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List of Programs
1. Write a Shell Script to print n natural numbers.
2. Write a shell script to display a menu to calculate and print the area and
circumference of a circle, area and perimeter of a rectangle and square.
3. Write a shell script to find the factorial of a number.
4. Write a shell script to generate employee payroll.
5. Write a Shell Script to find whether the gien number is !rmstrong or "ot.
#. Write a shell script to calculate the aerage and grade and print the student record.
$. Write a Shell Script to chec% file permissions for current directory.
&. Write a Shell Script to print 'ibonacci series.
(. Write a shell script to print n prime numbers.
1). Write a Shell Script to chec% for a file or directory.
11. Write a Shell Script to display a menu for
a* +urrent wor%ing directory
b* +urrent date
c* ,isplay the all users who logged in
q* -uit
12. Write a shell script to chec% whether the string is palindrome or not.
13. Write a shell script to chec% whether the current year is a leap year or not.
14. Write a shell script to sort the gien numbers.
15. Write a + .rogram to create the child process, parent process and terminate them.
1#. Write a + .rogram to implement '+'S scheduling algorithm.
1$. Write a + .rogram to implement S/' scheduling algorithm.
1&. Write a + .rogram to implement 0ound robin scheduling algorithm.
1(. Write a + .rogram to implement .riority Scheduling algorithm.
2). Write a + .rogram to for Simulating ls +ommand.
21. Write a + .rogram to for simulating grep +ommand.
22. Write a + .rogram to implement .roducer 1 +onsumer .roblem using Semaphores.
23. Write a + program to copy the contents of a file to another using read and write
system call.

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