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American Student Dental Association

National Board Dental Examinations

Compiled, released itemsfrom approximately2000-2008
American Student Dental Association
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2009American DentalAssociation. All rights reserved.
These released examination materials are distributed by the American Student Dental Association with permission from the
American Dental Association Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations. You may not copy for any purpose this
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1. Thebranchesofthe maxillaryarterysupplyeach
ofthefollowing EXCEPTone. Whichoneisthis
A. Nasalseptum
B. Mandibularincisors
C. Hardand softpalate
D. Skinoftheforehead
E. Musclesofmastication
2. Whichofthefollowing actionsisatleastpartially
dependentonan intactlongthoracicnerve?
A. Depressionofthescapula
B. Retraction ofthescapula
C. Protractionofthescapula
D. Medial rotationofthehumerus
E. Lateralrotation ofthehumerus
3. Whichofthefollowing represents awell-
vascularizedstructurein thetemporomandibular
A. Retrodiscal pad
B. Fibrouscovering ofthecondyle
C. Central portion ofthearticulardisc
D. Fibrouscoveringofthearticulareminence
E. Fibrouscoveringofthecondylarsurface
4. Whichofthefollowing proceduresdepends
primarilyon electrostaticnetcharge?
A. Dialysis
B. Electrophoresis
C. X-raydiffraction
D. Ultracentrifugation
E. Molecularsievechromatography
5. Which ofthefollowing bestdescribescollagen?
A. Asolublefiberofgroundsubstance
B. Themostabundantprotein inthebody
C. Afibrous proteinwith ahighcontentof
D. Aglobularproteinwith ahighcontentof
6. Thecervical ridge would standoutmost
prominentlyasa distinctentityon whichofthe
following primarymaxillarymolars?
A. Mesiofacialofthefirst
B. Distofacialofthefirst
C. Mesiofacialofthesecond
D. Distofacialofthesecond
7. Whichofthefollowing musclespositionthe
A. Massetersanddigastrics
B. Massetersandmedial pterygoids
C. Temporalisandsternocleidomastoids
D. Temporalisandsuperiorlateralpterygoids
E. Medialpterygoidsandsternocleidomastoids
8. When a parentnoticesaneruptingtooth in a
child's mouthat6monthsofage, itismostlikelya
A. maxillarylateral incisor.
B. mandibularcentralincisor.
C. mandibularcanine.
D. mandibularfirstmolar.
9. Which ofthefollowingexplainspenicillin resistance
inNeisseria gonorrhoeae?
A. Aspontaneouschromosomal mutationof
B. Theproductionofa plasmid-encodedB-
C. Achangeinthepermeabilityofthecell wall
D. Effluxmechanismtoexportdrugfromthe
E. Mutationalalterationofthe drugtarget
10. Anacutearthritisofthegreattoeis aclassicsign
ofwhichofthefollowing diseases?
A. Rheumatoidarthritis
B. Osteoarthritis
C. Osteomyelitis
D. Osteoporosis
E. Gout
2009.American DentalAssOCiation, JointCommissiononNationalDentalExaminations. Allrightsreserved.
11. Specialvisceral afferentfibers fortaste are 16. The lingual cusp(s)on which ofthefollowing
conveyed in which ofthefollowing cranial nerves? mandibularposteriorteeth is (are)approximately
2/3 the heightofthe respectivefacial cusp(s)?
A. V, VII, and IX
B. VII, IX, and X
A. Firstpremolar
C. VII, IX, and XII
B. Second premolar
D. XII only
C. Firstmolar
D. Second molar
E. Third molar
12. Thegastroduodenalarteryis usuallyadirect
branch ofwhich ofthefollowing arteries?
17. Thespacing normallyseen betweentheprimary
A. Celiac
anteriorteeth ofafive-year-oldchild ismostlikely
B. Hepatic
caused by
C. Splenic
D. Superiormesenteric
A. thepresenceofanexcessive maxillarylabial
B. thumb sucking.
13. Thecellsofthestratumgranulosum in the C. tonguethrusting.
keratinized portionsofthe oral mucosaare
D. growthofthe dental arches.
characterized by which ofthefollowing?
A. Thepresenceofnumerous keratohyalin
18. Whichofthefollowing incisorsare usuallythe last
B. Being theonlycellswith membranecoating
A. Maxillarycentral
C. Theabilitytodivideand give riseto new
B. Mandibularcentral
cellsin the epithelium
C. Maxillarylateral
D. Exhibitingthehighestmetabolicactivityofall
D. Mandibularlateral
cellsin the oral epithelium
E. The presenceofthegreatestnumberof
19. Avirus associated with the inductionofcervical
carcinoma is which ofthefollowing?
A. Adenovirus
14. ChambersX andYareseparated bya biologic
B. C-typevirus
membrane. Initially, both chamberscontain water. C. Varicellazostervirus
Addition ofwhichofthefollowing solutionswill
D. Epstein-Barrvirus
E. Human papillomavirus
cause a netmovementofwaterfrom XtoY?
A. Non-permeatingsolutetoX
B. Non-permeatingsolutetoY
20. Whichofthefollowing infections is often seenas a
C. PermeatingsolutetoX
white, patchylesionon theoral mucosa in
D. PermeatingsolutetoY
debilitated patients?
A. Coccidiomycosis
15. Whichofthefollowing membranecomponents B. Histoplasmosis
consistsofglycerol, phosphate,fattyacids,and
C. Aspergillosis
D. Blastomycosis
E. Candidiasis
A. Cephalin
B. Lecithin
C. Ganglioside
D. Cerebroside
E. Sphingomyelin
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommission on NationalDentalExaminations. All rightsreserved.
21. Eachofthefollowing muscles is aprimaryelevator
ofthemandibleEXCEPTone. Which one is this
A. Masseter
B. Temporalis
C. Medial pterygoid
D. Lateral pterygoid
22. The inferiorvena cava passesthrough the
diaphragm atthe levelofwhich ofthefollowing?
