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Name: Dekhi Camillo 11-18-13

Night Finding Examples to Support Themes

In order to prepare for our first formal essay, in this assignment you will practice finding examples and pulling
quotations from the tet that show a particular theme!
"or each theme, find four examples from the #ook!
In each #o, explain the example and how it demonstrates the theme in your own words and include a
quotation from the #ook using MLA Citation that supports this eample!
$his pro%ect is due on Thursday !o"em#er $% and is worth &$'points(
)esistance Loss of *dentity Loss of Faith )elationships +etween
Fathers and Sons
Example 1:
The foreman Franek wants Elie to give
him his gold crown, but Elie resists his
request by giving multiple reasons why
he cannot comply. Although Franek
wields power over him, Elie does
everything he can to keep his gold
Quote 1:
! answered that"without that crown !
could no longer eat"! needed to get
my father#s advice$ %&iesel ''(.
Example 1:
The prisoners no longer have their
birth names in the camp. They are
given numbers as their names and it is
tattooed onto their arms. This shows
loss of identity because they no longer
have to birth names they were given.
They now have these names the ))
gave them.
Quote 1:
The three *veteran# prisoners, needles
in hand, tattooed numbers on our left
arms. ! became A+,,-.. From then on,
! had no other name$ %&iesel /0(.
Example 1:
Elie loses belief in 1od. 2e starts to
question his e3istence. 2e wonders if
there is a 1od why he would allow the
torture to happen to the 4ews. This
shows loss of faith because he doesn#t
believe the good of 1od anymore.
)ince he doesn#t believe in 1od
anymore, he starts to lose faith in
Quote 1:
For the first time, ! felt anger rising
within me. &hy should ! sanctify His
name5 The Almighty, the eternal and
terrible 6aster of the 7niverse, chose
to be silent. &hat was there to thank
Him for5$ %&iesel ..(.
Example 1:
An old man on the cattle wagon got
some bread from the inside of a little
brawl. 2e starts to eat it and his son
comes and beats him for it. 2e kills his
father for a crust of bread.
Quote 1:
! saw, not far from me, an old man
dragging himself on all fours. 2e had
8ust detached himself from the
struggling mob. 2e was holding one
hand to his heart. At first ! thought he
had received a low to his chest. Then !
understood: he was hiding a piece of
bread under his shirt" *6eir, my little
6eir9 :on#t you recogni;e me"5
<ou#re killing your father$ %&iesel
Example 2:
4uliek resist giving the )) his violin.
2e is afraid they would destroy it.
This shows resistance because he
doesn#t want to give them his violin,
especially if they#re going to destroy it.
Quote 2:
! thought he#d lost his mind. 2is
violin5 2ere5 *&hat about your
violin5# 2e was gasping: *!" !#m
afraid" They#ll break" my violin"
!" ! brought it with me# %&iesel >/(.
Example 2:
The 1erman officer in charge of the
car calls the 4ews dogs and threatens to
shoot them if anybody tries to escape.
This shows loss of identity because
they loss there humanity. They were
now being referred to as dogs.
Quote 2:
*There are eighty of you in the car#
the 1erman officer added. *!f anyone
goes missing, you will all be shot, like
dogs#$ %&iesel 0/(.
Example 2:
Elie#s father grows older and weaker.
2e becomes sick. 2e starts to give up
and lose hope in living through the rest
of the 2olocaust. This shows loss of
faith because Elie#s father no longer
believes he could move on and survive.
Quote 2:
*:id you eat5# *?o# *&hy5# *They
didn#t give us anything" They said
that we were sick, that we would die
soon, and that it would be a waste of
food" ! can#t go on"#$%&iesel -=,(
Example 2:
Elie fears of losing his father. 2e holds
on to him tight and hopes his father
doesn#t die on him.
Quote 2:
! tightened my grip on my father#s
hand. The old familiar fear: not to lose
him$ %&iesel -=/(.
Name: Dekhi Camillo 11-18-13
Example 3:
Elie tries to resist the fact that his
father won#t make it through. 2e
believes his father can survive while
his father believes opposite. This
shows resistance because Elie tries to
