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A Report Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Degree of
Bachelor of Bus!ess A"#!s$ra$o!
Ja Nara! V%as &!'ers$%(JOD)P&R
*Accredited with B Grade by NAAC !t" #$%&'
Submitted to Submitted by
(r!" (ridula Chanda Neha Agarwal

A)$* #
+tn" ,amla Nehru Nagar* -odhpur)./& 001 2Ra3"'
4hone5 20&$#' &6%0#67* 7#&&.&6* .&$0677
8a+5 20&$#' &6%0.70* )mail5 ace3odhpur9rediffmail"com
8ir!t of all* : would li;e to than; my Ad<i!or Mrs. Mr"ula Cha!"a for her
untiring guidance* help* effort* and !ugge!tion" Really : am than;ful to her"
=ithout her direct guide thi! report couldnt be po!!ible" A <ery dynamic
per!onality* (r!" (ridula con!tantly in!pired u! all the time to de<elop my
career and !hare her ;nowledge with u!" : !hall remain e<er grateful to (r!"
(ridula for her e+traordinary ge!ture and relentle!! effort"

: am al!o than;ful and ac;nowledged to my !uper<i!or (r",alpe!h
Agarwal* C>* Agarwal :ndu!trie!"* without hi! direct help* !ugge!tion* and
a!!i!tance it wa! impo!!ible for me to complete thi! report"
: would al!o li;e to than; the authority of Agarwal :ndu!trie!" for helping
me by gi<ing an opportunity to wor; with them"
#" :N?R>D@C?:>N
13. S=>? ANAABS:S
1#. B:BA:>GRA4CB

?hi! i! an intern!hip report" Bachelor of Bu!ine!! Admini!tration 2BBA' Cour!e require!
a one month attachment with an organiDation followed by a report a!!igned by the
!uper<i!or in the organiDation and endor!ed by the faculty ad<i!or" : too; the opportunity
to do my intern!hip in a !teel company which i! one of the leading !teel pro<ider in
@nder the proper guidance of !uper<i!or Mr.Kal0esh a1ar2al( : conduct my !tudy on
in Agarwal :ndu!trie!" (y faculty !uper<i!or Mrs. Mr"ula Cha!"a( ( al!o appro<ed the
topic and authoriDed me to prepare thi! report a! part of the fulfillment of intern!hip
requirement and ga<e me proper guidance and a!!i!tance o<er time"
?oday ad<erti!ing E !elling !;ill! are becoming the lin; between the company and it!
cu!tomer!" ?o ma;e the !ale to cu!tomer!* Sale! per!on mu!t wor; hard and wor;
!mart* !aying and doing the right thing to the right per!on at the right time i! critical*
companie! well ha<e to de<elop their ad<erti!ing and !elling !;ill!" Due to dynamic
en<ironment* the importance of !elling !;ill! and ad<erti!ement i! increa!ing in the
wor; place" Companie! are facing the problem! in under!tanding and utiliDing the
re!ource! of effecti<ely in current dynamic en<ironment" ?he re!earch and !tudy of
the !ub3ect i! done owing toward! the ri!ing importance of ad<erti!ement and !elling
!trategie! for effecti<e achie<ement of goal! and effecti<e u!e of !care re!ource! of an
organiDation at the right time"
#" :mportance of ad<erti!ement and !elling !;ill! for a company"
&" Ad<erti!ement policy of !teel indu!try"
." Selling !trategie! of !teel indu!try"
Research Me$ho"olo1%
#" A re<iew of literature wa! made to de<elop the conceptual framewor; of
ad<erti!ing E !elling !;ill! of Agarwal :ndu!trie!"
&" ?he collected information ha! been analyDed for drawing appropriate finding
E !ugge!tion"
Sco0e of $he research
term! of theoretical point of <iew and the practical u!e" ?he !tudy will allow u! learning
importance* modern technique! and model! which i! u!ed to ma;e it more efficient" ?he
!tudy will help to learn the practical procedure! followed by the leading organiDation!"
(oreo<er the !tudy will help to differentiate between the practice and the theorie! that
direct to realiDe how the organiDation can impro<e their ADVERTISMENT
:t i! <ery <a!t !ub3ect and : ha<e tried to find !ome u!eful and important part of it" :t i!
li;e in an ocean" 8or thi! : ha<e u!ed the !econdary data"
: went to library* con!ult !ome trade 3ournal! and !ome bu!ine!! boo;! li;e bu!ine!!
today* :ndia today end !ome article! from bu!ine!! new!paper and con!ult !ome
boo;! !uch a!5
Philip Kotler - A! we ;now that ad<erti!ing i! a part of mar;eting and 4hilip ,otler i!
a father of mar;eting" :t pro<ide! me a lot of content! for my pro3ect"
Another boo; of P.K. Agarwal ) A boo; an mar;eting ha! al!o been read by me E :
found matter related to ad<erti!ing from thi! boo;"
De!cripti<e re!earch de!ign"
?hi! pro3ect i! ba!ed on de!cripti<e !tudy" :t pre!ent! the fact! and
organiDational problem!"
?he ob3ecti<e of the de!cripti<e !tudy i! to gain
:n !hort !pan of time only* thi! re!earch wa! conduct"
?he information collected* may not be fully accurate a! in
i! ta;en from few people not from the uni<er!e"
Co#0a!% O'er'e2
Our vision
Our 'so! s $o 3e $he 1lo3al s$eel !"us$r% 3e!ch#ar4 for 'alue
crea$o! a!" cor0ora$e c$5e!sh0
+e 2ll ache'e our 'so! $hrou1h6
By fo!tering teamwor;* nurturing talent* enhancing leader!hip capability and acting with
pace* pride and pa!!ion"
By becoming the !upplier of choice* deli<ering premium product! and !er<ice! and
creating <alue for our cu!tomer!"
