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Maria Maddocks

Chapter 3 Assignment

Action Tip 6: Bite Your Tongue before Interrupting

Interrupting someone while they are speaking to you or to another person is one of the worst
ways to disrespect someone. It sends the message that what you have to say is not as important as
what I have to say. It is rude to be interrupted, and makes one feel like their thoughts or comments are
less valued or boring. Interrupting people can quickly become a habit if it is not consciously controlled. It
is important to use self-control and allow the person speaking to finish their thought or story before you
jump in to comment or change the subject. This restraint is a show of proper manners and is respecting
the speaker and what they have to say.
It is one thing to interrupt a friend or family member when they are speaking, but it is another
thing when it is a customer or client. It is imperative to not interrupt a customer. If a customer is
experiencing an issue or has a question on a product, it is important to listen to the whole statement
before jumping in with a response or solution. It would be a big turn-off to me as a customer if I was
speaking to an employee at an establishment and was promptly interrupted. The employee may have
the correct solution to the customers issue or question, but it is disrespectful to not let the customer
finish their thought before responding.

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