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Once, in a remote village in West Kalimantan , Indonesia , there lived an old widow named Darmi with a
beautiful daughter , named Laras. They lived in a hut located at the end of the village . Since their father
died , their lives became difficult . Their father did not leave the slightest inheritance . To fuul their
needs , Darmi worked in the fields of others as wage laborers . Meanwhile , Laras ,she was arrogant ,
cocky and insubordinate . In addition , she is also a lazy girl . Her works just preening and admiring her
beauty in front of the mirror . She does not want to help her mother earn a living . It is caused when her
father was alive , he always spoiled Laras .

Laras : " hmmmmm ... I am the most beautiful woman in this town ! ! ! Is it right Dewi?

Dewi : "Yes Laras , you're very pretty , like me . hahaha.

( Suddenly, her mother knocked on the door to ask her midday prayers . )

Mother : " Laras , let's pray "

Laras : ( opening the door ) what's wrong ? you are just annoying people.

Mother : " I just want to ask you to pray , my daughter "

Laras : " If I say no of course no , hear not you think ? " ( As she closes the door )

Dewi : "Whats wrong Laras? Definitely the old woman disturb you again huh ?

Laras : "Yes Dewi , I think you know what is her habit everyday. "

( the next day)

Mother : " Laras ! Come help me work in the field. ( urged the mother)

Laras : " Go to the field ? ? of course no , I dont want if my nail and skin stained with mud .
Just go right there with Nur. She is your favorite adopted daughter . just go with her.

Nur : " Laras , so what if the nail and the skin exposed to the mud ? I'm just every day helping mom went
to the field exposed to mud , fortunatelly Im alright until now .

Laras : " If I said no, of course no ? ! ! I do not want to go into the fields. Just go with her , is no longer
possible because there are men who are interested in Mom's face was wrinkled it."

Dewi : " You dont not have to equate us with Nur . She's a dirty woman.

Laras & Dewi : ( laughing together )

Mother : ( seated , stroking his chest , limp )

Nur : " You should not talk like that , if you do not want to participate go to help the mother to the field,
you should not talk like that .

Laras : " you ...! ! ! ( Pointing , pushing Nur and left all of them ) ..

Nur : " Mom , are you okay , , , ? ? ( embrace )

Mother : "No,no , Im okay , let's go to the fied .. later hurried lunch .. ( standing )

Nur : " Mom , if you are not strong, let me alone that went into the fields , resting at home mom , , , (
invited seated )

Mother : "No Nur ( rubbed Nurs head ) Im okay. Let's go( stand back , and go to the field )

Laras : " Huuggghhh ... my beauty tools is up , ( check out her beauty tool ) if like this , how can I be the
most beautiful woman in this country .. I had to buy it immediately , ( Annoyed, he waited for her to fall
asleep )

Dewi : '' just wait until your mother home . "

It was late afternoon , Laras was awakened from her sleep , she remembered the beauty appliances
which have expired, not long after the mother and Nur came . No strings attached Laras straight to her
mother who just got in the door and still look tired .

Laras : "Mom! My beauty tool instrument is up , you should immediately buy a new one , ?

Nur : " mother had just come home , you should be more appreciative of her , ,

Mother : " Laras , I was still tired , tomorrow , yes , definitely Ill buy it ... ( sigh sat )

Dewi : ( whispering ) do not want Laras , if you do not buy make-up now , you certainly will not be the
most beautiful woman in this country . And certainly no man wants to be with you . Do not forget , ask
your mother to buy two , because the one for me .

Laras : "No ma'am ! ! ( Snapped mother ) I want now ...

Nur : " Laras ..! ( Upset against her sister )

Mother : " It's oke Nur , let me buy now ( talk to Nur ) but Laras , I had no idea beauty tool like what you
mean , you have to participate .

Laras : " Yes .. I want to come to the market , but with the proviso you and Nur had to walk behind me " .
( Pointing one by one the people they are called )

Nur : " you mean ? ? " ( Wonder )

Dewi : " Did you not hear what Laras said earlier , yes you deaf ?

Laras : "Yes .. you walk behind . I'm embarrassed to run parallel with you " .

Nur : " Why should shame ? Are not we a family ? "

Dewi : " hahaha ... you just adoptee Nur , do not you remember ? "

Laras : " you should look in the mirror . see your face that your clothes unkempt and was very dirty. And
you the old woman, wrinkled and smell. I'm embarrassed ! " ( arrogant )

Although sad , the mother also comply with the request of her daughter . After that , they go to the
market in tandem. Laras goes in the front , while the mother followed with a basket at the back.
Although they are one family , they look very different appearance . As if they were not the same family
. Laras and the Dewi are very gorgeous with nice clothes , while his adoptive mother and sister looked
very wrinkled, with clothes very dirty. On the way, Laras met with friends who lived in another village.

Hasan : " Hi Laras ... where are you going to ? ( Shake hands to Laras ) "

Laras : " to the market .. ( responsible barrel softly ) "

Hasan : " oohh yes same . Would you go along ?

