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Crtl + c
zilla Dragons
all spells All Spells
go far Walk 1000 spaces
bingo 200 Ale, Crystal, Gold
jackpot All Resources 2
hocuspocusb All Spells 2
marathon Walk 1000 paces
Fast Thieves
Select your thief during a battle, and press the ''Detect Thief'' icon rapidly t
o make him go a lot fast than normal
Secret Legend Quest
On the "Legends of Urak" Quest selection screen, clicking in the center of the f
aith circle will present a secret, "fifth" quest.
Unlimited Barter Points
Go to customize at the lord selection and buy the most expensive artifact you ca
n get. Put it at the top bar, than bring it down to the screen that has you lord
's statistics. Than put that artifact back to where it originally was. Now save
it, than load it. The artifact you purchased should be at the top bar. Put the a
rtifact back and you will have the amount of barter points you originally have a
nd the amount of the artifact. You can do this however many times you like.

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