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Bonus Class Questions:

1. What will future people think was bad about our time?
2. What is something youd like to change about yourself?
3. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
4. Are you afraid of dying?
5. How do you want to be remembered after your death?
6. To you, who is one of the best people who has ever lived? Who is one of the
worst people who have ever lived?
7. Is it bad to have too many lovers in your life?
8. Compare men and women. Whats naturally different? Whats different
because of society/culture?

Thought experiments:
1. Can a robot have feelings?
2. Would you walk into the water to save the drowning child?
3. Would you kill the fat man? (Trolley problem)
4. Is it okay to kill babies? Is it okay to kill fetuses? Is it okay to kill mentally
disabled people? Is it okay to kill animals?
5. Is it wrong to have sex with a family member?
6. Would you rather save your mother or save two strangers in another
7. Would you smother your baby to keep your other child safe (in Nazi
8. Would you rather live a great simulated life in an experience machine or a so-
so real life?
9. A man has put a bomb in a city. You have captured the man, but he wont tell
you where the bomb is. The bomb will explode in 6 hours, so you have no
time to search the whole city. Should you torture the man?

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