A. T8
B. T10
C. T12
D. L2
23. Thetrigeminal nervedistributesspecialvisceral
efferent nervefibers to
A. temporalis and frontalis.
B. temporalisand buccinator.
C. tensorveli palatini and tensortympani.
D. posteriorbellyofthedigastricand
24. Which aminoacid possessesa hydrophobicside
A. Lysine
B. Cysteine
C. Leucine
D. Hydroxyproline
E. Glycine
25. An axon is stimulated byathreshold stimulusand
then byastimulusthree timesasstrongasthe
first.Theresulting impulsein the latterinstancewill
A. the sameamplitude andvelocity.
B. thesameamplitudebutlessvelocity.
C. lessamplitudebutthe samevelocity.
D. one-thirdtheamplitude andvelocity.
E. threetimestheamplitudeand velocity.
26. Theerupted dentitionofa normallydeveloped 7-
year-old child usuallyconsists of
A. 8 primaryand 8permanentteeth.
B. 10primaryand 10permanentteeth.
C. 12primaryand 8 permanentteeth.
D. 18primaryand 6 permanentteeth.
E. 20primaryteeth.
27. Primaryteeth differfrom permanentteeth in that
A. havelongercrowns compared with their
B. are smallermesiodistallythan their
C. havecomparativelylargerpulp cavities.
D. have less pronounced cervical ridges.
E. havewidercrowns faciolingually.
28. Mandibularcaninesnormallyeruptatage
A. 5-6.
B. 7-8.
C. 9-10.
D. 11-12.
E. 13-14.
29. Protectiveantibodiesproduced asa resultof
recoveryfrom hepatitisBinfection includewhich of
A. HBcAg
B. HBeAg
C. HBsAg
30. Which ofthefollowing neoplasmsis associated
with theEpstein-Barrvirus?
A. Oral carcinoma
B. Lymphangioma
C. Nasopharyngealcarcinoma
D. Choriocarcinoma
31. Theforamen magnumservesas aportofentryto
the cranial cavityfor
A. thebasilarartery.
B. thevertebral artery.
C. thevagusandaccessorynerves.
D. the spinal portionofaccessorynerveand
E. the anteriorspinalarteryandthebulbar
portion ofthe eleventh cranial nerve.
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommission on National Dental Examinations. All rightsreserved.
32. Thefacial arteryis usuallyabranch ofwhich ofthe 36. From aproximal view, which ofthefollowing
following arteries? describesthecrown outlineon amandibular
A. Externalcarotid
B. Internalcarotid A. Itis designedto protectagainstrootfracture
C. Superiorthyroid byhavingthecrown structureserveas root
D. Occipital support.
E. Maxillary B. Itis designedto allowforaminimum amount
ofchewingefficiencyon thecoronalsurface
C. Itisusuallyrhomboidal and hasadesign
33. Afteran automobileaccident, apatient'schin
flaw thatencouragescusp fracture.
deviatestothelefton opening hismouthwidely.
D. Itisusuallytrapezoidal and hasadesign
His mandibleisprobablyfractured atwhichofthe
flaw thatencouragescuspfracture.
following points?
A. Genialtubercle
B. Leftcondylarneck
37. Whencomparedto the permanentdentition, the
C. Rightcondylarneck primarydentition normallyexhibits
D. Leftmental foramen
E. Rightmentalforamen
A. fewermolars.
B. fewerincisors.
C. fewercanines.
D. moreincisors.
34. Which ofthe following aminoacidscontainsone or
E. moretotalteeth.
moreatoms ofsulfurpermolecule?
A. Valine
B. Lysine
38. Which ofthefollowing primaryteeth showthe
C. Alanine earliestevidenceofcalcification in utero?
D. Methionine
E. Phenylalanine
A. Incisors
B. Canines
C. Firstmolars
D. Second molars
35. Celluloseisnotdigested byhumans because it
A. is arelativelyinsolubleprotein-carbohydrate
complexinaccessibletoourdigestive 39. Mostcasesofencephalitisarecaused bywhich of
enzymes. thefollowing?
B. is amucopolysaccharide, forwhich thereare
nohydrolyticenzymes. A. Fungi
C. is highlysulfated, makingitinaccessibleto B. Viruses
mostglycosidases. C. Protozoa
D. is apolymerof13-linked glucose molecules D. Bacteria
forwhich we havenodigestiveenzymes. E. Rickettsia
E. resistsenzymeaction becauseofits highly
40. To which ofthefollowing doescarcinomaofthe
prostatemostoften metastasize?
A. Lung
B. Liver
C. Brain
D. Spleen
E. Skeleton
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommission on NationalDental Examinations. All rightsreserved.
41. Thesplenicartery is found in which ofthefollowing 46. Whenafourth rootcanalexists in a maxillaryfirst
ligaments? molar, itis mostlikelylocated inwhich ofthe
following roots?
A. Lieno-renal
B. Hepatogastric
A. Lingual
C. Gastro-lienal B. Distofacial
D. Hepatoduodenal C. Distolingual
E. Ligamentumvenosum
D. Mesiofacial
E. Mesiolingual
42. Each ofthe following isfound in the epidermis
EXCEPTone. Which oneisthis EXCEPTION? 47. Whichofthefollowing represents the numberof
molarsthatisnormallyfound in the entireprimary
A. Keratohyaline
B. Desmosomes
C. Capillaries
A. 2
D. Mitoticcells
B. 4
E. Free nerveendings
C. 6
D. 8
E. 12
43. Which ofthefollowing passesthrough the foramen
ovaIe ofthecranium?
48. Whichofthefollowing anatomicstructuresofa
A. Opticnerve
maxillaryfirst molarmovesthrough thedistofacial
B. Mandibularnerve
grooveofa mandibularfirstmolar?
C. Maxillaryartery
D. Greaterpetrosal nerve
A. Mesial marginal ridge
E. Middlemeningealartery
B. Distal marginal ridge
C. Mesiofacialcusp
D. Distofacial cusp
44. Eachofthefollowing substancesis a E. Oblique ridge
glycosaminoglycan EXCEPTone. Which one is
49. Pathologicchangesfound in heartvalves in
A. Heparin
rheumaticfeverare the resultofwhich ofthe
B. Ceramide
C. Hyaluronate
D. Dermatan sulfate
A. Inborn errorofmetabolism
E. Chondroitinsulfate
B. Generalizedinhibition ofthe inflammatory
C. Liberation ofnonspecifictoxinsfrom a
45. Tetrodotoxin blockswhich ofthefollowing channels distantsite
innerve-axonmembranes? D. Directinvasion ofmicroorganismsfrom the
A. Sodium E. Autoimmune reaction triggered byhemolytic
B. Calcium streptococci
C, Hydrogen
D. Chloride
E. Potassium
50. Which ofthefollowing is acomponentofbacterial
cell wall peptidoglycan?
A. Chitin
B. N-acetyl-muramicacid
C. Cellulose
D. Lipopolysaccharide
E. Glucans
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommission on National Dental Examinations. All rights reserved.
51. The bifurcationofthetrachealiesatthelevelof 56. Amotheringestedtetracycline antibioticsduring
which ofthe following structures? thesecond trimesterofpregnancy. This medication
can affectthecalcification ofthe crownsofwhich
A. Sternal angle
ofthefollowing teeth ofthe infant?