By de<eloping leading edge !olution! in technology* proce!!e! and product!"
By pro<iding a !afe wor;place* re!pecting the en<ironment* caring for our communitie!
and demon!trating high ethical !tandard!"
?he Agarwal :ndu!trie! i! proud of it! performance culture" =e are committed to the
pur!uit of challenging target!* and to !afety* en<ironmental protection* continuou!
impro<ement* openne!! and !ocial re!pon!ibility in e<ery a!pect of our bu!ine!! around
the world"
Co#0a!% Profle
Agarwal :ndu!trie! wa! e!tabli!hed in the year &000* with an aim to !er<e !uperior
quality of Steel (ug!" =ith the guidance and !upport of our 4roperietor* Mr. Kal0esh
A1ar2al* we ha<e been able to ma;e our!el<e! ine<itable in the mar;et" Be!ide! thi!* the
range of impeccable material! offered by u! i! at par with the international quality
8or the a!!urance of the quality of the product* we conduct <ariou! !tringent quality te!t!
that are performed under the !trict !uper<i!ion of our quality control e+pert!" ?he!e
e+pert! e<en rechec; the final product! !o a! to confirm the flawle!! quality of the
=e ha<e a well integrated team that i! di<ided into <ariou! group!" ?he!e group! are
gi<en different re!pon!ibilitie! a! per their !pecialiDation" ?he re!earch E de<elopment
unit* quality controller! and other allied wor;er! ha<e profound e+perience and in)depth
;nowledge of their re!pecti<e 3ob!"
Name of C> 5 (r" ,alpe!h Agarwal
Bear of !tabli!hment 5 &000
Nature of Bu!ine!! 5 (anufacturer
I!"us$ral ><er<iew
A1ar2al I!"us$res i! engaged in the manufacturing of Steel (ug!" >ur company i!
con!idered a! the mo!t reliable enterpri!e a! we ha<e !et a benchmar; for our ri<al! in
term! of e+cellent qualityoftheproduct!"
:n a !hort !pan of our e+i!tence* we ha<e achie<ed load! of !ucce!! in the manufacturing
and !upplying" =e are a!!ociated with a huge networ; of cu!tomer! that i! !pread in
e<ery noo; of :ndia" >ur product are widely demanded by the leading indu!trie! engaged
in the bu!ine!! of +port!" Aa!t but not the lea!tF we endea<or to de<elop a! well a!
maintain a long la!ting relation!hip with our e!teemed client!"
:n a <ery !hort !pan of time* we ha<e introduced a wide range of (ug! E ?ool!" ?he
entire gamut of con!truction and building material! offered by u! are highly demanded by
<ariou! indu!trie! li;e the con!truction indu!trie!* real e!tate! etc" ?he rea!on behind it i!
the unmatched quality and unque!tionable performance that i! e+hibited by the!e
?he cu!tomer! can ea!ily a<ail the con!truction and building material! at rea!onable
price!" ?he!e material! are manufactured u!ing the mo!t technically ad<anced technology
that add! the quality of higher durability and re!i!ti<ity to the!e material!" >ur product!
are a<ailable in pac;et! of different <olume* which ma;e! it ea!y for the cu!tomer! to
place order! a! per their requi!ite!" Aa!t but not the lea!t* the material! that we offer are
of genuine quality and further pro<ide ma+imum !ati!faction to the cu!tomer!"=all 4utty
=e ha<e car<ed a niche a! one of the out!tanding dry wall putty manufacturer! and
!upplier! in :ndia" ?he +all Pu$$% mainly compri!e! of white cement and imported
polymer" ?he!e are a<ailable in powdered form and are pac;ed in CD4 bag with liner
that contain! &0 ;g of wall putty" ?he wall Sha;ti wall putty i! applied before the final
paint! !o that the aftereffect! of rain! and other climatic condition! may not decrea!e the
fini!h of the wall!" ?he!e are highly durable and thu! increa!e the life of the paint!" ?he!e
are al!o a<ailable in light !hade! a! per the requirement! of the cu!tomer!" >ur wall putty
i! acce!!ible at the lea!t mar;et price!"
Ma!ufac$ur!1 I!"us$r%
(anufacturing i! a proce!!* where we tran!form raw material! into a product to meet
cu!tomerG! requirement!* and it in<ol<e! many !tage!" :ncrea!ing competition* global
manufacturing !cenario* changing cu!tomer need!* new !upply chain problem!* and many
other problem! in the manufacturing proce!! call for the need of a !y!tem* which can
facilitate the production proce!! to be co!t effecti<e* accurate* time !a<ing and help the
organiDation to !tay ahead of it! competition"
Binary Semantic!G #a!ufac$ur!1 !olution! facilitate you to control all !tage! and
bottlenec;! of your manufacturing bu!ine!!)be it order proce!!ing* bill of material
2B>('* material)re!ource planning 2(R4'* production planning and control 244C'*
purcha!e* in<entory management* production !cheduling* quality management* 3ob
co!ting* and more" =hen your implement a BinaryG! manufacturing !olution* you
empower your manufacturing bu!ine!! to accompli!h the de!ired re!ult! con!i!tently"
=e help you to !treamline your manufacturing proce!!e! for optimum re!ult!* and
connect them to your !ale!* !upply chain* finance* cu!tomer relation!hip management
2CR('* and other bu!ine!! operation! in your organiDation to achie<e effecti<e
operation! management" Data mining* optimiDation* linear programming and deci!ion
!upport !cience 2DSS' being forte of our ;nowledge ba!e po!ition! u! to empower
your (:S report! to accompli!h the bu!ine!! ob3ecti<e! con!i!tently"
A00lca$o! E!1!eer!1
A00lca$o! E!1!eer!1 a!" I#0le#e!$a$o! Ser'ces
:n today! global mar;et place where in!titution! continue! to differentiate them!el<e!
from competitor! through product E!er<ice portfolio!* global pre!ence and !uperior
client! !er<icing" Binary Semantic! with it! A00lca$o! E!1!eer!1 and
:mplementation Ser<ice! i! well equipped to pro<ide the much)needed :? !upport to it!
