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Music interpretation:

According to the survey we conducted 45% of the people who did

it said that pop was there favorite genre of music. This was
followed by rock music and 20% of the people said it was their
favorite. 10% of the people said that classical music was there
favorite and 7% said the Jazz was there favorite. However, 15% of
the people said that another genre such as Dubstep, R&B, and
Classical rock was there favorite.

91% of the people who took this survey said that music was
important to them 9% of the people said that music was not
important to them

3% of the people who took this survey said that jazz music makes
them feel confused, 5% said that jazz music makes them feel
excited, 6% of the people said it makes them feel sad, 10% of the
people said it makes them feel energized, 12% of the people said
it makes them feel sleepy, and 14% of the people said that it
makes them feel happy. However, 50% of the people said that
they feel something else when listening to jazz music.

32% of the people said that pop music makes them feel excited,
30% of the people said it makes them feel happy, 26% of the
people said that it makes them feel energized, 6% said it makes
them feel confused, 0% said it makes them feel sad, and 6% said
it makes them feel something else.

40% of the people said that rock music makes them feel
energized, 23% of the people said that it makes them feel excited,
17% of the people said that it makes them feel confused, 6% of
the people said it makes them feel happy, 2% of the people said it
makes them feel sad, 0% said it makes it makes them feel sleepy,
and 11% said that it makes them feel something else.

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