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Occupy Play: Nate Blower, Ben Yokoyama, Grady Jakobsberg

Scene 1:
( The curtain opens and Jeffrey (Ben) is sitting in his chair)
Narrator: In a third floor office on Wall Street in August of 2012, a young banker named
Jefferey sits doing his work. As the rain pours down against Jeffreys Window he notices a
few remaining protesters packing up their stuff (Jeffrey walks to window and freezes looking
out) As he watches them, the memories flow back.
(Footage of Wall Street violence and protests plays for approximately a minute)

( The curtain opens shortly after and Jeffy (Ben) in a younger state is standing on a crate
delivering a speech with other protesters in a crowd surrounding him.)
Jeffy: Thanks to all of you for supporting what is right! We need to have more equalized
wealth! The 1% is up here! (Raises one hand f high.) And we, the 99%, are down here!
(Raises one hand really low) We need them here! ( Moves hand closer to each other but
still not touching.) I am fed up with these rich snobs talking down to us!
Protesters: Yeah!
Jeffy: We need to make a change! We must speak with our money, and spend only where
we know the corruption of wall street hasn't infiltrated!
Protesters: Yeah!
Jeffy: The only way to fix this is to have cheaper health care, fair and low-cost housing and
reduced prices on education.
Protestors: Yeah!
Jeffry: people may say that we're just a bunch of unemployed people, or young college
students. But we are much more than that. We are the representatives of the 99% that must
iterate our goals and lead the fight against our banks.
Jeffy: We need to stay here and fight for our rights. We need to exercise our rights to
peacefully assemble and to free speech that the first amendment gave us. We need to
outlast these jerks in order to get what we want!
Protesters: Yeah! ( Begin to celebrate)
Jeffy: ( Hushing Protesters) And to any doubters! We are doing something by being here!
Why even question it? By being here we are drawing attention to a national issue that would
other wise be overlooked because the 1% dont like it being in the public knowledge! So
stay as long as you possibly can and help our cause!
( Protesters disperse yelling and celebrating.)
(Rob jogs over to Jeffy)
Rob: Hey man! (Puches Jeffy in the arm playfully) That speech was awesome!
Jeffy: Thanks, Rob. I was just just speaking the truth.
Rob: You really were. (Becomes more serious) Youre destined for big things Jeffy, and I
want you to know that I will be there by your side the whole time.
Jeffy: Thanks dude.
(A man in a suit (Grady) walks towards Jeffy)
Rob: (sees the man in the suit) What the?! Who is that guy, walking around here dressed
like that?
Jeffy: I dont know. I think he is coming to talk to me.
(Suit man approaches Jeffy and Rob takes a couple steps back away from their
Suit man: Hey. That was a good speech you gave there. I've watched a couple of your other
ones. You're really inspirational. Whats your name?
Jeffy: Thanks. Jeffrey Sanderson. You can call me Jeffy though. What are you doing around
here dressed in a suit?
Suit man: I work down the street at cassidy and johnson banking firm. But you must have a
lot of power among these protestors.
Jeffy: Oh. I organize a lot of stuff here. I would consider myself a leader among the
Suit man: That speech was very compelling. We could use someone like you on our side.
Jeffy: Well thanks but no thanks. I'm not going to work against the people I currently lead.
Suit man: I can pay you six figures if you come work for my firm.
Jeffy: Ill think about it. Thank you anyway man.
Suit man: I got a kid from Yale with a masters in finance and business graduating soon and
hes lined up to join if you dont.
Jeffy: I said Ill think about it. Thanks for your consideration.
(Jeffy turns around and begins to walk away. Just then he turns his head over his shoulder
and asks a question.)
Jeffy: Why do you want me so bad?
Suit man: That speech was excellent. The way you delivered that and rallied that crowd was
Jeffy: Ill come in for an interview and see if I like it. But I'm not making any promises.
Suit man: Okay. Come in tomorrow at 10:30 on Wall St. and Broadway.
Jeffy: Fine. I'll see you tomorrow.
(Rob comes back over)
Rob: What did that joker want?
Jeffy: (stunned) He offered me a job. at his banking firm.
Rob: Wait, are you actually going to take it?
Jeffy: I scheduled an interview with him. I guess we'll see.
Rob: I dont know man, Im not trying to get in you business but i dont think that guy was up
to any good.
Jeffy: Don't worry, i can figure it out.
Rob: Just be cautious ok man?
Jeffy: Ok dude. (Daps with Rob before they both exit)
(The curtain closes)
End scene 1
Scene 2:
(The curtain opens and Jeffy walks into a room with the suit man sitting in a chair)
Suit man: So you decided to show?
Jeffy: Yeah. Lets get started (Stares at name tag) Butch.
Suit man: Where did you go to college?
Jeffy: NYU
Butch: Major?
Jeffy: Agricultural Law.
Butch: At NYU?
Jeffy: Whats it to you?
Butch: Do you have any experience speaking to boards?
Jeffy: Ive had to give many speeches to the New York City council about agriculture.
Butch: Okay, well I wanted you on my side from the start, now I need you on my side. I
need you a to go to different meetings and talk about our company's completely legal (air
quotes) activities.
Jeffy: I don't know if that's for me. How much do you pay?
Butch: We'll start at 300k a year and it will only grow from there.
Jeffy:(shocked expression) Damn! And it will get higher?