<alued cu!tomer! to achie<e their bu!ine!! goal!"
=e are an e!tabli!hed :? !olution and !er<ice pro<ider company with cu!tom !oftware
application de<elopment and 3oint a00lca$o! "e'elo0#e!$ being the core !trength" =e
ha<e around #000H per!on year! of on!ite and off!hore cu!tom bu!ine!! application
de<elopment e+perience on multiple domain! li;e5 manufacturing* engineering*
ho!pitality* energy and utilitie!"
>ur !tate)of)the)art !oftware lab! at Gurgaon* :ndia are fully equipped to deli<er
multiple off!hore !oftware de<elopment pro3ect!" >ur pro3ect e+ecution framewor;*
off!ourcing* i! well de!igned to deli<ery co!t)effecti<e quality !olution on time"
Binary! A00lca$o! E!1!eer!1 !olution! target to align the operation!* requirement!
and goal! of your organiDation"
@!ing our pro<en* cu!tomiDable !oftware de<elopment pro3ect management framewor;*
off!ourcing* client! ha<e realiDed the benefit! of co!t effecti<e* flawle!!* and timely
pro3ect completion" ?hi! framewor; co<er! the complete !oftware de<elopment life cycle
2SDAC' !tarting from bu!ine!! requirement analy!i! to warranty !upport and it ha! been
!ucce!!fully u!ed for deli<ering <ariou! off!hore and on!ite pro3ect! with #00I
!ati!factory re!ult!"
Pro"uc$ De'elo0#e!$
?he fa!t)paced* technology i! changing it! form! li;e ne<er before" ach day come! with
a unique requirement for a new or cu!tom !oftware de<elopment" ?o meet the!e
con!tantly changing demand! a !oftware de<elopment company need! to ha<e an in)
depth indu!try and bu!ine!! proce!! under!tanding"
=e at Binary Semantic! with more than more than two decade! of e+perience in
hundred! of pro3ect! on multiple domain! li;e5 manufacturing* engineering* ho!pitality*
energy and utilitie! are well equipped to handle the!e all the!e challenge! for you"
Collaborati<e !oftware de<elopment model form! the foundation for a !oftware product
de<elopment" :n the proce!! of pro<iding cu!tom !oftware de<elopment !er<ice! u!ing
the collaborati<e !oftware de<elopment model* we participate from concept <alidation
!tage through de!ign and de<elopment* to pac;agingJ product launch" ?hi! !er<ice i!
further !upported by allocation of dedicated re!ource! till the !oftware product !tabiliDe!
and if nece!!ary* for future upgrade! of the product"
>ur !tate)of)the)art Software Aab! at Gurgaon* :ndia are fully equipped to deli<er
!oftware pro3ect! pro<iding co!t)effecti<e and quality !oftware !olution!"

Lear!!1 a!" De'elo0#e!$
Agarwal :ndu!trie! ha! a high empha!i! on performance* and we lin; both career growth
and reward! directly to merit and achie<ement" =e cu!tomi!e career path! and retention
plan! according to the unique need! of an indi<idual" Right from the entry le<el* we draw
career map! for each employee* outlining po!!ible alternate career path!* which include
planned 3ob rotation! between function! or e<en group companie!" ?here i! a deliberate
effort through learning and de<elopment cycle! to enhance the competency capital of
Agarwal :ndu!trie!* through co)creation of learning e+perience continuou!ly and
con!i!tently* !o a! to facilitate deli<ery of be!t in cla!! human capability to the cu!tomer*
enabling the company to achie<e it!"
?hi! chapter tell! u! e<erything about ad<erti!ing" A! we ;now ad<erti!ing play! important role
in promotion of product" So* meaning* main attribute! role of ad<erti!ing medium li;e ?"K"
4R:N?* Ad! etc" Cow ad<erti!ing pre!ide! the buyer"
Another part of thi! chapter con!i!t! of !ome ad<erti!ing policie! of automobile indu!try"
:n thi! chapter : ha<e tried to e+plain what are the ba!ic thing! for a !ale! per!on* which
ma;e! the !elling proce!! ea!y"
?hi! part re<eal! the !ugge!tion! that we are able to draw by our !tudy and re!earch for
related !ub3ect! while our practical training"
#" :N?R>D@C?:>N >8 ADKR?:S:NG
&" R>A AND 8@NC?:>N >8 ADKR?:S:NG
/" (A:N :DAS AND A(N?S >8 ADKR?:S:NG
7" C>= D>S ADKR?:S:NG 4RS@AD ?C
?oday the word ad<erti!ing i! a <ery common term ;nown to u!" it fighter! in each of our li<e!
e<ery day" ?he term ad<erti!ing i! deri<e from the original Aatin word ad<ertere which mean! to
turn the attention" <ery piece of ad<erti!ing turn! the attention of the <iewer! or the on loo;er!
toward! a product or !er<ice or an idea" :t i! that magic force which turn! an in!tinct acqui!ition* a
de!ire into demand and dream into reality by influencing the con!umption directing the
production* di<erting and di!tribution and affecting the <ery cour!e of e+chang"
#" :t i! ma!! communication proce!!"
&" :t i! information in action"
." :t i! a competiti<e act"
/" :t i! not the part of product"
7" :t ha! an identified !pon!er"
%" :t i! non per!onal pre!entation
#" :t increa!e! and !tabiliDe! the !ale! turno<er"
&" :t maintain! the e+i!ting mar;et and e+plore! new"
." :t control! product price!"