Laras : " of course . "

Hasan : " So , who is behind it ? Is she your mother ? " ( Pointing to a parent who carries the basket ) .

Laras : "Of course not my mother ! They are my servant , " ( replied Laras sarcasm ) .

Hasan : " Laras , has been pretty good anyway , would bring your servant shopping ... " (as if to believe
the answers Laras earlier ) .

Dewi : " Laras , who is he ? He's so handsome . " ( While shaking hands ) . Introduce me , Im Dewi! "

Hasan : " I am hasan , are you Laras friend? "

Dewi : " yes Hasan " ( she blushed )

Hasan : " ohh yes , let Laras . "

Nur : " Patience yes ma'am .. " ( hugging mother ) . Laras ! ! why talk like that on him . Im not servant !
And she is your mother , not a servant . " ( Talking while walking parallel to Laras)

Laras : " Ssssyyuuutttt .... do not embarrass me !" ( Nur mouth shut with her finger )

Hasan : " is it true that she is your mother ? "

Laras : " ohh no , they are often regarded by both parents already like family "

Dewi : " Yes Hasan, this girl only joke . "

Hasan : " Okay , I believe you . Laras , will you buy me this fruit. It is very sweet as you . "

Dewi : " Oh thank you ... " ( while choosing fruit and buy it ) ..

Hasan : " I'm sorry but I just bought this piece Laras , not for you . "

Laras : ( laughs ) " Dewi , Hasan just like me instead of you . Thank you Hasan .
Hi .. my servant ... please bring this fruit for me "

Hasan : " Laras ,can I play sometime into your house and get acquainted with your parents?

Laras : " may , but later yah . I'm not ready if you want to come to my house and introduce with my
parents . I'm still embarrassed ( blushing ) "

Hasan : "Well , I 'll be waiting for you . "

Laras : " Thank you Hasan. Lets now turn to the beauty tool ." (while patting her shoulder)

Day after day passed by Laras only beautify herself in front of glass . Conjunction with Hasan was getting
closer . one day without the knowledge Laras , Dewi met Hasan in the park .

Dewi : do you know if Laras is the child of the poor . And as long as you know when we market the
other day an old lady who walks behind Laras is her mother.

Hasan : " You are liar , Dewi . If all your words were true , where is the proof ? "

Laras : " hi everyone. What are you doing here? "

Hasan : " Laras , I want you to speak the truth now . Is it true that the old woman did not you call the
servant is your mother? . If you really love me from now apologize to your mother and realized what you
did was a great sin.

( At street )

Nur : "Hi , Hasan , you seem like you're going where the rush ? "

Hasan : " eehh Nur ,I want to return to the city .

Nur : " oohh let Hasan . "

( few days later in the barrel ' house )

Nur : Mom , where is Laras ? "

Mother : "there is in her bed room . Likely she has a problem but I do not know what is that.

Laras : "talking a lot and talking a lot . I'm hungry you know ! .

Mother : " this is your food, my daughter . "

Nur : what happen with you Laras ? I think you still have a big problem .

Laras : what do you know about my problem . You never have a boy friend !

Nur : yes I remember . Hasan ever said to me that he wanna go to the city .

Laras : Why you do not talk to me like that after he said.

Nur : But I forgot . I'm sorry.

Laras : Mom , now I wanna go to the city to look for Hasan .

Mother : but ....

Laras : Idon't care with your talking.

Mother : no my daughter . I just do not you go alone . So I would like to accompany you .

Laras : is it good idea because you can help me to bring my things.

Mother : Nur , please keep our house and take care your self .

Nur : yes Mom , of course .

Laras : Bring it!!!

(on the way)

Laras : hey stupid woman, old woman, do you look what time is it. Oohh my God. Im very sad because I
was born from poor woman like you.

Mother : Ohh my daughter. Do you realize what have you done.

Laras : hey crazy woman. What are you doing there. Hurry up.

Prayer of the mother : " Oh My God ! Please forgive my weakness. I could no longer face the rebellious
attitude of the slave child . Give appropriate punishment to her ! "

Moments later , suddenly the sky became overcast . Darting lightning and deafening thunder rumbled .
Heavy rain also fell . Slowly , Laras foot turned into stone . Laras was starting to panic .

Laras : " Mom ... ! Mom ... ! What happened to my feet , Mom , ? It is so hard( ask barrel while shouting .
) " Forgive me Mom , Im so sorry Mom! Mo, I will not repeat it again , Mom ! " ( Exclamation barrel
increasingly frantic ) .

The mother cry to see Laras turned into stone . However , what is to be created , rice has become
porridge . Penalties that can no longer be avoided . The girl of sin could only cry and cry regretted his
actions . Prior to her head turned to stone , his mother still see the water dripping from her eyes . All
who pass by that place also witnessed the incident . Not long ago , the weather was again bright as usual
. The entire body of Laras has been transformed into stone . The stone then they put it on the side of the
road leaning against the cliff . By the local community , they named it rock Rock Cried .

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