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Were the dark ages truly dark?

James Kwan Coney Island

I think the middle ages were not truly dark.The middle ages it started from 500 AD to 1500
AD.Many things happened during the Middle Ages.Many people died,they got killed.The middle
ages stretched from roughly from 500 A.D to 1500 A.D.The dark ages are characterized by the
DE-Centralized Government,loss of learning,loss of common language.The western part of
Europe changed after the fall of the Roman Empire because the invasions.Europe developed a
political system called Feudalism as a way to protect themselves from the invasions.It would
seem the middle dark ages were dark but not all the time.
During the middle ages 800s were really dark.There were invasions,they sacked towns and
villages and laid waste the fields,they burned churches.The peasants were abandoned,the
Society failed,they dont have governments.
The same thing happened to the vassals and the lords too,it was very dark.Vassals have to
loyalty the lords and military services to get protections.If they dont the lords wont protect them.
Later that timethe plague came .According to Agrolo Di Tura who wrote The Plague in
Siena:An Italian Chronicle in 1348 he said that people died by hundreds everyday.The author
also said so many died that all believed that was the end of the world.At that time was very
The middle ages was taken from Medieval Europe the memories and the achievements that is
has bequeathed to the modern worldand it wil be found not unworthly to rank with those of
earlier and later Golden Ages.The church was very powerful at that time.
The middle ages werent dark all the times,some people were protected so their knowledge
passed down to some people.There were a lot of universities found in the 12th century to 15th
century in Europe.
The middle ages were dark but not that dark.There were universities,they learned things
there.They have knowledge,knowledge is power.Also they got more lands,new governments.So
the middle ages werent that dark.

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