#" :t guarantee! quic; !ale!"
&" :t act! a! a !ale!man"
." :t ma;e! po!!ible retail price maintenance"
#" :t create! a colorful bac;ground"
&" :t lighten! hi! burden of 3ob!"
." :t in!till! !elf)confidence and initiati<e"

#" :t act! a dri<ing)force in deci!ion)ma;ing"
&" :t en!ue! better quality product! at rea!onable price!"
#" :t uplift! the li<ing !tandard!"
&" :t generate! gainful employment opportunitie!"
." :t pro<ide! new horiDon! of ;nowledge"
/" :t uphold! the culture of nation!"
A ba!ic re!pon!ibility of the mar;eting manager i! to en!ure that the company! me!!age
reach to it! potential cu!tomer!" A main method by which companie! deli<er their me!!age!
to group of cu!tomer and* in fact* ma;e their me!!age to group of cu!tomer! and* in fact*
ma;e their initial contact with mo!t cu!tomer i! through the ad<erti!ing"
Ad<erti!ing i! any paid form non)per!onal communication through the ma!! media about a
product or idea by an identified !pon!or" :t i! powerful promotional tool which indi<idual!*
bu!ine!! and non)bu!ine!! organiDation! u!e for per!uading and reminding their target
Ad<erti!ing i! one of the fi<e ma3or tool! companie! u!e to direct per!ua!i<e communication!
to target buyer! and public!" :n the !imple!t form it can be !aid that the ad<erti!ing i! public
announcement" :n the earlier time! to ad<erti!e meant merely to announce or to inform"
Ad<erti!ing can be defined a!5
A"'er$s!1 co!ss$s of all ac$'$es !'ol'e" ! 0rese!$!1 $o a 1rou0( a !o 0erso!al( oral
or 'sual( o0e!l% s0o!sore" #essa1e re1ar"!1 a 0ro"uc$( ser'ce or "ea. Ths #essa1e s
calle" a! a"'er$s!1( s "sse#!a$e" $hrou1h o!e or #ore #e"a a!" s 0a" for 3% a!
"e!$fe" s0o!sor(
A"'er$se#e!$ s sales#a! sh0 2$hou$ a 0erso!al sales#a!.
Ba!ically* an ad<erti!ement i! an announcement to the public of a product* !er<ice! or idea
through a medium through which the public acce!!" ?he medium may be print* electronic or any
other" An ad<erti!ement i! u!ually paid for by an ad<erti!er at rate! fi+ed or negotiated with the
Ad<erti!ing ha! become an integral part of our !ociety" :n a way it ha! embedded in or daily li<e!"
Ad<erti!ing i! <ital mar;eting tool a! well a! powerful connection! force" :t i! the action of
calling !ome thing to attention of the people e!pecially by paid announcement!"
4aid form
Non)per!onal pre!entation
:dea!* good! or !er<ice!"
An identified !pon!or"
:nform and per!uade"
O39ec$'es of $he a"'er$s!16 :
?> :NCRAS S@44>R?5 Ad<erti!ing increa!e! the morale of the !ale! force and of
di!tribution! whole !eller retailer!" :t thu! contribute! to enthu!ia!m and confidence
attitude in organiDation"
?o S?:(@AA? SAAS5 Among!t pre!ent* former and future con!umer!" :t in<ol<e!
deci!ion regarding the media"
?> R?A:N ?C A>BAA?B5 ?o retain the loyalty of pre!ent and former con!umer!"
Ad<erti!ing may be ued to rea!!ure buyer! that they ha<e made the be!t purcha!e*
thu! building loyalty to the brand or the firm"
?> 4R>-C? AN :(AG5 Ad<erti!ing i! u!e to promote an o<erall image of re!pect
and tru!t an organiDation" ?hi! me!!age i! aimed not only at con!umer! but al!o at the
go<ernment* !hareholder! and general public"
?> C>((@N:CA? =:?C C>NS@(R5 ?hi! in<ol<e! deci!ion! regarding copy"
Ad<erti!ing ob3ecti<e! mu!t flw from prior deci!ion on target mar;et* brand po!itioning* and
the mar;eting program"

An ad<erti!ing goal i! a !pecific communication ta!; and achie<ement le<el to be accompli!hed
with a !pecific audience in a !pecific of time"
Ad<erti!ing ob3ecti<e! can be cla!!ified according to whether their aim i! to inform* per!uade*
remind or reinforce"
:nformati<e ad<erti!ing aim! to create brand awarene!! and ;nowledge of new product! or
4er!ua!i<e ad<erti!ing aim! to create li;ing preference* con<iction and purcha!e of product or
Reminder aim! to !timulate repeat purcha!e of product! and !er<ice!"
Reinforcement ad<erti!ing aim! o con<ince current purcha!e that they made the right choice"
=?he ad<erti!ing ob3ecti<e! !hould emerge from a through analy!i! of the current mar;eting
!ituation" :f he product cla!! in mature the company i! the leader* and brand u!age i! lowF the proper
ob3ecti<e! !hould be to !timulate more u!age" :f the product cla!! i! new* the company i! not the
8actor! to con!ider5
Stage in 4AC (ar;et !hare and
Con!umer ba!e"
Competition and clutter
Ad<erti!ing frequency
:mpact !ale!
