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This story that a going to tell us, is the most emotional experience for me.

For almost
everyone their senior graduation is a normal celebration, but in my case was really special.
This graduation was 4 years ago, I was the president of my class, and my classmates
asked if I can do a speech, and of course I did. When that day comes, I was really nervous
because there were many people, but with much courage I stood in front of the podium
and said what I had prepared. veryone applauded me. It was very special to me. !esides
that received a mention for my excellent results during the year.
!ut the most important thing was that when I finish the whole event and return to my
house, my uncle expected me to congratulate me. "e was very happy, also because that
same day I knew I had been accepted into the #niversity $istrict and pride that came from
my parents and my uncle. I remember this day fondly because after that, later that year,
my uncle passed away and this day was one of the last that I shared with him.
I really wanted him to see what I%m doing now , when I finish my degree and other triumphs
in my life , but I hope that this is where , to accompany and follow up feeling proud of me.

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