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Grundy 1

Shelly Grundy

Dr. Gravano

English 1010

September 17, 2009

The Fight for Equality

In Maya Angelou’s narrative “Champion of the World” she reminisce one

experience as a young African-American girl in the 1930’s. She recalls listening to

the radio to this particular boxing match in a crowded store. The boxing match was

special because it occurred between Joe Louis, an African-American heavyweight

boxer, and his Anglo-Saxon opponent, Max Schmeling. She makes vital statements about

the diversity of blacks and whites. Although, she does not say it directly, she insinuates through

language. The three main paragraphs 16, 17, and 28 reflect her purpose.

The exaggeration of the paragraphs allows the reader to infer several ideas

about the relations of white and black America. In the story Angelou begins to literate how Joe

Louis is up against the ropes. Exaggeration is used to show inequality of the two races. For

instance, “It was our people falling.” “It was another lynching, yet another Black man hanging on

a tree” (p.95). Here she explains that Joe Louis represents all Black America. If he were to

loose, then all Blacks would lose their essence as a strong people. Another example is found in

paragraph 17. For example, “This might be the end of the world.” “If Joe lost we were back in

slavery and beyond help” (p.95). This shows that all accusations, inequality, and ill-treatment

would be true.
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On the other hand, she uses obliqueness in paragraph 28 to sink in reality. For example,

“It would not do for a Black man and his family to be caught on a lonely country road on a night

when Joe Louis had proved that we were the strongest people in the world” (p.96). She explains

ironically that Joe Louis had won the fight, however Black America was still oppressed and in

bondage. This shows that, the relationships of blacks and whites were extremely unequal.

Through her use of language she tells the story of a nation that is separated. She tells a story of

a nation that would soon changed. Not just for the good of two races, but universal.

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