(e!!age generation (e!!age
<aluation and !election
Social re!pon!ibility re<iew"
impact (a3or
type! !pecific
media timing
mar;et leader but the brand i! !uperior to the leader* than the proper ob3ecti<e i! to con<eyance the
mar;et of the brand !uperiority"
Cow doe! a companie! ;now if it i! !pending the right amountL Some critic! charge that large
con!umer pac;aged god! firm! tend to o<er!pend on ad<erti!ing a! a form of in!urance again!t not
!pending enough* and that indu!trial companie! undere!timate the power of company and product
image building and tend to under !pend
Although ad<erti!ing : treated a! a current e+pen!e* part of it i! really an in<e!tment in building
brand equity"
)ere are f'e s0ecfc fac$ors $o co!s"er 2he! se$$!1 $he a"'er$s!1 3u"1e6 :
S$a1es ! $he 0ro"uc$ lfe c%cle ; New product! typically recei<e large ad<erti!ing budget! to
build awarene!! and to gain con!umer trial" !tabli!hed brand! u!ually are !upported with lower
ad<erti!ing budget! ratio !ale!"
Mar4e$ share a!" co!su#er 3ase ; Cigh mar;et !hare brand! u!ually require le!! ad<erti!ing
e+penditure a! a percentage of !ale! to maintain !hare" ?o build !hare by increa!ing mar;et !iDe
require! larger e+penditure!" >n a co!t per impre!!ion! ba!i!* it i! le!! e+pen!i<e to reach con!umer!
to reach con!umer! of a widely u!ed brand than to reach con!umer! of low !hare brand!"
Co#0e$$o! a!" clus$er ; :n a mar;et with a large number of competitor! and high ad<erti!ing
!pending a brand mu!t ad<erti!e more hea<ily to be learned" <en !imple clutter from ad<erti!ing
not directly competiti<e to the brand crated a need for hea<ier ad<erti!ing"
A"'er$s!1 fre<ue!c% ; ?he number of repetition! needed o put acro!! the brand! me!!age to
con!umer ha! an important impact on the ad<erti!ing budget"
Pro"uc$ su3s$$u$a3l$% ; Brand in le!! well differentiated or commodity li;e product cla!!e!
require hea<y ad<erti!ing to e!tabli!h a differential image" Ad<erti!ing i! al!o important when a
brand can offer unique phy!ical benefit! or feature!"
?ele<i!ion i! generally ac;nowledged a! the mo!t powerful ad<erti!ing medium and reache! a broad
!pectrum of con!umer!" ?he wide reach tran!late! to low co!t per e+po!ure" 8rom a brand building
per!pecti<e!* ?K ad<erti!ing ha! two particularly important !trength!* fir!t* it can be an effecti<e
mean! of <i<idly demon!trating product attribute and per!ua!i<ely e+plaining their corre!ponding
con!umer! benefit!" Second* ?K ad<erti!ing can be a compelling mean! or dramatically portraying
u!er and u!age imagery* brand per!onality and other brand intangible!"
?ele<i!ion ad<erti!ing al!o ha! it! drawbac;!" Becau!e of fleeting nature of the me!!aging the
potentially di!tracting creati<e element! often found in a ?K ad!* product related me!!age! and the
brand it!elf can be o<erloo;ed" (oreo<er the large number of ad! and non)programming material on
tele<i!ion create! clutter that ma;e! it ea!y for con!umer! to ignore or forget! ad!" Another important
di!ad<antage i! the high co!t of production and placement" <en though the price of ?K ad<erti!ing
ha! !;yroc;eted the !hare of mea!ure! the reported that the number of <iewer! who ha! !aid that the
paid attention to ?K ad! dropped !ignificantly in the la!t decade"
4rint media offer a !tar; contra!t to broadca!t media" Becau!e of their !elf)paced nature magaDine!
and new!paper can pro<ide much detailed product information and can al!o effecti<ely
communicate u!e and u!age imagery" At the !ame time the !tatic nature of the <i!ual me!!age in
print media ma;e! it difficult to pro<ide dynamic pre!entation or demon!tration!" Another
di!ad<antage i! that print media can be fairly pa!!i<e"
:n general the two main print media M magaDine! and new!paper M ha<e many of the !ame
ad<antage! an di!ad<antage!" Although new!paper! are timely ad per<a!i<e* magaDine! re
typically more effecti<e at building u!e and u!age! imagery" Daily new!paper are red by roughly
three fourth! of the population and tend to be u!ed a lot for local e!pecially retailer ad<erti!ing"
Although ad<erti!er! ha<e !ome fle+ibility in de!igning and placing new!paper ad! poor
reproduction quality and !hort !helf life can dimini!h their impact"
8ormat element !uch a! ad !iDe* color and illu!tration and affect a print! ad! impact" A minor
rearrangement of mechanical element can impro<e attention) getting power" Aarger ad! gain
more attention though not nece!!arily by a! much a! their difference in co!t" 8our color!
illu!tration! increa!e a! effecti<ene!! and a! co!t" New electronic eye mo<ement !tudie! !how
that con!umer! can be led through an ad by !trategic placement of domination element!"
Re!earcher !tudying print ad<erti!ement! report that the picture* headline and copy are important
in that order" ?he picture mu!t be !tring enough to attention" ?hen the copy it!elf mu!t be
!ufficiently prominent" <en then a really out!tanding a! will be noted y le!! than 70I of the
e+po!ed audience" About .0I might recall the headline! main pointF about &7I might remember
the ad<erti!er! name and le!! than #0I will read mo!t of the body copy"
Radio! Ad! M Ratio i! the per<a!i<e medium" $%I of all American age #& and order li!ten to
the ratio daily and on a<erage* for o<er &0 hour! a wee;" 4erhap! radio! main ad<antage i!
fle+ibility M !tation i! <ery targeted* ad! are relati<ely ine+pen!i<e to produce and place* and
!hort clo!ing allow for quic; re!pon!e" Radio i! particularly effecti<e medium! in the morning it
can al!o let companie! achie<e a balance between broad and localiDed mar;et co<erage"
At E ? u!e! radio to target American African con!umer becau!e African American !pend! and
a<erage of four hour! e<ery day li!tening to the radio* for more time than the national a<erage . of
&"1 hour!" A! the centerpiece of it! &000 multimedia campaign* A? E ? !pon!ored a li<e radio
broadca!t of Den!ity! Child concert that included a promotion where li!tener! could win a trip to
New >rlean!"