B. Xiphisternaljunction
C. Third thoracicvertebra
A. All primaryteeth
D. Second thoracicvertebra
B. Primaryteeth and permanentmandibular
E. Attachmentofthe fourth costal cartilageto
central incisors
the sternum
C. Primaryteeth and permanentmandibular
D. Primaryteeth and permanentincisors
52. Which ofthe following can be used,on ahistologic E. Primaryteeth, permanentincisors, and
level, todistinguishbetween asection ofthearch
ofthe aorta andasection ofthebrachialartery?
A. Typeofendothelium
57. Which ofthefollowing is adistinguishing
B. Width oftunica intima
characteristicofamandibularlateral incisor?
C. Typeoftissueinthe tunica adventitia
D. Compositionoftissue in thetunica media
A. The incisaledgefollows thearch curvature
E. Type oftissuedirectlyunderlyingthe
in relationtothefaciolingual axis.
B. The incisaledge is perpendiculartothe
faciolingual axis.
C. Thecervicallinecurvatureisgreaterdistally
than mesially.
53. The hypophysis(pituitarygland)is located in the
D. Theincisaledgeis lingualtotheroot
A. sella turcica.
B. fourth ventricle.
E. Themesiodistal dimension ofthe facial
C. anteriorcranialfossa. surfaceis narrowerthanthatofamandibular
D. posteriorcranial fossa.
central incisor.
E. superiororbitalfissure.
58. Which ofthefollowingteeth morelikelyhaveonly
54. Which ofthefollowing is apyrimidine basethatis oneornopulp horns?
presentin RNA, butis NOTpresentin DNA?
A. Maxillaryincisors
A. Uracil B. Mandibularincisors
B. Guanine
C. Maxillarypremolars
C. Thymine
D. Mandibularpremolars
D. Adenine
E. Maxillarymolars
E. Cytosine
59. Each ofthe following isassociated withTetralogy
55. Themaintenanceofapolarized statein aresting ofFallotEXCEPTone. Which one is the
nerverequireswhichofthe following? EXCEPTION?
A. Passageofnerveimpulses A. Dextroposed aorta
B. Release ofacetylcholine B. Pulmonic stenosis
C. Continuousexpenditureofenergy C. Ventricularseptal defect
D. Continuous presenceofstimuli D. Leftventricularhypertrophy
E. Rightventricularhypertrophy
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommissionon NationalDentalExaminations. All rights reserved.
60. ProductionofexotoxinsbyCorynebacterium 66. Fromanocclusalview, which ofthefollowing
diphtheriae requireswhichofthefol/owinggenetic anatomicalfeatures arefrequentlyfound on both
processes? theprimarymaxillaryfirstandsecond molars?
A. Mutation A. Fourmajorcusps areevident.
B. Conjugation B. Obliqueridgesarewell developed.
C. Transformation C. Marginalridgesarewelldeveloped.
D. Lysogenicconversion D. Theoutlineformsarerectangularinshape.
E. Thecrownsconvergetothedistaland
61. Thevertebral arteryis typicallyabranchofthe
A. aorta. 67. Whichofthefollowing statementsbest
B. axillaryartery.
characterizesthe maxillarycanines?
C. subclavian artery.
D. brachiocephalicartery. A. Haveonly3-pointangles
E. commoncarotid artery. B. Eruptbetweentheagesof9and 10years
C. Possessarootsystemthatsuggests
D. Have rootsthat, although underbone,
62. Eachofthefollowingstatementsiscorrect
dictate alveolarwallmorphology
regardingthelevatorveli palatiniEXCEPTone.
E. Are narrowerthroughthe crowns androot
Whichone is theEXCEPTION?
on thefacial thanonthe lingualsurface
A. Itis an extrinsicmuscleofthesoftpalate.
B. Itelevatesthe softpalate.
C. Itis innervatedbythevagusnerve. 68. Thelongestcuspin themouth is presentonthe
D. Itinserts in apalatineaponeurosis.
E. Ithooksunderthehamulus.
A. maxillarycentralincisor.
B. mandibularlateralincisor.
C. maxillarycanine.
D. mandibularcanine.
63. The inferiorband ofthecruciateligamentofthe
atlasattaches atthe
A. bodyoftheaxis.
69. Whichofthefollowing mechanismswould most
B. marginofthe foramen magnum. likelybeinvolvedinthe developmentofacute
C. apexoftheodontoid process.
pulmonaryedemain apatientwithcongestive
D. posteriortubercleoftheatlas.
A. Increasedvascularpermeability
64. Whichofthe following isanucleotide?
B. Increasedplasmaosmoticpressure
C. Decreasedplasmaosmoticpressure
A. Urate
D. Increasedintravascularhydrostaticpressure
B. Uracil
E. Decreasedintravascularhydrostatic
C. Ribose
D. Adenosine
E. Thymidylate
70. Whichofthefollowing representsanendotoxic
65. Which ofthefollowingcharacterizesthegenerator
thataccumulatesin thegingivalcreviceinthe
potentialofa receptor?
A. Anall-or-noneresponse
A. CytoplasmicRNA
B. Propagatedin anon-decrementalmanner
B. Flagellarprotein
C. Universallypresentin all nervetissues C. Capsularpolysaccharides
D. Gradedaccordingtothestrengthofthe D. Lipopolysaccharide-proteincomplex
E. Bacterial metabolitesincludingenzymes
2009.American DentalAsSOCiation, JointCommissiononNationalDental Examinations. Allrightsreserved.
~ ~
~ ~
71. Which of the following nerves is located directly on 77. Which of the following teeth would more frequently
the lateral surface of the medial pterygoid muscle? have a mesial concavity on its crown?
A. Facial A. Maxillary central incisor
B. Lingual B. Mandibular lateral incisor
C. Masseteric C. Mandibular canine
D. (Long) buccal D. Mandibular second premolar
E. Auriculotemporal E. Mandibular first molar
72. The ulna articulates with which of the following 78. Contraction of the posterior fibers of the temporalis
parts of the humerus? muscle results in the mandible
A. Head A. closing.
B. Lateral epicondyle S. retruding.
C. Capitulum C. protruding.
D. Greater tubercle D. opening with translation.
E. Trochlea E. opening without translation.
73. Each of the following foramina transmits nerves 79. Local injury to arteries or veins and turbulence of
containing SVE fibers EXCEPT one. Which one is blood flow might lead directly to
A. atrophy.
A. Foramen ovale
B. embolism.
Jugular foramen
Hypoglossal canal
D. Stylomastoid foramen E. thrombosis.
74. Which of the following represents the two
pyrimidine bases in DNA?
