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Maam Regis was a total mother of all. She was a mother of teachers and mother of students.

When she was here at Flora A. Ylagan in 1993, she served as an extension of the personal problems of
teachers. We had many fond memories with her. We were bringing our young children in school and
they were playing in the school grounds while we were teaching in our classes. Those children practically
grew inside the campus and now, they were all professionals in their chosen fields and they think highly
of her.
In the same year of 1993, my eldest son, a seminarian, had meningitis. He was then 20 years old.
During his confinement, I was often distressed by the situation so I called to the office of maam Regis
almost every day and ventilate all my fears and pains. She advised like a special nurse with her strong
character & bluntly told me, Bring your son home and let go of your fears. My son died then and
maam Regis has been my anchor.
This relationship goes beyond academic management and for that she was my mother.
I am a 59 year old teacher today, master teacher of social studies.
Mrs. Bernadette Tadeo.

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