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Sandy Lu

Miss Pasche
AP Language & Composition
October 22, 2013
A Stolen Life
By Jaycee Dugard
1. I stop walking as the driver rolls down his window. He leans slightly out of his car and starts
to ask me for directions. His hand shoots out of the window so fast I barely register that he has
something black in his hand. I hear a cackling sound and I feel paralyzed. I take staggering steps
back; fear erasing everything but the need to get away. (9)

This passage stood out to me because this is the moment that changed Dugards life forever. This
passage vividly describes the entire kidnapping process. When Dugard tells this passage, it is in a
blurred fast pace when she states, His hand shoots out of the window so fast I barely register
that he has something black in his hand. With this sentence, I felt that the kidnapping happened
so fast before I even realized what was going on. While reading this, I was terrified. Dugards
use of language was powerful and frightening. She used the word paralyzed to show how she
was unable to move and she was taking clumsy steps backwards due to the fear that was taking
over her mind.

2. I cant believe how much I came to rely on him for everything. I remember the heat was
getting really bad and I was so thankful to him when he finally installed an air-conditioning unit.
It seemed he had an answer for everything. Phillip seemed like a nice guy when he wasnt using
me for sex. (34)

Dugards purpose is to convey Phillips behavior and how being kidnapped caused her to rely
heavily on one person. Dugard was used to satisfy Phillips sexual problems. After having sex,
he would feel guilty and apologize for everything. Despite raping her, Phillip actually cared for
her and took the time to fulfill her needs. She even mentions a time when he helped her cool off
by installing an air conditioner instead of letting her sweat. As a result of being kidnapped, the
only person she can rely on is Phillip, the kidnapper himself, who feeds her, lets her use a toilet,
and allow her to watch television so shes not bored. This causes readers to question what really
goes on in Phillips mind. Is he truly a nice person despite what he is doing or is he just some

3. The connection I feel for this baby made inside of me every time I feel it move is an
incredible feeling. I talk to my belly and tell it stories. Every time I feel the baby kick, I feel less
and less alone in this world. (99)

This passage caught my attention because of the connection she felt to her first unborn child, like
what most expecting mothers would feel. She describes the feeling as incredible which
demonstrates that being pregnant is obviously something new for her and the fact that shes
carrying a person inside her, gives her a form of companionship. Regardless of what she is going
through and even though she never wished for this child, this indicates that this baby is worth
something and will motivate her to keep moving forward.

4. Walking the high school grounds brought up feelings of grief for what I had lost. I even felt
some jealousy and envy deep down inside. I should have had the opportunity to have these
experiences. But they were forcibly taken away from me. (142)

Dugards purpose is to convey the bitterness she felt towards Phillip and Nancy for taking away
the life she shouldve had. She should have been able to experience everything that high school
brought along but those experiences were forcibly taken away from her. Her life was stolen
and shes clearly upset and furious about it. I, too, would be upset and angry if my life was stolen
from me. If I were kidnapped, instead of being held hostage for such a long period, I couldve
been spending that time that was taken away from me to make friends, have a career, and spend
time with my family.

5. I miss her. I try so hard to see her face in my mind, but I cant remember. I hate myself for
not remembering. Some memories are so blurry its like a dream or something. (167)

This passage describes the hatred she feels for not remembering what her mom looks like but at
the same time, how much she misses her. Dugard was really close to her mom and to be unable
to remember what her mom looks like is depressing. This passage caught my attention because if
I was ever kidnapped and if I were to forget the face of my own mom or even my dad, I would
also hate myself. I cant even grasp the idea of forgetting the faces of my own parents. Also,
since it has been a while since she has last seen her mom, she feels like her past life was just a
dream because she cant remember much. Honestly, I cant remember much about my childhood
unless its like some sort of milestone. Therefore, I can relate to Dugard for not remembering her
mom and previous life as well as she would want too.

