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Sheena Mitchell 904 Brighton

Portrait Analysis

The portrait I chose was this one , of myself. When doing this assignment, we had to experiment
with different tips,This also had to be taken above the waist. This photo was taken by Naaziah,
but taken outside, on the field.This was taken in the afternoon, when the sun is usually at its
brightest. The tips used were prop and experimenting with lighting and backgrounds. The
prop used were my glasses on top of my head. Another tip used was experimenting with lighting.
You can see this because the way half of my face is lit up way more than the other. To change the
lighting , Ms.Branagan held up the reflector to my face and the suns lighting bounced off to my
face. Lastly, we used experimenting with different backgrounds , you can see this because the
picture captures everything, from the field, the school to the blue sky. This is a great picture
because the few tips used still made it come out very nice , plus,I look cute :) .

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