A. Uracil and thymine
B. Adenosine and uracil
C. Cytosine and thymine
D. Guanine and cytosine
E. Guanine and adenosine
80. Which of the following is an intracellular parasite?
A. Aspergillus flavus
B. Nocardia asteroides
C. Coccidioides immitis
D. Histoplasma capsulatum
E. Cryptococcus neoformans
75. Which of the following is a natural opiate
synthesized by the central nervous system?
81. In the developing spinal cord, the marginal layer of
the alar plate develops into which of the following
adult structures?
Substance P
Motor axons
Sensory axons
Motor neurons
Sensory neurons
76. Which of the following anatomic characteristics
distinguishes a maxillary canine from a mandibular
first premolar?
82. Cutaneous innervation of the chin and lower lip is
mediated by which of the following?
A. Mental nerve
B. Facial nerve
Presence of a facial cusp
Presence of an occlusal table
Presence of a bifurcated root
Inferior alveolar nerve
Buccal nerve of V
Branches of the maxillary division of V
Mesiodistal width of the crown
Steepness of the mesial cusp angles
2009. American Dental Association, Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations. All rights reserved.
83. Each ofthefollowing structuresofthe posterior 88. Each ofthefollowing is considered asupporting
triangle aredeepto itsfascial floorEXCEPTthe cusp EXCEPTone. Which one isthe
A. phrenicnerve.
B. brachialplexus.
A. Buccal cuspofmandibularfirst premolar
C. transversecervical nerve.
B. Lingual cuspofmaxillaryfirstpremolar
D. transversecervicalartery.
C. Distobuccalcusp ofmandibularfirstmolar
D. Distolingualcuspofmaxillaryfirstmolar
E. Mesiolingualcuspofamandibularsecond
84. Whichofthefollowing can decreasethe
concentrationofcreatinephosphateina skeletal
89. Passivecongestion occurswhen increased
A. Glycolysis
amounts ofblood in thetissuescollectsecondary
B. Cori cycle
C. Musclecontraction
D. Oxidativedecarboxylation
A. hyperplasia.
E. Oxidativephosphorylation
B. hypertension.
C. inflammation.
D. arterial dilatation.
85. Eachofthe following increaseswhenthe
E. venousobstruction.
sympatheticnervoussystem is activated EXCEPT
one. Which one istheEXCEPTION?
90. Whichofthefollowing hasapersistent
A. Blood flowto theskin
B. Arterial pressure
C. Mentalactivity A. Alcohol
D. Blood glucoseconcentration B. Anionicdetergent
E. Blood flowto skeletal muscle C. Cationicdetergent
D. Chlorhexidinegluconate
E. Quaternaryammoniumcompound
86. Which ofthefollowing isamajorfunctionofthe
91. Which ofthefollowing musclesinsertsonthe
A. Tongue biting
lateralsurfaceoftheangleofthe mandible?
B. Tonguethrusting
C. Cheekbiting A. Masseter
~ Lip sucking B. Temporalis
E. Speaking C. Buccinator
D. Medial pterygoid
E. Lateral pterygoid
87. Themesiolingualgrooveextending betweenthe
mesial marginal ridgeandthelingualcusp maybe
92. Eachofthefollowingstructuresis located atthe
found on a
boundarybetweenthebodyand the rootofthe
A. mandibularfirstpremolar.
tongueEXCEPTone. Whichone is the
B. mandibularsecond premolar.
C. maxillaryfirstpremolar.
D. maxillarysecondpremolar.
A. Lingual raphe
B. Foramencecum
C. Sulcusterminalis
D. Circumvallatepapillae
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommission on NationalDental Examinations. All rights reserved.
93. Alymphnodewith groupsofhighlyactivegerminal
centers is mostoften indicativeofwhich ofthe
A. Adolescence
B. Nodularinvolution
C. Presenceofan infection
D. Germinalcenterdegeneration
E. Imminentdegenerationofthe lymph node
94. An enzymecatalyzesa reaction by
A. raisingthe energyoftheproducts.
B. raising theenergyofthe reactants.
C. loweringthe energyofthe reactants.
D. raisingthe energyofactivation.
E. loweringtheenergyofactivation.
95. Each ofthefollowing mechanismsis activated in
responsetoheatEXCEPTone. Which isthe
A. Panting
B. Sweating
C. Lossofappetite
D. Peripheralvasoconstriction
E. Decrease in voluntaryactivity
96. In theintercuspal position,the cusp ofCarabellion
A. distaltriangularfossaofthe mandibularfirst
B. mesialtriangularfossa ofthe mandibular
second molar.
C. lingualembrasure betweenthe mandibular
firstand second molars.
D. facial portionofthecentral fossaofthe
mandibularfirst molar.
E. lingual portion ofthe centralfossa ofthe
mandibularfirst molar.
97. Adistinguishingcharacteristicofamaxillary
second premolaris the presenceof
A. twodistinctroots.
B. amesiolingualgroove.
C. longerlingualcusp than facial cusp.
D. aconcavityofthe mesialcrown surface.
E. ashortcentral groovemesiodistally.
98. Mammelonsare normallyfound
A. in adultpatientsonly.
B. on theincisal ridge ofanteriorteeth.
C. onthe lingualsurfaceofanteriorteeth.
D. in the depthofan occlusalfossa on posterior
E. on thecervical portionofthe marginal ridges
99. Which ofthefollowing is an endogenousbacterial
A. Trachoma
B. Candidiasis
C. Shigellosis
D. Brucellosis
E. Actinomycosis
100. A43-year-old male patientpresents with multiple
boneradiolucencies. Laboratoryresults reveal
elevated serumcalcium, decreasedserum
phosphorus, and normal alkalinephosphatase
levels. Whichofthefollowing isthe mostlikely
A. Osteomalacia
B. Pagetdisease
C. Fibrousdysplasia
D. Hyperparathyroidism
E. Metastaticprostate carcinoma
101. Inthe developingspinalcord, the mantlelayerof
the basal platedevelops intowhichofthe following
A. Motoraxons
B. Sensoryaxons
C. Motorneurons
D. Sensoryneurons
102. Theoral partofthe pharynxcommunicates directly
withtheoralcavityand whichofthe following
A. Tracheaand esophagus
B. Trachea and maxillarysinus
C. Larynxand tympaniccavity
D. Laryngopharynxand nasopharynx
E. Laryngopharynxand nasalcavity
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommission on National Dental Examinations. All rightsreserved.
103. Adrug(D) hasa pKof6.4.AtapH of7.4, whichof
thefollowing approximatesthe ratioofthe
unprotonatedform totheprotonatedform (i.e.,
A. 0
B. 0.1
C. 1
D. 10
104. Sympatheticstimulationaffects carbohydrate
A. epinephrineincreases liverglycogenolysis.
B. peripheraltissues require epinephrineto
take upglucose.
C. sympatheticnervestothe pancreasincrease
insulin release.