6. Please, please stop these restless feelings. I cant stop myself from imagining me just taking
the girls and getting in the car, starting it, and leaving this horrible place forever. I know I cant
leave. I tell myself that every day. But I want to be away from here so bad it consumes me.
Where would I go? Who would help me? Could I find a job? Would he come after us? (174)

This passage causes readers to question what would happen if Dugard managed to escape. When
mentioning the word, imagining it causes us readers to also imagine what the author is
imagining. There were many points throughout this book where she couldve had the chance to
escape but never ended up doing so, which frustrated me. Dugards purpose is to demonstrate the
confusion she felt when debating whether or not she should attempt to escape. At times, she
would picture herself escaping but then she would think about the things that follow the escape.
She wouldnt know where to go to and if she would get caught by Phillip. Several times while
reading this book, a thought would come across my mind. What if she escaped earlier? How
would that impact her life today? This is something that readers will never know and is up to us
to decide.

7. She said, He confessed to kidnapping you several years ago. She asked me again for my
name and asked how old I was when I was kidnapped. I had just been waiting for the right
questions, and I said I was eleven and that I was twenty-nine now. She was shocked. She asked
for my name again. I said I couldnt say it. I wasnt trying to be difficult. I told her I havent said
it in eighteen years. I told her I would write it down. And thats what I did. Writing shakily on
that small paper, the letters of my name: J A Y C E E L E E D U G A R D. (208-209)

This passage stood out to me because of its important meaning. This was the moment before
Dugard was finally free from Phillip and Nancys confinement. I couldnt believe how Phillip
managed to keep Dugard captive for 18 years. I also couldnt believe that Phillip actually
confessed to it. There was a point in this book where she changed her name and completely
stopped referring to herself as Jaycee. Therefore, Dugards name symbolizes everything about
the life she had before being kidnapped. Being able to finally say it again in 18 years wasnt as
easy as I and herself expected it to be. This situation reminds me of how people would write
things down if they are irritated because theyre able to let out all of their emotions in a civilized
approach. This relates to Dugard because instead of writing down about her anger, she wrote
down her full name on a sheet of paper, because she is afraid to say her name again after so
many years. Being kidnapped is a traumatic experience and she changed her name during that
period, completely dropping her previous name and life, as a result.

8. Finally, I took a deep breath and I made myself walk through the door. And there she was! I
knew it was her instantly. For the longest time I couldnt remember what she looked like. I
would try to draw her, but her face wouldnt come to mind. Sometimes different aspects of each
of my daughters reminded me so much of my mom, but I couldnt pinpoint exactly what it was
because I had forgotten what she looked like. (214)

This passage was a special moment in the book. It was the time Dugard was reunited with her
mom for the first time in 18 years. It caught my attention because of the feelings Dugard felt for
her mom even though they havent seen each other for such a long period. It was quite an
emotional moment for the both of them. I have to admit, my eyes became watery while reading
this. This begins her journey of reunion and the process to heal the damage Phillip caused to her
and her family.

9. The Quote of the Book: In most cases this is right, but there are moments in which all of us
need to have a backbone and feel that we have the right to say no to adults if we believe they are
doing the wrong thing. You must find your voice and not be afraid to speak up. I gave my power
to my abductor. I was the one to comfort him when he was the one in the wrong. (143)

This passage is the quote of the book. Dugards purpose is to have her story heard about what
she was feeling during these times and possibly help someone who may be facing a difficult
situation of their own, though it doesnt necessarily have to be a similar situation. As a child, we
all look up to adults and listen to whatever they say. We dont question it. In Dugards case, she
was being used for sex. She didnt speak up about the situation. She was afraid that if she did,
something worse would happen. She is already kidnapped, the worst thing possible is being
killed. But honestly, if Phillip wanted to kill her, he wouldve done it a long time ago and not
wait 18 years before actually confessing to the kidnapping.

10. Reflective Letter:

I was really excited to read this novel because Im fascinated and interested in reading a firsthand
story about being kidnapped. I mainly selected quotes that I was attracted to and had feelings
towards. I felt really frustrated when Dugard is telling a story about times she was left alone or
was out shopping because she had the chance to attempt to escape but she never did. I worked
really hard in selecting the perfect quotes that highlight important points in the book and trying
to explain each passage. For the next novel assignment, I should focus more on finding quotes
that include rhetorical devices so I will be able to practice my analyzing skills. The thing I loved
the most about this book is the writing style. It was short, simple, and sweet.

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