Shoul" of !$eres$ $o $he Au"e!ce
?he fir!t requirement i! that the ad<erti!ement !hould capture the attention of the target audience"
:n other word!* it ha! to get through the attention filter of the target audience" ?o achie<e thi!* it
ha! to pro<ide the audience with information they already ha<e" >r it may attempt to alter their
e+i!ting <iew! and belief!* Some people li;e information that i! communicated through !torie!*
other li;e figure! an dataF there may be another category good number of people who totally a<oid
unplea!ant information* or information that up!et! their e+i!ting faith! and belief!" ?he!e
comple+itie! ha<e to be tac;led in de<eloping he ad<erti!ement" :n any ca!e the ad<erti!ing
me!!age !hould intere!t he audience"
So* it i! e!!ential that an ad<erti!ement pro<ide information that i! of intere!t to the audience" >nly
then will the audience li!ten to it" :t i! al!o e!!ential that the audience! !ee the ad<erti!ement and
interpret it in a way fa<orable to the ad<erti!er" ?he !ame ad<erti!ing me!!age under a gi<en !etting
can be percei<ed and interpreted by different way!" :n the !ame me!!age* once may find optimi!m*
another may find boredom and !ome other! may hpercei<e aggre!!ion" An array of audience
condition!* !uch a! the need!* de!ire!* !tatu!* <alue! and moti<e! affect their interpretation of a
me!!age" An ad<erti!er or communicator ha! to en!ure that hi! me!!age i! interpreted in the
intended manner* in a way fa<orable to hi! product! offering"
:t i! not enough if the audience li!ten! to the ad<erti!ement interpreted in the way the ad<erti!er
or communicator e+pect! it t be interpreted" :t !hould al!o appeal to the audience and influence
their attitude* thought proce!! and purcha!e beha<ior in fa<or of the ad<erti!ed offer"
:t i! generally agreed that the purcha!e are go<erned by the attitude! of con!umer! toward!
alternati<e! productJoffer!" Attitude change* therefore" Become! a uni<er!ally accepted mar;eting
goal" ?he ad<erti!erJcommunicator ;now! that if attitude! of the target cu!tomer! can manipulate
and change along the line! preferred by him will naturally follow" So hid main burden i! dealing
with attitude! of people" Ce doe! not directly attac; the purcha!e beha<ior of the cu!tomer!"
:n!tead he !ubtly trie! to change their pre<alent Attitude the general theorie! about attitude
change! and how the!e theorie! ha<e been adapted to !er<e ad<erti!ing J mar;eting
The source>e!"orser of $he #essa1e6 :
<ery ad<erti!ing me!!age i! rendered or endor!ed by !omeone" =e call it the !ource or the
endor!er" ?he !ource i! the fir!t ma3or component of the ad<erti!ing me!!age and ha! great deal of
per!ua!i<e influence on the audience" ?he !ame me!!age rendered by two different people can
ha<e different impact on the !ame audience"
?he per!ua!ion influence of the !ource depend! on mainly three characteri!tic!5 )
#" ?he credibility of the !ource
&" Ai;eabilityJattracti<ene!! of the !ource"
." ?he !ource! approach to the <iew and di!po!ition of the audience"
?he me!!age i! an important a! the endor!er in audience per!ua!ion" ?wo feature! of the me!!age
that influence attitude change among an audience are5 )
?he me!!age !tructure
?he me!!age appeal
?he me!!age !tructure deal! with the organiDation and arrangement of the <ariou! element!
of a me!!age"
(e!!age !idedne!!"
>rder of pre!entation"
Anti)clima+ order
4yramidal order
Stating conclu!ion in a me!!age"
(e!!age appeal i! the feature that bring! about change on the part of the audience" ?he
me!!age appeal can be grouped broadly in four categorie!5 )
(>?:>NAA A44AAS
C@(>@R A44AAS
RATIONAL APPEALS6 : Rational appeal! are generally wa<e! around the !pecialtie! of the
product on offer" ?hey may empha!iDe the unique feature! of the function!Jbenefit! of the product*
or may attempt compari!on of the product with the other brand a<ailable"
#" Sundrop
&" Nodiac
." New pep!odent compared with colgate
EMOTION APPEAL6: motional appeal! are the wo<en around !en!ation!* both
po!iti<e and negati<e5
8un and humor
Sen!e of pre!tige
Bearning for di!tincti<ene!! and lu+ury
8eeling for di!tincti<ene!! and lu+ury
8eeling of en<y
8ear of uncertaintie! etc"
#" -en!on E Nichol!on paint!
&" Briti!h paint!
)&MOR APPEALS6 : @!e of humor ha! become <ery common in ad<erti!ing in the!e day!"
?hough there i! no unanimou! opinion on the per!ua!ion ability of humor* it i! clarified by
!e<eral re!earcher! that humorou! me!!age! certainly attract attention" Cumor i! an important
clutter brea;er" An audience may pau!e when they came acro!! the me!!age couched in humor"
?hey will read it* capture the current the current of the fun and en3oy the me!!age"
-EAR APPEAL6: 8ear appeal! of !ome ;ind or the other! are widely u!ed of ad<erti!ement" :n
!ome ca!e!* the me!!age trie! to e<o;e feeling! of fear of an+iety in the mind! of the recei<ed*
!aying that the failure to u!e the ad<erti!ed product might re!ult in great lo!!Jdamage! in term! of
money* health* pre!tige etc" ?he fear appeal can !er<e a! a !timulate for the recei<eF creating a
fa<orable attitude! toward! the product in certain other ca!e!* a fear appeal may information about
the particular i!!ue" But* it i! al!o po!!ible that fear appeal create! a feeling of ho!tility or a<er!ion
in remind! of the recei<ed" ?he utility of the fear appeal will depend on the nature of the product
ad<erti!ed* the attitudinal frame of the target audience and the e+tend of fear that i! hiddn in the
copy" An in depth under!tanding of the p!ychology of the target audience ! e!!ential for
!ucce!!fully fear appeal"
+ample of fear appeal5 ) &!$e" I!"a Assura!ce.
