many incarnations" &nti %oth are emanci#ated(
Eise&s !as <es&s and EiEah !as his Master( <es&s de5eo#ed s#irit&ay into
4hristhood as the son o' <ose#h the car#enter( His 2&r&" EiEah" !as incarnated as <ohn
the Ba#tist in a esser s#irit&a mani'estation( Yet <es&s >Eise&s@ ackno!ed2ed <ohn the
Ba#tist >EiEah@ as His 2&r&7#rece#tor" and th&s asked to %e anointed %y him(
A 2&r& can ne5er %e a 'ase #ro#het( A 'ase #ro#het is one !ho kno!s at heart his
e.treme hy#ocrisy and mora !eakness and yet #ro'esses 2oodness and dei2hts in
decei5in2 #eo#e E&st to make them 'oo! him %indy 'or his o!n 'inancia ends(
A rea #ro#het does not %rin2 e5i to his 'oo!ers and an e5i re'ormer does not %rin2
any 2ood to his %ind disci#es( E5ery 'ase #ro#het is c&t do!n in time %y the a.e o' !ise
and E&st criticism and is e.#osed and cast into the 'ire o' o%i5ion( By the 'r&its o' his
actions" !hich emanate 'rom the tree o' inner tho&2hts" yo& !i kno! the di''erence
%et!een a 2ood #ro#het and a 'ase #ro#het( A 2&r& may teach a 'e! #eo#e or a 2reat
many" %&t his !hoe intention is to make 4hrists" or ;rishnas" o&t o' his disci#es(
A 2reat #ro#het is one !ho as#ires to re'orm a #ortion o' mankind or the entire
#eo#e o' the earth" and !ho comes on earth as a s#ecia messen2er to ans!er a s#eci'ic
need o' mankind( Anyone !ho kno!s himse' as ony !icked" and yet o&t!ardy makes a
coossa caim to %e a #ro#het or #rotO2O o' God" is indeed a st&#endo&s hy#ocrite and a
sinner a2ainst God( Ho!e5er" i' yo& are tryin2 to %e 2ood and sti ha5e a 'e! inner
!eaknesses" it is a ri2ht 'or yo& to try to he# others s#irit&ay" i' yo& are sincere and do
not make 'ase s#irit&a caims a%o&t yo&rse'(

7ot everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord< shall enter into the %ingdom of heaven<
but he that doeth the will of my Father whi#h is in heaven. $any will say to me in that day,
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy nameF 9nd in thy name have #ast out devilsF
9nd in thy name done many wonderful wor%sF 9nd then will ( profess unto them, ( never
%new you< depart from me, ye that wor% ini5uity./
>Matthe! B342!4?@
Hearken ye" se'7styed 4hristians or 'oo!ers o' 4h&rchianity$ E&st %y &tterin2 the
name o' <es&s" J6ord" 6ord" 6ord") in con5ersation and #reachin2" yo& may im#ress others
as %ein2 de5o&t" %&t yo& cannot enter into the ;in2dom o' God( So7caed 4hristians" !ho
are satis'ied !ith attendin2 ch&rch on S&nday mornin2 and a%sent7mindedy istenin2 to
S&nday sermons and hymns" reach that kind o' inner hea5en that %esto!s a de2ree o'
#eace" 'aith" some ans!ered #rayers" and a itte s#irit&a satis'action F ony that m&ch and
nothin2 more( Rea 4hristians are those !ho em%race the 4osmic ?isdom and Biss o' <es&s
4hrist in their o!n conscio&sness thro&2h meditation and ecstasy( This is the meanin2 o'" JHe
that doeth the !i o' the -ather !hich is in the Hea5eny re2ion o' Biss()
The tr&e de5otee is one !ho retraces his #rodi2a 'ootste#s 'rom the and o' sense7
#eas&res %ack to the home o' 4osmic Biss in God %y daiy intense meditation( He !ho is
one !ith God in the ecstasy o' meditation kno!s ho! to %eha5e correcty on earth and ho!