D. insulincannotacton the liverin the absence
105. Aperson isplayingtennis in adryclimate in which
thetemperature is 110F. Mostofthis person's
heatlossoccurs by
A. alteration in hypothalamicsetpoint.
B. enhancedbaroreceptoractivity.
C. enhancedsympatheticactivity.
D. enhanced parasympatheticactivity.
106. Whichofthefollowing representstheusualcolorof
the crownsofprimaryteeth?
A. Grayish-white
B. Yellowish-white
C. Darkerthan the crownsofpermanentteeth
D. Samecolorasthecrownsofpermanent
E. Whiterthan the crownsofpermanentteeth
107. Onthemaxillaryfirstmolarcrown, thedistolingual
A. originatesin thecentral pit.
B. originatesand terminatesin pits.
C. parallelsthetransverse ridge.
108. Mostbacterialendotoxinsarecomposed ofwhich
A. Proteins
B. Carbohydrates
C. Heteropolysaccharides
D. Mucoproteincomplexes
E. Lipoprotein-polysaccharidecomplexes
109. Whichofthefollowing riskfactors is etiologically
associatedwithtransitional cell carcinomaofthe
A. Syphilis
B. Gonorrhea
C. Cigarette smoking
D. Human papillomavirus
E. Benign prostatichypertrophy
110. Whichofthefollowing represents thehistologic
typeofHodgkin'sdiseasethatoffersthe most
favorable prognosis?
A. Mixed cellularity
B. Nodularsclerosis
C. Lymphocyticdepletion
D. Lymphocyticpredominance
111. Whichofthefollowing comprise the arterial
branchesofthe common hepaticartery?
A. Splenicandtheleftgastroepiploic
S. Shortgastricsand the gastroduodenal
C. Gastroduodenal, therightgastroepiploic, and
D. Gastroduodenal. the rightgastric. andthe
E. Gastroduodenal. theleftgastric, and the
112. Whichofthefollowing transmitspainfromthe
A. Auriculotemporal nervein the articular
surfacesofthe mandibleandtemporal
B. Auriculotemporal nerve in the capsuleand
peripheryofthe disc
C. Maxillarybranchofthetrigeminal nervein
theretrodiscal padandcapsule
D. Maxillarybranchofthe trigeminal nervein
the articulardiscand theretrodiscal pad
E. Zygomaticbranchesofthefacial nerve
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommissionon National Dental Examinations. All rightsreserved.
113. Gel electrophoresis is usedtoseparatemolecules 118. The Reed-Sternberg cell ispathognomonicfor
by which ofthefollowing conditions?
A. shape. A. Thalassemia
B. charge. B. Hodgkindisease
C. viscosity. C. Burkittlymphoma
D. massand shape. D. Sicklecell anemia
E. chargeand size. E. Non-Hodgkinlymphoma
114. Whichofthefollowing processesoccursafter
prolonged muscularexercisewhenoxygendebtis
being paid?
A. Lacticacid in musclescontinues to increase.
B. Mostlacticacid undergoesgluconeogenesis
in muscles.
C. Mostlacticacid undergoesgluconeogenesis
in the liver.
D. Mostlacticacid undergoesgluconeogenesis
in the brain and heart.
115. Thedistal-mostregion ofthecochlea relativeto
theovalwindowis believedtobethe pointof
A. highamplitude.
B. lowamplitude.
C. high frequency.
D. intermediatefrequency.
E. lowfrequency.
116. Whichofthefollowing representsthemost
A. Masseter
B. Temporalis
C. Geniohyoid
D. Lateral pterygoid
E. Sternocleidomastoid
117. Lingualconvergence isimportantforeach ofthe
following reasons EXCEPTone. Which oneisthe
A. Reducesthesizeofthe occlusaltableon
B. Createsproperlightdeflectionto produce
C. Influencesthe sizeofthe contactareas
D. Allows theteeth tobe putintoarchforms
E. Allows properembrasureformation
119. Which ofthefollowing representstheetiologic
A. Clostridium difficile
B. Shigella sonnei
C. Campylobacter jejuni
D. Escherichia coli
E. Vibrio cholera
120. Which ofthe following typifiesthe nephrotic
A. Proteinuria
B. Glycosuria
C. Hyperalbuminemia
D. Elevatedserum uricacid
E. Nitrogenretention
121. Whichofthefollowing tractsinthe spinalcord
contains both ascendingand descending
collaterals ofpainandthermal afferentaxons
(presumablyforthe purposeoffacilitating spinal
A. TractofCuneatus
B. Lateral corticospinaltract
C. Lateral spinothalamiCtract
D. Anteriorspinothalamictract
E. Dorsolateraltract(fasciculus)ofLissauer
122. Theprincipal (chief)sensorynucleus ofV is
primarilyinvolved in which ofthefollowing?
A. Pain
B. Touch
C. Temperature
D. Kinesthesia
E. Proprioception
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommissionon National Dental Examinations. All rights reserved.
123. Whichofthefollowing containsthelargest
A. Enamel
B. Dense bone
C. Calculus
D. Cementum
E. Spongybone
124. Which ofthefollowing helpstoregulatetheoverall
rateofglycolysis bydirectlyinfluencingthe activity
A. Malate
B. Lactate
C. Citrate
D. Succinate
E. Oxaloacetate
125. Aslightdetachmentoftheretina results in a
decreaseoflengthfromthe optical center, and the
A. nearsightedness.
B. farsightedness.
C. strabismus.
D. nystagmus.
126. Whichofthefollowingdifferentiatesmandibular
premolarsfrom maxillarypremolars? Mandibular
A. havepulphornsofequalsize.
B. havelingualcuspslessdeveloped.
C. havecrownstilted to the facial.
D. haveroots much less round and bifurcated.
E. havetrapezoidal-shaped facial surfaces.
127. Thedistobuccalrootofamaxillaryfirstmolar
usually hashowmanyrootcanals?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
128. Which form ofactinomycosisoccursmost
A. Abdominal
B. Pulmonary
C. Lepromatous
D. Tuberculoid
E. Cervicofacial
129. Which ofthefollowing conditions is associatedwith
A. Lead poisoning
B. Silverpoisoning
C. Mercury poisoning
D. Bismuth poisoning
E. Tetracycline intoxication
130. Which ofthefollowing characterize{s)sicklecell
A. Hypoplasticbone marrow
B. Capillarystasisandthrombosis
C. Decreased formation ofbilirubin
D. Increased Fhemoglobinthatdoesnotsickle
131. TheXII nervenucleusthatinnervatesthetongueis
located in the
A. pons.
B. medulla.
C. midbrain.
D. diencephalon.
E. telencephalon.
132. Inhypersecretionofgrowth hormone,whichofthe
following conditions will determinewhether
gigantismoracromegalywill result?
