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Angel Lambert

Term 4
May 9
US History II
The United Nations was formed after world
war II, it replaced the league of nations. It was
formed to promote international cooperation
and to bring about the maintenance of
international peace and security.
The mission statement of the United Nations
is to support international cooperation to bring
out improvement for all, and to also help the
government in decision making on issues at
the global level.
Ban Ki-moon is the current secretary general
of the united nations. There are 193 member
countries of the united nations. The united
nations headquarters is located at 760 United
Nations Plaza, New York, New York 10017,
United States.
The general assembly plays a role in the
financing of peacekeeping. Each country has
one vote. They make decisions by discussing
world issues and then they have a general
The security council has the primary job of
maintaining the international peace and
security. There are 15 members in the security
council and they each get one vote. How the
security council makes decisions is
The international court of justice is located in
the Hague, Netherlands. The court hears
mainly two types of cases legal disputes
between States submitted to it by them
(contentious cases) and requests for advisory
opinions on legal questions referred to it by
United Nations organs and specialized
agencies (advisory proceedings).
The world health organization is in Geneva
Switzerland. The WHO works in the concern
of the international public health. Some jobs
of the WHO is to provide leadership on
global health matters and also setting
norms and standards.
The UNICEF stands for the United Nations
International Children's Emergency Fund.
The UNICEF was created to provide supplies
and food for children in countries that were
devastated by World War II.
I've learned that the United Nations plays a
huge role in out international affairs. Also that
there are more than 100 members that
participate in the United Nations. There are
also nine departments.

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