Butch: Would I lie to you?
Jeffy: Ok. I'm in. I won't lie for your company though. I'm not going to break the law for you.
Butch: Ok, fair enough. We're not gonna force you to do anything.
Jeffy: (hesitantly) Fine I'm in.
Butch: Good. You start Tuesday. ( stands up and shakes hands with Jeffy).
Jeffy: (Walks out of office, takes out his phone and dials a number. Waits for a second) Hey
Rob. Whats up man? (Waits another second) Thats cool. I got some good news bro, I got
the job at the banking firm. And before you say anything, don't worry, my boss promised I
wouldnt have to advocate for anything illegal or immoral. (Waits for a second. Begins to
frown) What! Im not doing anything wrong! I got a job offer and I took it, simple as that! But
now I'll be less involved in the protest. (Waits for a second. Angry) Well I don't care! Have
fun fighting for a pointless cause while I make money. We all need to end up somewhere in
life. (Waits) Alright fine I don't care about the protesters anymore you asshole. Just let me
choose my decisions. When youre on your deathbed youll regret this whole protestor get-
up! (Waits) Fine good bye. (Murmurs)I should've never called you. Youre just jealous.
( Curtains close)
(End Scene 2)
Between Scenes:
Narrator: And with that Jeffy began work at Butch's firm, talking to different boards and
possible investment owners. He was incredible at his job. So incredible in fact that other
firms wanted him badly and offered higher salaries. But he stuck with his firm, he was loyal
.The only thing he disliked was his work. He felt like a sell out.
Scene 3
(Jeffy picks up phone and dials a number. Waits a second)
Jeffy: Rob. I realize you don't want to pick up the phone right now so I'll leave message. I'm
sorry. I now know you were right. I should've never taken this job. I'm going to quit. Today. If
there is any possibility of us being friends again you can call me back.
Butch: How is the Douglas case going? I havent heard anything about that in a long time.
Jeffy: There fine. When is my paycheck comin through?
Butch: Soon soon Anyway Ive gotta talk to you about that.
Jeffy: Well, what is it! Spit it out!
Butch: Well, since youve been workin so hard lately Im here to offer you a raise. I want
to keep you working for this firm. I cant afford for you to leave right now.
Jeffy: I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry Butch, by coming to work for you I abandoned most
of my moral standards.
Butch: I didn't realize you felt that way. Well you can just leave then. If you are disloyal to
this company I can't have you working here.
Jeffy: Whatever, force me to leave! You're the one who brought me into this anyway. How
can you live with yourself! You keep making millions while the rest of the country perishes
under your deceiving hand.
Butch: You can't deny you are deeply enjoying this luxurious lifestyle. Last week you bought
a new 100k car.
Jeffy: Yesterday, you were smoking a cuban cigar at the finest steakhouse in all of New
York! It was a Tuesday night!
Butch: You imbecile! I saved you from a dead end protest and a future protecting
uneducated fools cattle.
Jeffy: How dare you insult my former cause and passion. I am glad to leave this shit behind.
(Butch shakes his head in disagreement)
End scene 3
Scene 4
Narrator: After Jeffy quit his job he spent a year trying to find himself. He got many job
offers but denied them all, promising not to go against his morals again. He then decided to
act on the problems he believed America had by running for city council of New York City.
And won.
(Curtain opens)
(Jeffy Standing on the side of the stage talking to Rob)
(Visual Presentation of Jeffys election)
Jeffy: Well, I never expected this.
Rob: You knew this was your destiny for a long time. I seriously doubted you when you
joined that firm.
Jeffy: Well, Im sorry I got so mad at you. Its just..
Rob: ...I was being a jerk.
Announcer at Stage: And now for your representative in the city council Jeffrey
Jeffy: (well dressed and standing on a podium addressing a large, clapping audience) First
of all, thank you. I couldn't have done it without your support. When I was a protester years
ago I believed that the best way to make change was to sit around and tell the government
what I thought. I decided to leave that lifestyle behind and joined a big company but I hated
it. Then I realized the best way to make change is to work on the inside. So I did. I promise
to make changes in this system that only caters to the wealthy. I will deliver on my
campaign promises of cheaper health care, fair and low-cost housing and reduced prices on
education. We deserve a country where the 99% can live comfortably and without any
financial worries at all. I promise that this city will be in good hands with me. God Bless
America. Thank You and Good Night!

Occupy Wall Street. Occupy, n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.
"What Is Occupy Wall Street? The History of Leaderless Movements - The Washington
Post." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 2011. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.
"Rich Inequality." The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 18 Sept. 2012. Web. 30 Apr.
"Occupy Wall Street Legal Factsheet." New York General Assembly, n.d. Web.
Grossman, Marc. Personal interview. N.d.
Vlastis, George. Personal interview. N.d.
Zick, Mr. Personal interview. N.d.
Moose, Kevin. Personal interview. N.d.

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