A. Fusion ofthespheno-occipitaland
basioccipital-sphenoid synchondroses
B. Fusionofepiphysesofthelong bones
C. Nutritional stateoftheindividual
D. Geneticmake-upofthe individual
E. Concomitantexcessofthyroxine
133. The extracellularedema in patientswith cirrhosis
ofthe liveris caused bywhich ofthefollowing?
A. Decreased capillarypermeability
B. Decreased plasma proteins
C. Decreased capillary pressure
D. Increased lymphaticreturn
E. Increasedplasma proteins
134. In humans, thesiteforproduction ofketonebodies
A. liver.
B. kidney.
C. adrenal.
D. pancreas.
E. adiposetissue.
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommission on National DentalExaminations. All rights reserved.
135. Which ofthefollowing representsthesensory 140. Ten daysafterbeing hospitalizedforalarge,
organs concerned with maintenanceofskeletal incapacitating myocardial infarct, a50-year-old
muscletonus? man suddenlydevelopsaparalysisoftheright
sideofhis body. Which ofthefollowing best
A. Sarcomeres
explainsthedamageto hisbrain?
B. Musclespindles
C. Gammaefferents
A. Rupture ofacongenital aneurysmofthe
D. Paciniancorpuscles
E. Golgi tendon organs
B. Brain abscessfrom necrosisofmyocardium
C. Formationofabacterialembolusfrom the
136. In amaxillaryfirstmolar, tworootcanals aremost
D. Embolizationofamural thrombusfromthe
commonlyfound in which ofthefollowing roots?
E. Detachmentofamuralthrombusfromthe
A. Distal leftventricle
B. Distofacial
C. Mesiofacial
D. Mesiolingual
141. Which ofthefollowing muscles is totally
E. Palatal
denervated as aresultofasection ofspinalnerve
137. On molardepressions immediatelydistaltothe A. Trapezius
mesial marginal ridgeand immediatelymesialto B. Teres major
thedistal marginal ridgeare
C. Subscapularis
D. Rhomboid major
A. triangularfossae. E. Latissimus dorsi
B. centralfossae.
C. interdentalspaces.
D. proximalconcavities.
142. Each ofthefollowing hormones is produced bythe
E. spillways.
adenohypophysisofthe hypophysisEXCEPTone.
Which one istheEXCEPTION?
138. Eachofthefollowing is useful in identifyingviruses A. Prolactin
EXCEPTone. Which oneistheEXCEPTION? B. Luteinizing hormone
C. Antidiuretichormone
A. Natureoftheviral nucleicacid D. Folliclestimulating hormone
B. Morphologyoftheviral protein capsid E. Adrenocorticotropichormone
C. Abilityofthevirustogrowon complexmedia
D. Neutralizationoftheviruswith specific
143. Ifaperson stands rigidlyatattentionforasufficient
E. Abilityofthevirustobeinactivated byether
lengthoftime, then hewill probablylose
consciousness becauseof
A. increased peripheral pooling.
139. Fattychange is mostcommonlyseen in which of
B. decreasedtidal volume.
thefollowingorgans? C. increased baroreceptorinput.
D. decreased ventricularrate.
A. Brain
E. increasedcarbon dioxideaccumulation.
B. Liver
C. Heart
D. Kidney
144. Which ofthefollowing aminoacids isrequired for
E. Spleen
enzymaticconversion ofalpha-aminonitrogento
A. Lysine
B. Glycine
C. Cystine
D. Ornithine
E. Methionine
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommissiononNational Dental Examinations. All rightsreserved.
145. During increased muscleactivity, adenosine
triphosphateis resynthesizedfromwhichofthe
A. Phosphocreatine
B. Ribose-3-phosphate
C. Galactose-6-phosphate
D. Guanosinetriphosphate
E. Nicotinamideadenosine phosphate
146. Amandibularfirstmolarusuallyhas howmany
roots and canals?

A. Two Two
B. Two Three
C. Three Two
D. Three Three
147. Which ofthefollowing representsthe rough outline
ofthe mandibularfirstpremolarfromthe buccal
A. Hexagonal
B. Pentagonal
C. Rhomboidal
D. Triangular
E. Diamond-shaped
148. Which ofthefollowing is ageneticcondition that
involvessweatand mucousglandsand resultsin
A. Cysticfibrosis
B. Marfan syndrome
C. Neurofibromatosis I
D. Mucopolysaccharidosis I
E. Cytomegalicinclusiondisease
149. Cancerofthecolon hasbeen linkedetiologicallyto
which ofthefollowing?
A. Laxativeuse
S. Diverticulosis
C. Highfiberdiet
D. Asbestosexposure
E. Intestinalpolyps
150. Which ofthefollowing mostoftencauses
esophageal varices?
A. Thrombosis
B. Coarctation
C. Corpulmonale
D. Portal hypertension
E. Aging changesinthevessels
151. Blastocystusuallyoccursinwhich ofthe following?
A. Uterinetube
B. Peritonealcavity
C. Cervixoftheuterus
D. Upperportionoftheuterinecavity
152. In humans,which ofthefollowing cellsproduce
A. Chief
B. Parietal
C. Mucous neck
D. Enteroendocrine
E. Surface mucous
153. In the presenceofaconstantheartrate, blood
pressurechanges maybe chieflyattributedto
alterationsin resistance. Which ofthefollowing
offerthis resistance?
A. Veins
B. Venules
C. Arteries
D. Arterioles
E. Capillaries
154. Which ofthe following is the majorend-productof
protein nitrogen metabolism in humans?
A. Urea
B. Creatine
C. Allantoin
D. Uricacid
E. Amino acid
155. Failureofcardiacmuscletoexhibittetanyresults
from its
A. long refractoryperiod.
B. intercalateddisks.
C. automaticity.
D. protoplasmicbridgesbetweenfibers.
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommissionon National Dental Examinations. All rightsreserved.
156. Asa general rule, maxillaryteeth precede 161. Which ofthe following represents a medial rotator
mandibularteeth in the processoferuption. attheglenohumeraljoint?
A. Teres minor
Theteeth in bothjawseruptin pairs, oneon the
B. Teres major
rightand oneon theleft.
C. Infraspinatus
O. Supraspinatus
A. Bothstatementsaretrue.
E. Long headofthetricepsbrachii
B. Bothstatements arefalse.
C. Thefirststatementis true, thesecond is
O. Thefirststatementisfalse, the second is 162. Whileperforming an inferioralveolarnerve
true. injection, adentistmistakenlyplacestheneedle
toofarposteriorlyatthelevel ofthemandibular
foramen. Theneedleislikelyto contactwhich of
157. Thetotal numberofpremolars in onearchofthe
dentitionis normallythesameasthetotal number
A. Parotidgland
ofwhich ofthefollowing?