:t i! concluded that Ad<erti!ing critic! ha! drawn a great deal of ad<er!e critici!m for being
wa!teful* unethical and mi!leading* :n !ame ca!e! the!e critici!m ha<e been 3u!tified* we ha<e
all !een ad<erti!ement! that infringe good ta!te* tat are production oriented in that creati<e people
ha<e been more concerned with impre!!ing their profe!!ional brotherhood than with per!uading to
ta;e !ome cour!e of action" =e ha<e al!o been mi!leading on occa!ion! in that the product! or
!er<ice! in<ol<ed did not li<e up to promi!e of the ad<erti!ement"
?oday !elling !;ill! of !ale! per!on play! a <ery important role for e<ery organiDation whether it i!
!elling good! or !er<ing !er<ice!" Selling !;ill! of !ale! per!on not !tat! from when he !ell! any
product but it! !tat! from when a cu!tomer enter! in the !howroom" Selling !;ill! are important
becau!e a! with the help of the!e !elling !;ill! only a !ale! per!on can con<ince the cu!tomer*
which i! a <ery difficult 3ob" Con<incing the cu!tomer mean to !ati!fy the cu!tomer need!* gi<e
him what we want* ;now hi! need! and e+pectation" ,nowing the cu!tomer i! not an ea!y 3ob" 8or
;nowing the cu!tomer it i! <ery important that how the !ale! per!on communicate with the
cu!tomer" ?he communication! al!o include con<iction E confidence" :t i! amaDing that how an
ob<iou! and critical component of effecti<e communication i! !o ea!ily ignored by many !ale!
per!on!" :t i! important for any communication between any two people" :t !ale! per!on tal;! to
!omebody with con<iction then cu!tomer i! li;ely to belie<e him and may be !pread in to action"
So* u!ing !elling !;ill! i! not an ea!y ta!; but if they u!ed in a right manner then it can
re!ult into a !ucce!!ful !ale!"
?here are many thing! that a !ale! per!on !hould ;ept in mind while !tart tal;ing to
cu!tomer" Some of them are a! follow!5
*?@ Co##u!ca$o!6
Communication i! an e!!ential condition and mo!t important acti<ity of our e+i!tence"
Communication i! the tran!mi!!ion of idea! or me!!age! from one per!on to another"
+h% s co##u!ca$o! #0or$a!$=
:magine your!elf on a O(aun<rataP for 3u!t a dayQ :f imagining your!elf !pea;ing a wor; for a
day i! !o difficult then !urely not being able to !pea; to any one for a longer period will be a
torture" ?hi! i! !o becau!e man i! gregariou! being" Ce lo<e to tell to other people"
Ce want! to !hare hi! 3oy and !orrow!* achie<ement! and failure with other fellow being and there
fore lo<e! to communicate" And for people* who ha<e to interact often with other!* effecti<e
communication become! a <ital important"
+h% s co##u!ca$o! #0or$a!$ for a sales0erso!=
A !ale i! one profe!!ion where you deal with people more often then in any other profe!!ion" ach
per!on that you meet could be potential cu!tomer to you" :magine that we call for a bo+ from the
!tationer! and they !end u! a bo+ of file! due to mi!!) communication"
All thi! may !ound figment of imagination and we might thin; !uch thing! do not happen"
=rongQ Such thing! do happen quit frequently" ?he re!ult i! that the !ale! per!on may lo!e e<en
a !ingle cu!tomerL ?he con!umer i! N>" !o* on effecti<e communication i! <ery important"
+ha$ s effec$'e co##u!ca$o!=
Communication i! a two way proce!!" ?here i! a !ender and there i! a recei<er Now it i! important
that the recei<e confirm ha<ing recei<ed the entire me!!age not only in the letter but al!o in the
!pirit that the letter but al!o in the !pirit that the !ender had wanted to communication"
Short and Simple
Feed back

!ommunication !onviction and
?he me!!age in Chine!e whi!per game mu!t ha<e con<inced you that !hort and !imple me!!age
are more li;ely to lead to effecti<e communication"
8or an effecti<e communication the feedbac; play! a <ital role" 8eed bac; together with
clarity* !implicity and bre<ity can en!ure de!ired re!pon!e in communication thereby ma;ing
it effecti<e communication"
*A@. Co!'c$o! 8 Co!f"e!ce
:t i! amaDing that how an ob<iou! and critical component of effecti<e communication i! !o ea!ily
ignored by lot u!" ?he role of confidence and con<iction i! not only important for the !peeche! of
the leader!" :t i! true for any communication between any two people" :t you tal; to !omebody with
con<iction he i! li;ely to belie<e you and may be !parred into action"
Role Of Co!'c$o! A!" Co!f"e!ce -or Sales Perso!
