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I have always been passionate about health and wellness. As a young

girl, I was a self-declared health-nut and dreamed of working in sports
medicine. I went to college in Florida 1000 miles away from home to
study Exercise Science, then later earned Doctorate in Physical Terapy
from Northwestern University. Afer graduation, I began my career in
elite sports, later transitioning into the world of Pilates and then the cha-
os of CrossFit.
In 2008, my father was diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs disease; 9 months
later, he passed away. In my own grieving process, I decided that I needed
to use my skills and talents in a way that would positively impact indi-
viduals afected by disease who could not support and provide for them-
selves. For years, I wondered how and when to turn that thinking into
action. At times I grew discouraged, thinking it would be easier to not
worry about others and just focus on my own career instead. Something
was clearly missing energy, a spark and I lacked the inspiration to re-
ally move forward with a plan.
Ten, in 2012, I traveled to Nicaragua and found just the spark I needed.
Te company ofers several ways to blend travel with service: Passion
Projects are opportunities to deliver medical products, school supplies
or health programming to under-resourced communities these can
be in Nicaragua (in San Juan del Sur and surrounding areas) or in cities
around the US. Were also working on building a Live With Passion sus-
tainable wellness program in schools and communities in order to ad-
dress preventive healthcare. Lastly, weve created NicaFit Retreats, which
allow travelers and health and service enthusiasts to journey to a place
where they can clear their minds and reset their goals in a healthy envi-
When I embarked on my frst journey to Nicaragua in 2012, I was not
expecting any of this: I didnt think Id fall in love with the country and
certainly never imagined that my life, as I knew it then, would be forever
changed. And yet, I am so grateful that it did.
Lauren Polivka:
Live With Passion
5 ways
to satisfy
the lust

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