to act accordin2 to GodLs !i here(
At death" many #eo#e sienty reca in their so&s their #ro'essed 5irt&es and try to
2ain the reco2nition o' 4hrist 4onscio&sness" %&t they are t&rned a!ay and cast into the
!hirin2 !hee o' earthy incarnations( Those !ho ha5e ac:&ired 'ort&nes %y sein2 the
name o' God" or !ho ha5e cast o&t e5i 'rom #eo#e in ima2ination ony" or ha5e #er'ormed
s#irit&a miraces accordin2 to their o!n de&ded estimation ony" !i not %e a%e to enter
into the ;in2dom o' Eterna Biss(
A mechanica ch&rch7and7tem#e72oers" and a theoo2ica st&dents" m&st
remem%er that 5er%a #raise to the 6ord !itho&t His corres#ondin2 res#onse and
theoo2ica st&dy !itho&t 2ainin2 Se'7ReaiBation" is o' itte 5a&e in the eyes o' God( The
#rinci#es 2o5ernin2 di5ine i'e are e.act" ike those o' any other %ranch o' science in GodLs
4reation( Peo#e !ho !ant to %e 4hristians m&st kno! and 'ee the #resence o' 4hrist a
the time" m&st comm&ne !ith Him in ecstasy" and %e 2&ided %y Him and kno! that He is"
and e5er !i %e" and not E&st someho! %e s&#er'iciay satis'ied %y &tterin2 the name o' the
6ord a 'e! times e5ery day !itho&t kno!in2 !hether the 6ord act&ay e.ists or res#onds( I'
<es&s and God e5er e.isted" they no! and e5er !i I' they are #er#et&ay
e.istent" then that Tr&th m&st %e 5eri'ied in the i5es o' a Tr&th7o5in2 4hristians(
Those !ho #ro'ess 4hristianity and teach it" !itho&t kno!in2 or tryin2 to 'ee the
#resence o' 4hrist in meditation" are %as#hemin2 %y their ini:&ity and are not acce#ted
into the eterna Biss in 4hrist 4onscio&sness(
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, ( will li%en
him unto a wise man, whi#h built his house upon a ro#%3 9nd the rain des#ended and the
floods #ame, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house3 and it fell not3 for it was
founded upon a ro#%./
-$atthew B34@!4=.
He !ho istens to the ad5ice o' <es&s 4hrist" and i5es it" is setted in the home o'
astin2 Biss" 'o&nded on the rock o' eternay int&iti5e !isdom( S&ch a !ise manLs s#irit&a
Biss is ne5er destroyed %y the rain o' di''ic&t s#irit&a trias or the ad5ent o' the 'ood o'
acc&m&ated sorro!'& e5ents" or the mi2hty !ind o' death( The so&Ls ho&se o' Biss" %&it
on the o'ty rock o' meditati5e int&ition" can o&tast a the rain o' trias" 'oods o' miseries"
and e5en the storm o' death( The Biss ac:&ired %y meditation %ecomes a #ermanent
mansion o' the so&" !hich not e5en the most7dreaded death can destroy(
The Bha2a5ad Gita says$ JNot e5en the direst s&''erin2 can shake the e:&animity o'
the !ise man( He stands &nshaken amidst the crash o' %reakin2 !ords() So" do not
esta%ish yo&r ha##iness on the tem#ora #eas&res o' i'e" 'or it !i soon %e %o!n a!ay
%y the trias o' i'e" %&t instead" 'o&nd yo&r ha##iness in God as #ercei5ed in meditation"
and yo&r Eoy !i %e e5erastin2(
9nd everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be
li%ened unto a foolish man, whi#h built his house upon the sand3 9nd the rain des#ended,
and the floods #ame, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house3 and it fell3 and great
was the fall of it./
-$atthew B34A!4B.
E5eryone !ho reads the 4hristian Bi%e on S&nday mornin2s ony" %&t eads a
careess i'e #atterned a'ter the dictates o' his im#&ses thro&2ho&t the rest o' the !eek" is
ike the man !ho %&it his ho&se on sand( I' anyone tries to 'ee sec&rity in 'inancia
ac:&irement and in tem#orary sense7#eas&res" he !i ose his ha##iness d&rin2 the trias
o' disease" the chan2es o' 'ort&ne" and at the ad5ent o' death( Ha##iness %ased &#on
sense7#eas&res is ike a ho&se %&it &#on sand( As the ho&se %&it &#on sand cannot
thro&2h rain" 'ood" !ind" so the tem#orary ha##iness %ased &#on sense7#eas&res does
not ast d&rin2 the rain o' #hysica disease" or the rain o' menta tro&%es" or d&rin2 the
2reat storm o' death( Death shatters the itte menta home o' earthy ha##iness" %&t the
dance maca%re can ne5er shatter the home o' e5er7ne! Biss %&it &#on the rock o'
int&iti5e meditation( Peo#e !ho i5e 'or earthy ha##iness ony are e.tremey disi&sioned
at the time o' death" !hen e5erythin2 they o5ed and considered to %e e5erastin2y their
o!n" is taken a!ay 'rom them(
9nd it #ame to pass, when 1esus had ended these sayings, the people were
astonished at his do#trine. For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the
-$atthew B34C!4D.

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