deny the fact that his father was about
to die.
Quote 3:
*Elie;er" ! must tell you where !
buried the gold and silver" !n the
cellar" <ou know"# And he began
talking, faster and faster, afraid of
running out of time before he could tell
me everything. ! tried to tell him that it
was not over yet, that we would be
going home together, but he no longer
wanted to listen to me# %&iesel -=@(.
Example 3:
Elie and his father had to change their
ages. They had to change their ages so
they can work. Elie had to be eighteen
instead of fifteen. Elie#s father had to
be forty instead of fifty.
Quote 3:
*2ey, kid, how old are you5# The man
interrogating me was an inmate. !
could not see his face, but his voice
was weary and warm. *Fifteen.# *?o.
<ou#re eighteen.# *Aut !#m not,# ! said.
*!#m fifteen.# *Fool. Bisten to what I
say.# Then he asked my father. &ho
answered: *!#m fifty.# *?o.# The man
now sounded angry. *?ot fifty. <ou#re
forty#$ %&iesel .=(.
Example 3:
!n the cattle wagon, the person in
charge started to give up. 2e moans
and groans and doesn#t want to
continue. This shows loss of faith
because he doesn#t believe he can
continue. 2e complains that he is
growing weak and he doesn#t want to
continue living in this torture.
Quote 3:
Aut days later, 6eir Cat; told my
father: *)holomo, ! am getting weak.
6y strength is gone. ! won#t make
it"# %&iesel -=0(.
6eir Cat; was moaning: *&hy don#t
they 8ust shoot us now5#$ %&iesel
Example 3:
&hen the prisoners come to rest during
the :eath 6arch, Dabbi Eliahu looks
for his son. 2e asks Elie if he has seen
him and Elie tells him no even though
he has. !t seems that Dabbi Eliahu and
his son were separated from each other
during the :eath 6arch.
Quote 3:
&hen he came near me, Dabbi Eliahu
whispered, *!t happened on the road.
&e lost sight of one another during the
8ourney. ! fell behind a little, at the rear
of the column. ! didn#t have the
strength to run anymore. And my son
didn#t notice. That#s all ! know. &here
has he disappeared5 &here can ! find
him5 Eerhaps you#ve seen him
somewhere5# *?o, Dabbi Eliahu, !
haven#t seen him.# And so he left, as he
had come: a shadow swept away by the
wind. 2e had already gone through the
door when ! remembered that ! noticed
his son running beside me. ! had
forgotten and had not mentioned it to
Dabbi Eliahu9$ %&iesel >-(.
Example 4:
The citi;ens try to resist believing
6oishe the Aeadle when he tries to
warn them. They don#t believe him and
ended up being deported.
Quote 4:
As for 6oishe, he wept and pleaded:
*4ews, listen to me9 That#s all ! ask of
you. ?o money. ?o pity. 4ust listen to
me9# he kept shouting in synagogue,
between the prayer at dusk and the
evening prayer. Even ! did not believe
him$ %&iesel ,(.
Example 4:
The )) shaved the hair off of the
prisoners which was a physical feature
that shows difference in people.
Quote 4:
The clippers tore out our hair, shaved
every hair on our bodies$ %&iesel .'(
Example 4:
&hen Elie was in the infirmary, his
neighbor was telling Elie a whole
bunch of stuff. 2e was telling him how
he has more faith in 2itler than anyone
else. This shows loss of faith because
he believes in 2itler more than the
survival of him and his fellow 4ews.
Quote 4:
6y faceless neighbor spoke up:
*:on#t be deluded. 2itler has made it
clear that he will annihilate all 4ews
before the clock strikes twelve.# !
e3ploded: *&hat do you care what he
said5 &ould you want us to consider
him a prophet5# 2is cold eyes stared at
me. At last, he said wearily: *! have
more faith in 2itler than in anyone
else. 2e alone has kept his promises,
all his promises, to the 4ewish people#
%&iesel @-(.
Example 4:
Elie#s relationship with his father grew
stronger than it was before. Aefore,
they were distant. ?ow that they only
have each other to survive, they depend
on each other. That in which is why
Elie is so heartbroken that his father
has died.
Quote 4:
! remained in Auchenwald until April
--. ! shall not describe my life during
that period. !t no longer mattered.
)ince my father#s death, nothing
mattered to me anymore$ %&iesel --.(.
Name: Dekhi Camillo 11-18-13

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