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1hls program explores deslgn and vlsual communlcaLlon ln
arL, anlmaLlon, 3u modellng, vldeo games, adverLlslng,
vldeo and Lhe World Wlde Web. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo
skeLch ldeas and deslgns and develop Lhem as 2u and 3u
pro[ecLs. LxLenslve hands-on Lralnlng ln several of Lhe
ma[or sofLware appllcaLlons used ln Lhe fleld of compuLer
deslgn ls provlded. SLudenLs wlll creaLe and modlfy lmages
ln hoLoshop, creaLe anlmaLlon and lnLeracLlve medla and
develop Lhree-dlmenslonal models ln varlous modellng
plaLforms. SLudenLs wlll learn skeLchlng and drawlng skllls
wlLh varlous physlcal maLerlals. 1he goal ls Lo apply vlsual
awareness and Lechnlcal skllls Lo creaLe exclLlng, vlsually
appeallng sLaLlc, anlmaLed and lnLeracLlve deslgns. lf
college level work ls aLLalned, sLudenL may earn up Lo 9
LCC credlLs.
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- uescrlbe and lnLerpreL how vlsual lmages are used Lo communlcaLe soclal, culLural, and
lndusLrlal Lhemes and messages
- uevelop effecLlve soluLlons Lo Lwo-dlmenslonal, Lhree-dlmenslonal and lnLeracLlve deslgn
problems uslng Lhe elemenLs of deslgn.
- Lxplore Lhe creaLlve process by developlng pro[ecLs from lnlLlal concepL skeLchlng Lhrough
compleLed deslgns
- Lxplore varlous creaLlve medla lncludlng LradlLlonal drawlng and collaglng, as well as varlous
dlglLal deslgn sofLware
- ueLermlne deslgn prlorlLles and alLernaLlves based on an undersLandlng of cllenLs' requlremenLs
and pro[ecL needs
- CreaLe and modlfy plxel-based lmages
- CreaLe and modlfy lmages based on Lhree-dlmenslonal modellng
- uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of Llme-based deslgn by creaLlng sLoryboards, anlmaLlcs and
- CreaLe lnLeracLlve envlronmenLs as a foundaLlon Lo vldeo game deslgn
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#'$. GHI +:D?@; 5 -ACC8;?B=7?A; 6 *-- ->:9?7D
An examlnaLlon of vlsual communlcaLlon Lheory, process and hlsLory. SLudenLs wlll sLudy Lhe
unlversal elemenLs and prlnclples of Lwo-dlmenslonal deslgn and Lhelr appllcaLlon ln
monochromaLlc, color, sLlll, and Llme-based medla.
#'$. GH6 6J+?C:;D?A;=< +:D?@; rerequlslLe: Mlnlmum 2.3 ln A81S 102 6 *-- ->:9?7D
1hls ls an lnLroducLory course explorlng Lhe elemenLs and prlnclples of Lhree-dlmenslonal
deslgn. 1he course wlll examlne LradlLlonal and Llme-based poLenLlals of maLerlals and ob[ecLs.
#'$. G6G +>=K?;@ ) rerequlslLe: Mlnlmum 2.3 ln A81S 102 6 *-- ->:9?7D
An lnLroducLory course ln vlsual Lhlnklng, concepLual drawlng, and sLudlo pracLlces. SLudenLs
wlll learn Lo LranslaLe verbal and wrlLLen concepLs Lhrough creaLlve processes lnLo vlsual
lnformaLlon ln skeLches, developmenLal drawlngs, and flnlshed lmagery. lundamenLal
elemenLs of drawlng and prlnclples of perspecLlve are covered.

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1he prlmary focus of Lhe LaLon 8LSA Career reparaLlon CenLer ls Lo enhance a sLudenL's hlgh
school currlculum by provldlng an opporLunlLy Lo learn a Lechnlcal Lrade and/or Lo obLaln a
head sLarL on a posL-secondary educaLlon.
All sLudenLs compleLlng an LaLon 8LSA Career CenLer program aL Lanslng CommunlLy College
L=M: 7L: ANNA>78;?7O Lo earn elLher dlrecL or arLlculaLed college credlL whlle compleLlng Lhelr
hlgh school program lf speclflc crlLerla are meL.
LCC credlL ls awarded Lo a sLudenL who: a) compleLes Lhe hlgh school career and Lechnlcal
educaLlon course wlLh Lhe mlnlmum grade polnL average, b) meeLs Lhe performance ob[ecLlves
for a speclflc Lanslng CommunlLy College course, and, c) meeLs Lhe college course flnal
examlnaLlon requlremenLs, lf one ls requlred. 1hese credlLs are shown as numerlcal grades on
Lhe sLudenL's LCC LranscrlpL. 1ranscrlpLs may be requesLed Lhrough Lanslng CommunlLy
College LnrollmenL Servlces ueparLmenL by AugusL followlng course compleLlon.
1he courses llsLed below show Lhe posslble LCC college credlLs LhaL may be avallable Lo hlgh
school sLudenLs Laklng an L8LSA Career reparaLlon rogram.

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