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Choose the alternative that best replaces the underlined words. (Questes 1 a

1 Questo:
We can`t swim here; the water is too ____________.

( A ) mellow
( B ) shallow
( C ) sallow
( D ) callow
( E ) bellow

2 Questo:
I`ve put up with Susan`s nagging for two whole weeks.

( A ) foresaw
( B ) accepted
( C ) stood
( D ) scolded
( E ) admitted

3 Questo:
Psychologists say kids are being robbed of time they need for connecting with their parents and

( A ) colleagues
( B ) partners
( C ) relatives
( D ) friends
( E ) brother or sister

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You are required to pick out the correct answers to complete the questions:
(Questes 4 a 6)

4 Questo:
The housekeeper saw the birds ____________ eggs and then ____________ down.

( A ) lying/laying
( B ) lying/lieing
( C ) laying/lying
( D ) laying/laid
( E ) laying/lieing

5 Questo:
The paint is wet because he ____________ the picture.

( A ) is just ending
( B ) just ended
( C ) have just ended
( D ) has just ending
( E ) has just ended

6 Questo:
I dislike ____________ housework. I hate ____________ the cooking and shopping and
cleaning and washing up. Let`s get a maid ____________ all the uninteresting jobs.

( A ) making/doing/do
( B ) making/making/to do
( C ) doing/doing/doing
( D ) doing/doing/to do
( E ) doing/to do/doing

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Choose the best options to the questions: (Questes 7 a 12)

7 Questo:
Money you are paid for your work is money you ____________.

( A ) earn
( B ) win
( C ) gain
( D ) profit
( E ) benefit

8 Questo:
Politicians often write their ____________ at the end of their careers.

( A ) memories
( B ) memoirs
( C ) remembrances
( D ) souvenirs
( E ) mementos

9 Questo:
Philip: - She`s got a place at college!
Kate: - _____________________!

( A ) So have I
( B ) So I have
( C ) And I
( D ) I am too
( E ) So am I

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10 Questo:
People still smoke ____________ they know smoking is dangerous.

( A ) despite
( B ) in spite of
( C ) although
( D ) as soon as
( E ) instead of

11 Questo:
There are quite a few islands off the west ____________of Scotland.

( A ) shore
( B ) seashore
( C ) coast
( D ) beach
( E ) seaside

12 Questo:
You can`t possibly invite guests to the reception and expect them to pay for food and drinks
themselves. It`s ____________.

( A ) a thing of the past.
( B ) a near thing.
( C ) sure thing.
( D ) not quite the thing.
( E ) just the thing.

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Choose the best answers to complete the blanks. (Questes 13 a 16)

13 Questo:
The man jumped ____________ the horse and went away.

( A ) of
( B ) under
( C ) out of
( D ) into
( E ) onto

14 Questo:
We`ve had such a busy day! At least twelve people called. Oh, ____________ the way, there`s
a message here for you from your cousin.

( A ) over
( B ) in
( C ) by
( D ) on
( E ) into

15 Questo:
I made seven different plans for my vacation, however ____________ the end I went to the
Bahamas again.

( A ) to
( B ) by
( C ) with
( D ) in
( E ) at

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16 Questo:
There is nothing illegal about my business dealings. Everything is strictly ____________

( A ) on
( B ) above
( C ) by the
( D ) over
( E ) onto

17 Questo:
In: The invention of the automobile has changed American life in several ways, the passive
voice is:

( A ) American life is being changed in several ways.
( B ) American life was being changed in several ways.
( C ) American life is changed in several ways.
( D ) American life has been changed in several ways.
( E ) American life would be changed in several ways.

18 Questo:
We were very happy when we reached the ____________ of London.

( A ) outrun
( B ) outstanding
( C ) outsider
( D ) outskirts
( E ) outwit

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19 Questo:
The word since can be used to appropriately fill in the blank of which sentence below?

( A ) I am studying here ____________ 2004.
( B ) She has slept ____________ two hours.
( C ) They had been staying at the hotel ____________ many days before they decided to move
to an apartment.
( D ) Bob has worked at that big company ____________ he moved to Washington.
( E ) Carol lives in Boston ____________ she was born.

20 Questo:
Lucy: - Has Betty finished writing that letter?
Tom: - No, and she ____________ three hours ago.

( A ) should had finished
( B ) should have finished
( C ) should to finished
( D ) should finished
( E ) should finish

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