B. Lingual nerve
A. Primarypremolars in onearch
C. Auriculotemporal nerve
B. Caninesin the primarydentition
O. Pterygomandibularraphe
C. Molarsintheprimarydentition
E. Transverse facial artery
O. Permanentmolarsin onequadrant
E. Permanentanteriorteeth in one quadrant
163. When abriefperiodofhysterical hyperventilation
causes respiratoryalkalosis, tetanymightbe
158. Which immunoglobinis associatedwith inflamed
caused byasudden decreaseinwhich ofthe
gingivaofpatientswith adultperiodontitis?
following kindsofcalcium?
A. IgM
A. Total serum
B. IgO B. Ionizedserum
C. IgG
C. Citrate bound
O. IgE
O. Serum protein-bound
E. IgA
164. Which ofthefollowing tissuesisprimarily
159. Which ofthefollowing isthe mostimportant
responsibleforformation ofurea?
chemotacticfactorresulting fromtheactivation of
A. Liver
B. Brain
A. C2a C. Kidney
B. C3a O. Muscle
C. C3b E. Pancreas
O. C5a
E. C5b
165. Theatomsofpurinesaremostdirectlyderived
160. Radiographsofa patient'sskullshow"punched-
out"areas. Laboratorystudiesreveal
A. glucose.
B. steroids.
hyperproteinemiaand proteinuria.Which ofthe
C. pyrimidines.
following representsthe probablediagnosisofthis
O. fattyacids.
E. aminoacids.
A. Osteosarcoma
B. Chondrosarcoma
C. Multiplemyeloma
O. Metastaticcarcinoma
2009.American DentalASSOCiation, JointCommissiononNational Dental Examinations. All rightsreserved.
166. The primarydentition normallyconsistsofhow
A. 6teeth perquadrant
B. 20total teeth
C. 8total premolars
D. 12total posteriorteeth
E. 32 totalteeth
167. Which ofthe following representsthepremolar
mostlikelytobe congenitally missing?
A. Maxillaryfirst
B. Maxillarysecond
C. Mandibularsecond
D. Mandibularfirst
168. Whichofthefollowing representsthe primary
sourceofpathogenicmicroorganismsin thedental
A. Dustparticles
B. Dental instruments
C. Mouthsofpatients
D. Handsofclinicians
E. Dental unitwaterlines
169. Which ofthefollowing representsthemajorcell-
type thatis infected by human immunodeficiency
A. CD4+cell
B. CD8+cell
C. Naturalkillercell
D. Plasmacell
E. Blymphocyte
170. Which ofthefollowing diseasesinvolvesa
A. Chediak-Higashisyndrome
B. Chronicgranulomatousdisease
C. Chronicmucocutaneous candidiasis
D. Acquired immune deficiencysyndrome
171. Which ofthefollowing structures liesdirectly
anteriorto the scalenusanteriormuscle?
A. Subclavianvein
B. Vertebral artery
C. Subclavianartery
D. Costocervicaltrunk
E. Superiortrunkofthe brachial plexus
172. Which ofthefollowing musclesform lateral
A. Palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus
B. Palatopharyngeusand medial pterygoid
C. Palatoglossusand tensorveli palatini
D. Palatopharyngeusand levatorveli palatini
E. Palatoglossusand styloglossus
173. Each ofthefollowing substancesiscorrectlypaired
with thetypeofcovalentbond it contains EXCEPT
one. Which oneistheEXCEPTION?
A. Protein; amide
B. Triglyceride; ether
C. Amylose; glycosidic
D. RNA; phosphodiester
E. Phospholipid; ester
174. Which ofthe following isthe rate-controlling stepin
A. Glucose--> glucose-6-phosphate
B. 2-P-enolpyruvate--> pyruvate
C. Fructose-6-P--> fructose-1.6-bisphosphate
D. Dihydroxyacetone-P--> glyceraldehyde-3-
175. Whichenzymein glycolysisis inhibitedbyfluoride?
A. Enolase
B. Pyruvatekinase
C. Phosphoglucomutase
D. Glyceraldehydedehydrogenase
E. Glycerol phosphatedehydrogenase
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommission on National DentalExaminations. All rightsreserved.
176. An adultpatientexhibitsnoevidence, either
clinically orradiographically, ofmaxillarythird
molars, and thereis no historyofextraction. Which
ofthefollowing isthe mostlikelydiagnosis?
A. Syphilis
B. Impaction
C. Mulberrymolars
D. Supernumeraryteeth
E. Congenitallymissingteeth
177. Within atoothcrown, the spaceoccupied bythe
dentalpulp is properlyreferred to as the
A. pulp chamber.
B. pulpcavity.
C. roottrunk.
D. pulp canal(s).
E. interdental space.
178. Each ofthefollowing is characteristicofplasmids
EXCEPTone. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
A. ExistascircularRNAmolecules
B. Existasextrachromosomal elementsin
C. Mediateantibioticresistance
D. Conferconjugal fertility
E. Carrygeneticinformation
179. Whichofthe following is mostlikelytobe a
warning sign ofan impending atheroscleroticbrain
A. Anginapectoris
B. Pulmonaryembolus
C. Myocardialinfarction
D. Ruptured berryaneurysm
E. Transientischemicattacks
180. Which ofthefollowing representsthe first
inflammatorycell toleavethevascularbed and
remain atthe siteofinjurythrough the acute
A. Monocyte
B. Lymphocyte
C. Neutrophil
D. Eosinophil
E. Plasmacell
181. Abranch ofwhich ofthefollowing motornerves
suppliesthe sternohYOid muscle?
A. Phrenic
B. Spinal accessory
C. Ansa cervicalis
D. Transversecervical
E. Cervicalsympathetictrunk
182. The retromandibularvein is formed within the
parotid gland bythe unionofwhich ofthefollowing
A. Posteriorauricularand deepfacial
B. Posteriorauricularand posteriordeep
C. Superficialtemporal and maxillary
D. Superficialtemporal and transversefacial
E. Externaljugularand transversefacial
183. Which ofthefollowing represents the diseasein
which patients usuallyare overweight, respond
wellto dietand exercise,doNOThave high levels
ofketonebodiesin theirblood, and doNOT
requireexogenous hormone injectionstorecover?
