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The Story of Astrid Pennington

Ashlyn Kentopp and Julia Shoppach

Table of Contents

What??????..................................................................................................................... 1

Sorrow Abounds.............................................................................................................. 4

My First Friend...................................................................................................................5

Why So many

The Great Outdoor...............................................................................................................7

Chapter 1:

One miraculous day in Sneedville, there was a big, horse race. Miles away you could hear the
sound of people screaming with excitement. People all around the world see this race. People sometimes
say There is no other life than horse life. Although, there was one revolting, old woman who hated this
time of year, with all the racket. Her name was Ms. Ruby, now Ms. Ruby is not the type of lady who
would buy your girl scout cookies. Ms. Ruby, was so annoyed about this horse race, so she went to all the
stables and sabotage all the horses tack and grooming supplies..

There once was a girl and her horse, she always dreamed of being in the Olympics. Her name was
Astrid. Astrid and her horse, Charm, had a very strong friendship/relationship they could understand each
other so clearly. They could even talk with their minds and feelings. So, Astrid got up from her warm,
comfy bed and went to the stables. As soon as she opened the door a brush of horse smell blew into her
face.. She walked to the very end of her barn. There her 2 year old thoroughbred gelding was awaiting
her. She walked into Charms stall, as soon as she walked in Charm gave her a huge nudge with the nose.
Getting her off balance and almost stepping in a stall gift.

Astrid, looked around, the stables, and found herself standing in a room of sabotaged tack and
grooming supplies. This did not surprize her this happens frequently, then a couple days later the tack
would return with nothing done to it. but she is determined to figure out the mystery. Astrid walked out of
the stables and walked over to Mr. Caverly, with a big grin on her face. He always cheers her up.

Hello Mr. Caverly. What a wonderful morning, is it not?

Why, it is a beautiful morning, with the sun over to the West. Mr. Calvary exclaimed.

I am thinking about going for a ride, I was just going to ask if mom would like to come.

Honey I dont think she is up for it, she never has liked riding horses ever since your... He shoved his
hand over his big red lips.

"Your, what?" I asked eagerly.

"Oh, ah, nothing. Here take these girl scout cookies." He said, handing the cookies to me. I looked down
at the tender brown cookies. As he shoved the cookies in my hand and pushed me away.

Now run along, little one!! He exclaimed.

I walked away with confusion and a little bit of fright. I wonder what is going on she said in her head.

Hi mum!!!! I said setting down the cookies.

Hi honey. How are you?

Great!!! How are you?

Fantastic she replied.

Thats a lie I thought in my head. She looked so sad and depressed.

Mum I was thinking about going for a ride want to come with me. After all its been mon-

Honey you know I hate horses!!!

But why!!!!!! I exclaimed..

You just cant handle it yet She said with a stern voice.

What can I not handle? I said with slight concern and anger.

Honey, sit down for a minute.

Thoughts churned in my head like mixing butter in a copper pot. What could she tell me now? Its only
half past eleven. What will happen?

Im afraid something terrible has taken place... she paused with a tear running in her mouth.

Mom never cries. Something bad must have happened.

This morning your father died in a crash on Airline 484. She said with a stutter.

Do you know that job application he signed up for? Well the ground was wet when he landed in Chicago
and the plane. You know Crashed More tears running down her eyes. She looked down, tear
after tear rushed down her soft cheeks.

What? I screamed with agony.

Honey, we need more money, so we haveto sell Charm.

Are you kidding? Hes the only friend I really have. I dont go to school, I dont have any friends my
age. I stopped hurling complains as a tear absorbed in my fur shirt.

Thats why im sending you to Crawford Middle School.

Everythings happening so fast. First, my dad died. Second, my horse is being sold, and now im going to

Go say goodbye to Charm!!!! she stated with stuter.

But. But. NO NO NO. Please dont take Charm away from me. I got on my knees and took
moms hands.

Please Tear running down my cheek Please

GO Mom shouted

I trudged outside thinking this is the worst thing that could possibly happen. I held out my hand and
Charm licked my hand for the very last time.

Chapter 2:
Sorrow Abounds

As I woke up with the torture thought of school, I grabbed my fur pants, and linen shirt. I slagged
off and took my time, NO WAY was I going to school. Mum is probably yanking my chain, about school,
just to get dad off my mind. I trudged downstairs, and found my mom cooking eggs and bacon. Why so
early in the morning I looked at the clock above our sink. 6:30 AM it read.

Why such a good breakfast, mum? I asked with curiosity.

Because its your first day of school! remember Crawford Middle School.

Wait a second, you..... you werent kidding?

Of course not. I wouldnt kid about such an important aspect of life.

I gave off a huge sigh, to show her I was not interested. I stomped out of the house and gave a good look
around for Charm. I found him not to be in his paddock, probably in his barn. I ran over to the barn, as
fast as my little legs could carry me.

There, I saw Charm in his stall waiting for me to feed him.

Oh Charm, I will miss you so much. I gave Charm a big hug. I fed him with delight and sorrow. I tear
ran down my cheek. I walked on the long rocky path to Crawford Middle School.

Chapter 3:
My First Friend

As I approached the large stone school my stomach started to tingle. What is this feeling? Astrid
wondered. She trudged into the stone doors. She steeped in to find kids scattered rushing around. She ran
with the bunch and bumped into a girl and fell to the hard, cold ground.

Ouch!!! The other girl exclaimed and quite loudly. Good thing nobody looked at us.

Sorry, I. I'm new here!!! I explained hoping that this first impression would not destroy my
friendships around here.

"Oh... Well okay. My name is Violet Starling. This is my second year here."

"My name is Astrid Pennington." I exclaimed with a gleaming smile on my face.

Wow!! This school is huge how can you manage this? As I looked up the population of kids
were lowering and more out of sight.

"I've been lurking these halls for two years so I have some experience. I can help you as we go.
I'm locker number 389." She said happily.

Give me your schedule can help you find your locker..." Violet said.

Okay thanks!!!!! Exclaimed Astrid.

Wow, how convenient, your locker is 390. RIGHT NEXT TO MINE!!!!!!! Violet exclaimed
with excitement.

EEEEEHHHHH." They squealed with excitement.

"Even though we just met I think we are going to be best friends." I said after our little girl

I was thinking the exact same thing!!!!! said Violet.

"Well we better go to our first class. Where is your first class?"

"My first class is in room 201, level 2." I said with confidence. I didnt want to seem like I knew

"How extraordinary, that's my first class. Let's go!" They skipped off in the white tiled hallway,
linking arms.

Chapter 4:
Why so many classes?

As we approached room 102 on level 2, I glimpsed at the adult in the room.

Who is that tall man with glasses, and gray hair? Astrid said with concern.

isnt this supposed to be for children only?

hahah you are hilarious!!!! Violet gleamed with laughter.

Silence abounded for a few moments. We both looked at each other with confusion waiting for
someone to speak. Violet looked nervous, she hurt Astrids feelings.

Oh... you were serious.

I nodded Yeah feeling ashamed, and embarrassed.

Sorry, but anyway, those are the teachers. They are the ones who teach us information.

Oh cool!!!!

Yeah, lets go!

Chapter 5:
The Great Outdoors

Violet and I walked into our final. It has been a very long day. First Violet and I had math class,
then reading, and science, and finally the outdoors class. We trudged into the last classroom of our day. I
finally understood my teachers names now, Violet and I have Mrs. Smith.

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