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Still Remains A Home
‘07-‘08 Myreen V. Marcelo

Looking in every corner of the room

Feeling and seeing nothing but that mere gloom
Every step and beat that is heard so loom
Nothing rotates in a mind that is so doom

Still thinking of the battle they must have won

The memories of the training they have gone
The tears, happiness they have shared with the clan
A moment that destroys everything, t’was done

But still reigns the friendship for one another

The love that remains and forgets the other
Nothing and no one can explains it further
That we are the true winner that’s known Father

A family that had stood up together “Inamorata”

Who had learned to forget and let it over
A home that will never broken forever Female in Love
Blanca Marie Eliot
No matter what happen here ‘tween each other
You brought me into the underground
of ungentleness, worthlessness
You gained love and self-respect
I made you to be a man
Sacrificing my desires
And had the peace grit
And I sacrifice it all
But you discussed nor ignore
Neither I felt regret nor denying these things
rationalizing that I am to blame
Assessing and associating the thoughts
of this one-sided love affair that will lead me to death

Christine Etorma

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