Literary Analysis Essay

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Tatum Martin
19 May 2014
English 1- Block 1
Mrs. Knowles
Maycomb County: Will It Change Its Ways and Let People Be Equal?
Atticus Finch is a lawyer who is nearly fifty years old with his two kids Jem and Scout.
Jem is around thirteen years old, and Scouts around seven. Atticus gets judged, along with his
children, for defending Tom Robinson, an African American who is falsely accused of raping a
white female, Mayella Ewell. For helping and defending Tom, many people call Atticus a
nigger-lover. The kids also have trouble dealing with this situation, and face their own
problems. At the childrens aunts house, Scout plays with her cousin, Francis, outside. He tells
her that her daddy is a nigger-lover for helping Tom in the case. This ends with Scout punching
Francis right in the face. When Atticus first tells Scout about him having to defend Tom, he tells
her, every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. This ones
mine I guess In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee develops the theme of racism in a small
southern town through the trial of Tom Robinson.
Atticus Finch, along with his kids face racism throughout the novel because Atticus
defends an African American, Tom Robinson. Back then defending a black man was frowned
upon, because of slavery. Tom was accused of raping a white female. This false accusation was
by the females father, Bob Ewell. When defending Tom Robinson, Atticus is called many
names. In chapter 9, the narrator says, You can just take that back, boy! to Cecil Jacobs. (99)

Cecil had told everyone at school that Scouts daddy defended nigger, which made Scout yell
this to Cecil. He only said this because Tom was black, not white, most people taught their kids,
and thought themselves, whites were better than blacks. Once Scout gets home she talks to
Atticus about the situation from school. He tells Scout, You might hear some ugly talk about it
at school, but do one thing for me if you will: you just hold your head high and keep those fists
down. (100-101) After this Scout doesnt fight at school with Cecil or anyone. She simply just
walks away, remembering what her father told her. Many people show judgment and racism
towards Atticus and his family. No matter what people say, both the children and Atticus keep
their heads up and rise above all of the hatred.
Scout and Jem hear many rude and hateful comments from different people almost every
day, whether they are walking down the road, at school, or in town. One night Scout talks to
Atticus about everyone being mean, and calling him a nigger-lover, and saying he defends
niggers. In chapter 9, the narrator states, Scout you arent old enough to understand some things
yet, but theres been some high talk around town to the effect that I shouldnt do much about
defending this man says Atticus. Scout replies saying, If you shouldnt be defendin him,
then why are you doin it? (100) Atticus sums it up by telling her if he doesnt defend Tom he
would not be able to ask her or Jem to mind him again, and he would not be able to walk in town
with his head held up. All throughout the trial of Tom Robinson, Atticus and his family face
difficult predicaments, but they overcome every situation they go through. It takes courage, but
Atticus defends Tom to the very end of the trial and even after it. He does not let the
contemptuous comments from people around town get to him. When the trial is over, all of the
African Americans in the court room stand up as Atticus walks down the aisle and outside, to
show him respect for defending Tom Robinson.

After the trial, Tom was convicted and sent to jail. One day he tried to escape the jail, but
failed. The guards told him many times to stop, and get down, but he didnt listen. Tom
Robinson was killed, shot seventeen times, leaving behind kids and a wife. Toms widow, Helen
Robinson, received a job from Toms old boss. Mr. Robinson was a benevolent man who would
do anything for anyone in town. Because of the false accusation of Tom, a wife had to go on
with life without her husband, and kids had to go on without their father. Would these kids go
on, for the rest of their lives, without a father figure? Maycomb, Alabama was a racist county for
the most part, and thought not everyone was equal. Atticus Finch showed his town he did not
care what anyone thought or had to say. He done what he thought and knew was right to no
matter the comments made. Would Maycomb County change now that Atticus had stood up for
an African American, or would the ways of people remain the same and keep blacks unequal
from whites?

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