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In basketball, they say, "If you have the shot, take it." The same holds true for club
selection around the green. Because putting is the easiest motion in the game, if you
can get the ball to the hole with your putter-even from off the green-take it. If you
do choose the putter (called the "Teas wedge" when used off the green! swing a
little harder to make up for the longer fringe or fairway grass.
If there is rough terrain between you and the green, your net option is to chip the
ball, because it"s the net easiest shot. #emember, you don"t have to land the ball on
the green. Take a mid- or short iron and hit the ball with a modified putting stroke.
$ou should pitch the ball only if there"s a hill or ha%ard between your ball and the
hole. Because it flies farther and rolls less than the other two, it"s harder to control.
#emember& 'ess carry and more roll means more control.

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