A. Acromegaly
B. Hypothyroidicdwarfism
C. DiabetesmellitusType I
D. DiabetesmellitusType II
E. Familial hypercholesterolemia
184. Fluorouracil producesan activesite-directed
A. trypsin.
B. chymotrypsin.
C. thymidylatesynthase.
D. adenosinedeaminase.
E. fluorocitratesynthase
185. Parathyroid hormoneacts in the bodyby
A. stimulatinggluconeogenesis in the liver.
B. diminishing excretionofsodiumand
C. decreasingabsorption ofcalcium in the
D. accelerating removal ofcalcium and
phosphatefrom theskeleton.
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommission on National Dental Examinations. All rights reserved.
186. A50-year-old patienthasafull mouthsetof
radiographs, from which thedentistdiscoversthe
maxillarythird molarsare presentinthe alveolar
process, buttheyare notvisibleclinically. Whichof
thefollowing conditionsisassociatedwith these
third molars?
A. Impaction
B. Dilaceration
C. Supernumerary
D. Congenital absence
E. Hutchinson'steeth
187. In amolar, rootcanalsusuallyjointhe pulp
A. atthe levelofthefurcation.
B. atvarying levels, dependentuponage.
C. within thecervical third ofthecrown.
D. apical to thecervical levelofthecrown.
188. Bacterialcapsulesusuallyconsistof
A. chitins.
B. protein.
C. celluloses.
D. polypeptides.
E. polysaccharides.
189. Secretory IgAfunctionsprimarily by
A. killing bacteriavia a lyticmechanism.
B. targeting microorganismsforphagocytosis.
C. preventingthepathogenfrom adheringto
D. facilitating the pathogen'sadherenceto
E. the inductionofspecificcytokinesin gut
associated lymphoidtissue.
190. Whichofthefollowing isexpectedto occurwhen
T-Iymphocytes from apatientwithchronic
periodontitisare cultured invitrowith dental plaque
A. Releaseofhistamine
B. SynthesisofIymphokines
C. Production ofspecificIgG
D. Releaseoflysosomalenzymes
191. Whereisthe thickeststratumcorneumfound in the
A. Lip
B. Anteriorbodywall
C. Scalp
D. Palm
E. Interscapularregion ofthe back
192. Theinternalthoracicarterygives rise to the
A. costocervical trunk.
B. posteriorintercostalarteries.
C. bronchialandesophagealarteries.
D. superiorepigastricand musculophrenic
193. SolutionAhasapH of7.0, and Solution Bhasa
pH of6.0. Both Solutionsareofequal volume.
Whichofthefollowing statementsaboutSolutions
Aand Bis mostaccurate?
A. Ahas1/10 asmanyhydrogen ionsas B.
B. Ahas 10timesmorehydrogenionsthan B.
C. Ahas7/6 ofthe hydrogen ion concentration
D. Ahas6/7 ofthehydrogenionconcentration
194. Alipid bilayermembraneisleast permeableto
which ofthefollowing?
A. Water
B. Sodium ions
C. Glycerol
D. Cholesterol
E. Palmiticacid
195. Whichofthefollowing circumstanceswill tend to
A. Increasedtissueoncoticpressure
B. Increasedplasmaoncoticpressure
C. Increasedtissue hydrostaticpressure
D. Decreased plasmahydrostaticpressure
E. Decreased venouspressure
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommissionon National Dental Examinations. All rights reserved.
196. Anormal 10 1/2-year-old child has
A. erupted both mandibularfirstand second
B. completed rootformation forthe mandibular
C. completed enamelformationforali 3
D. initiated calcification forthe mandibular
197. The free gingivaextendsfrom the
A. attached gingivatothe gingival crest.
B. gingivalcresttothe interdental groove.
C. alveolarmucosatothe free gingivalgroove.
D. mucogingivaljunctiontothefreegingival
E. epithelial attachmentto the cementoenamel
198. In advanced gingivitis, plaque ismainly
A. gram-positiveand facultative.
B. gram-positiveand anaerobic.
C. gram-negativeand facultative.
D. gram-negativeand anaerobic.
199. Which ofthefollowing statementsbestdescribes
patientswhodevelopmeningitisfollowing mumps,
coxsackievirus, orechovirus infections?
A. Sensitiveto viral toxins
B. Experiencemortalityrateof75%
C. Rarelydeveloppermanentneuraldamage
D. Subjecttoexacerbationsoncethe latent
virus is activated
E. Mostoften initiallyinfected byblood
200. Massivenecrotizing lesionsofthe palatein a
patientwith poorlycontrolled diabetesmellitusare
A. candidiasis.
B. mucormycosis.
C. blastomycosis.
D. cryptococcosis.
E. histoplasmosis.
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommissionon National DentalExaminations. All rightsreserved.
Thekeybelowmaybe used todetermine correctand incorrectanswers; however, forthis itemset, itis notpossibleto
convertarawscorenumbercorrectto astandardscoreorassociated pass/fail status.
1 D 51. A 101 C 151 D
2 C 52 D 102 D 152 B
3 A 53 A 103 D 153 D
4 B 54 A 104 A 154 A
B 55 C 105 C 155 A
6 A 56 A 106 E 156 D
7 B 57 A 107 B 157 B
8 B 58 B 108 E 158 C
9 B 59 D 109 C 159 D
E 60 D 110 D 160 C
11 B 61 C 111 D 161 B
12 B 62 E 112 B 162 A
13 A 63 A 113 E 163 B
14 B 64 E 114 C 164 A
B 65 D 115 E 165 E
16 A 66 C 116 A 166 B
17 D 67 D 117 B 167 C
18 C 68 C 118 B 168 C
19 E 69 D 119 D 169 A
E 70 D 120 A 170 B
21 D 71 B 121 E 171 A
22 A 72 E 122 B 172 A
23 C 73 C 123 A 173 B
24 C 74 C 124 C 174 C
A 75 C 125 B 175 A
26 D 76 B 126 C 176 E
27 C 77 E 127 B 177 A
28 C 78 B 128 E 178 A
29 C 79 E 129 A 179 E
C 80 D 130 B 180 C
31 B 81 B 131 B 181 C
32 A 82 A 132 B 182 C
33 B 83 C 133 B 183 D
D 84 C 134 A 184 C
D 85 A 135 B 185 D
36 C 86 E 136 C 186 A
37 A 87 A 137 A 187 C
38 A 88 E 138 C 188 E
39 B 89 E 139 B 189 C
E 90 D 140 E 190 B
41 C 91 A 141 D 191 D
42 C 92 A 142 C 192 D
43 B 93 C 143 A 193 A
44 B 94 E 144 D 194 B
A 95 D 145 A 195 A
46 D 96 E 146 B 196 B
47 D 97 E 147 B 197 A
48 D 98 B 148 A 198 D
49 E 99 E 149 E 199 C
B 100 D 150 D 200 B
2009.American DentalAssociation, JointCommissionon National Dental Examinations. All rights reserved.

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