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Chelsea Coopei

}ason Saliskai

Faith Integiation Papei

"Sing to the L0RB a new song, Sing Bis piaise fiom the enu of the eaith! You
who go uown to the sea, anu all that aie in it. You islanus, anu those who uwell on
them" Isaiah 42:1u. This veise is wheie it all began. About 7 yeais ago my family
anu I took a family missions tiip to the islanus of Fiji. We weie inviteu to go
alongsiue a team of uoctois, anu being that no one in my family is expeiienceu in the
meuical fielu we weie not of much seivice othei than loving on the people. 0ne hot
sunny afteinoon my mom casually mentioneu that she was a foimei kinueigaiten
teachei anu hau a backgiounu in eaily chiluhoou uevelopment. It was then that one
of the leaueis of the tiip scieameu with puie joy anu saiu to my mom "uo get youi
uaughtei anu we will take you uown the ioau to the village theie is a woman theie
who has been piaying foi a "kinue" (kinueigaiten" teachei). So, my mom anu I
walkeu about a mile uown the beaten uiit ioau to Anna's village. Fiom theie,
something stiuck a choiu ueep within my mom's heait anu it was then that the non-
piofit oiganization the Fiji Kinue Pioject was establisheu.
Social meuia is a veiy impoitant aspect of the Fiji Kinue Pioject. Since its
uebut in 2uu7, the non-piofit oiganization has become a pait of the Woilu Wiue
Web. Thiough blogging, instagiam, peisonal website, emails, anu viueos social
meuia has impacteu the Fiji Kinue Pioject by getting its name to ieach thousanus of
people acioss the globe. Without the use of social meuia, ieaching people aiounu
the woilu woulu not be possible. Thiough the use of Skype, emails, anu oui blog
posts Fiji Kinue Pioject is able to stay connecteu to oui Fijian fiienus

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