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By. Mingyu
the people I include..
Some of 6B girls and boys
Some of 6c girls and boys
Some of 6D girls and boys
Some of 6A girls and boys
I asked what is their height.
Way I conduct to my survey

First, I used the email to send people in
outlook but, It didnt actually work so I asked
them in Person. I made this decision because
now, Email is better than just asking in person
so I dont want to do it. I am Lazy but it did
work so I just go ask it in person.
What I used to organize data
I used Excel graph to organize data
The reason I used this is
I organize me because it looks simple so I can
actually understand the datapoints and
frequency my way is to look at each axis to
understand about the thing in height.
The number I chose
First, I got all mean median mode and range. I
was thinking of what I will help me in my data. I
chose mean which is 157.036 out of 28 people.
It helps me the average of all the height I got
froms some student.
I didnt use another kind because it didnt help
me with my data.
My frequency table
frequency datapoint
146 1
147 2
148 1
149 0
150 3
151 1
152 4
153 2
154 0
155 1
156 0
157 1
158 1
159 1
160 0
161 0
162 0
163 0
164 1
165 4
166 3
167 0
168 0
169 0
170 2

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