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The movement is a citizen movement YoSoy132 comprised mostly of

Mexican students in higher education, both public and private

institutions, resident in Mexico, as well as residents and supporters in
more than 50 cities in the world. The movement initially sought.
Democratization of the media, creating a third debate between
presidential candidates and the rejection of the alleged imposition of
Enrique Pea Nieto as a candidate in the 2012 presidential elections
Subsequently YoSoy132 movement presented a plan six points including
various issues of public interest. The name refers to YoSoy132 union and
support the movement as member number 132 after posting a video in
which 132 students answer the statements of public officials.
nonpartisan , denying links with any political party .
Pacific disapproving categorically any act of violence.
In student base is meant by this that the student is a catalyst for social
Lay , dissociated from any doctrine and religious institution.
Plural because adherents social sectors are an essential part of motion ,
recognizing a shared solidarity and unity in struggle with other movements link
, without this meaning that the substitute motion .
In social, and that our actions directly affect the types of relationships
between individuals aimed at active construction of common welfare.
From a political nature , so that is interested in public affairs and aims to
develop citizen participation, without limiting it to the so-called political class,
which claims to be the sole interpreter of public affairs.
Humanist understanding that seeks to enhance and develop all human
capabilities and redefining the ethical character.
Contract , because it respects and values the decisions of each assembly
that integrates without any other form of participation in the movement.
On an ongoing basis, since our purpose transcend the electoral situation .
Anti -neoliberal , because it seeks to eradicate this unjust economic ,
political and social system.

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