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First Mechanical Calculators

A. Blaise Pascal
1. Calculator with Addition and Subtraction Gears
2. 1600s
B. Gottfried von liebnitz
1. Calculator with Multiplication, Diision, and S!uare "oot Gears.
2. #ate 1600s
II. First "obotic Industr$
A. Joseph Jacquard Punched Card Loom
B. Punched Cards as Primitive Programs
III. Di%%erence &n'ine
Developed B Charles Babbage !"#$$%
A. Calculated and Printed &esults !"#$$%
B. Loop Concept Added b Ada Augusta Lovelace !Bron%
C. Dr. (er)an (ollerith
A. Developed 'ollerith(s code) used in punch cards for census !late
B. *ounded +abulating ,achine Compan) -hich became
.nternational Business ,achines) Co. !.B,%
D. *illia) S. +urrou'hs
A. Developed ,echanical Adding ,achine
1. Could "ecord, Su))ari,e, and Calculate
2. #ed to -ther Deices
B. *ounded Burroughs Adding ,achine Compan

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