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Jake Camel

Mr. Rho
Digital Electronics, Period 0
7 May 2014
Boe-Bot Project Write Up

Table of Contents
Project description pg. 3

Documentation pg. 4

Essential Questions pg. 5

Project Description
For this project my partners and I learned how to properly wire, program,
and use a Boe-Bot to carry out different functions. To do this we went through
Parallax's Robotics with the Boe-Bot to learn how the Boe-Bot works and how to
program it to do specific functions. In doing this we learned valuable skills like
how to program in Basic language, and understanding how photo resistors, motion
sensors, and other micro sensors work. After becoming familiar with the
technology, we started to try and program the Boe-Bot to do easy tasks. Once we
could execute these tasks we started to try more complicated programs that
included using photo resistors to make the Boe-Bot carry out certain functions
when it was in light or not in light.
After fixing the code and trouble shooting we were able to successfully
program the Boe-Bot to carry out the program we wanted it to do. We programed
the Boe-Bot so that when it would go into a shadowy area, it would try and move
away from it into a sunny area. We were able to this by using photo resistors
which were wired into the Boe-Bot. Then we used the Basic code to program the
photo resistors to tell the Boe-Bot when or when not it was in sunlight.


Here we are testing the Boe-Bot in the light vs. in the shadow

Essential Questions
1. The best part about doing this project was learning how the Boe-Bot works and
understanding more about photo resistors.
2. The most difficult part about doing this project was trouble shooting with the
code of the robot and figuring out what part of the code was wrong when the
Boe-Bot did not work correctly.
3. After learning information from this project, I can see myself being able to
program robots in future projects. There can be many future projects with
these concepts. These skills will help me when I learn computer science in
4. I have done similar projects to this, but have not used the Basic language for
coding before so it was a slightly new experience for me.
5. Some skills I had prior to this project were working with robotics before and
generically knowing how to code, which made this project easier for me to
6. I plan to make a solar panel usb charger which is embedded into an Altoids
can. It will be a small portable charger that you can use if you do not have an
electrical outlet nearby.
7. There should be a challenge where people should try and program the Boe-Bot
to be able to navigate through a maze or some other similar activity.

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