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Chipping - Chipping is similar to putting. The chipping stroke is primarily a

movement of the arms and shoulders. The hands are steady and the body slightly
moves on the follow through to help release the club. The motion looks like a
pendulum moving back and forth on a grandfather clock. There are five basics of a
sound chipping stroke:
1. IMPORTANT KEY - Minimum air time, maximum ground time. (Keeping the
hands in the same position at address for all clubs and ahead of the ball at impact
will achieve this important key.) The handle of the club should point ust left of your
front hip pocket. Keep your hands passive through the shot.
2. Try to alay! land t"e gol# $all a$out a yard on t"e green. !owever" a
different club should be used depending on the percentage of carry to roll. #hen the
flag is positioned further away a less lofted club will allow for the ball to roll a greater
distance. The shorter irons will cause the ball to roll less. $n most average greens
the chart below is a helpful guide:
%& ' Carry and (&' )oll * + iron
,& ' Carry and -& ' )oll * . iron
/& ' Carry and 0& ' )oll * 0 iron
1& ' Carry and .& ' )oll * -2( iron
+& ' Carry and +& ' )oll * 3#
1& ' Carry or less .... * 4#
%. Your eig"t remain! on your #orard #oot t"roug"out t"e !tro&e. 5 weight
shift is not needed for this motion. )emember this is only a chipping stroke" you are
not trying to pound the ball /&& yards6 5n added weight shift is unecessary and
ineffective and only will complicate the stroke.
'. (!e a !lig"tly o)en !tan*e to "el) *lear t"e "i)! on t"e t"roug" !ing.
+. Pla*e t"e $all ,u!t o## t"e in!ide o# your $a*& #oot.

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