:t play! e<en a more critical role for the communication of a !ale! per!on" After all* a ale! per!on i!
a!;ing the cu!tomer to !hell out a portion of hi! mo!t priDed po!!e!!ion M (>NB* in e+change of
truc;" ?he cu!tomer ha! to be con<inced about the truc;F the model and the !er<ice fulfilling hi!
need! then he need! to by con<ince that thi! truc; i! better than that of the competition"
8urthermore* he ha! to be con<inced about the price* after !ale! !er<ice and what not" ?he perhap!
the cu!tomer will agree to ma;e a purcha!e"
:magine a Sale! per!on who i! him!elf not con<inced that company and truc; are better than the
competitor! trying to con<ince hi! potential cu!tomer" At the fir!t barrage of que!tion and
ob3ection! by the cu!tomer our !ale! per!on will !tart appearing di!tinctly un!ure* uncomfortable
and fidgety" ?he!e are !ure !ign! that the cu!tomer read and a! a re!ult !tay away from !uch !ale!
per!on! and their truc;!"
Bu$ +ha$ Ma4es A Sales0erso! Co!f"e!$ A!" Co!'!ce"=
,:SS M ,eep it !hort and !imple
:t i! definiti<ely not an e+ternal thing that the !ale! per!on decide! to adopt a particular day" :t i!
not an o<ercoat that a !ale! per!on may want to wear e<ery time he ha! to ma;e a !ale! call" I$
-lo2 +$h! ?he gene!i! of any confidence E con<iction i! ;nowledge"
+h% Cus$o#er Res0ec$ Is I#0or$a!$=
Recall on incident when !omeone wa! rude to you" :t may ha<e been !omeone rudely pu!hing you
a!ide when you were !tanding i! a queue for tic;et! or it may 3u!t ha<e been a cler; in a
Go<ernment department* !houting at you for not !ubmitted" Cow did you feel in !uch !ituationL
*B@ LISTENING6 ) Ai!tening i! al!o an important part of communication" :t i! <ery important
to complete the communication"
About Company
,nowledge About
Co!f"e!ce 8 Co!'c$o!
I#0or$a!$ Of Ls$e!!1 -or Sales0erso!6:
A profe!!ional !ale! per!on by definition i! not only !uppo!ed to be !ufficiently ;nowledge an
e+perienced in hi! field but i! al!o e+pected to pro<ide !olution to the benefit! of hi! cu!tomer" 8or
being able to pro<e it i! imperati<e that the !ale!man li!ten! carefully to the need! of cu!tomer!"
Any e+perienced !ale!per!on will ;now that mo!t of the time! there potential cu!tomer doe! not
ha<e hi! need! properly li!ten out in hi! mind" :t i! only often or during a di!cu!!ion that the
potential cu!tomer i! able to clearly !pell out hi! need!" :n any ca!e it i! laid that ;nowledge i!
power" ?he ;nowledge about the need! of a cu!tomer can only be obtain by good li!tening and
therefore it i! a! important* if not more wa! in any other profe!!ion to li!ten an li!ten carefully
while ma;ing a !ale"
)o2 A Sales0erso! Ca! Be A Goo" Ls$e!er=
A !ale!per!on can be a good li!tener by follow! the following rule!5 )
Concentrate on need! of the cu!tomer and not on how cu!tomer i! !pea;ing"
Sot down important point! and need! of cu!tomer* if required"
+hibit acti<e body in<ol<ement while li!tening"
4articipate while li!teningF a!; brief que!tion! from cu!tomer* if needed"
Cold on till the cu!tomer ha! completed"
Control the tendency of planning your own tal; while pretending to li!ten"
Ne<er land into argument! with cu!tomer"
+ha$ s 0ro3!1=
4robing i! another term for que!tioning to find out information"
4robe! ba!ically of two type!5 )
>pen probe!"
Clo!ed probe!"
O0e! 0ro3es : ?hey are probe! that allow the re!pondent to tal; fully at length" :n other
word! the probe doe! not limit hi! re!pon!e" All open probe! gi<e the per!on re!ponding full
freedom to an!wer" Ce can brief or a! <erbo!e a! he wi!he! to be" (oreo<er* he ta;e off in any
direction he want!"
Close" 0ro3es: ?hey are probe! that limit the re!pon!e of the re!pondent clo!ed re!trict the
re!pon!e the 3u!t a few limited option!" 8or in!tance* OBe!P or ONoP* OBlueP or OGreenP etc"
Clearly there are no golden rule! for !ucce!!ful probing" But there are !ome u!eful guideline!"
Alway! remember to !tart your con<er!ation with an open probeJ clo!ed probe! put people on he
defen!i<e becau!e of their inherent que!tioning nature by and large open probe! get you more
importation than clo!ed probe!* but if you want an an!wer to !pecific que!tion* and your cu!tomer
i! repeatedly going off the point* then a clo!ed probe may wor; better or* if your cu!tomer doe!nt
tal; at all* >pen probe! may be futile* and you may ha<e to re!ort to clo!ed probe!" Cowe<er* you
ha<e to learn through e+perience"
*D@. Pro3!1 I! sales: The -u!!el A00roach.
?he fir!t !tep in finding out what the cu!tomer need! in to a!; que!tion! that get bac;ground
information about the cu!tomer" ?he purpo!e of thi! !tep i! a! much to !et the conte+t in place for
future !pecific querie!* a! it i! to ma;e him comfortable"
?he Cu!tomer doe! not feel threatened to be pu!hed into a purcha!e and i! there for more open and
willing to pa!! on the information" Such information may bring out the area! that may be cau!ing
problem! for the client* and the!e problem! could ultimately lead to need!" :ncidentally* it al!o tell!
you if you ar wa!ting your time and will ne<er b e able to !ell anything to hat client"
S0ecfc Pro3le#s.
:n Step 2#'* you would di!co<er potential problem! area!"
:n Step 2&'* you would go deeper into each of the!e to try and di!co<er a need for your truc;"
:mportantly* you !hould try an ma+imiDe the O4ainP that the problem cau!e! to the cu!tomer*
!o that he i! ready to bu!y a !olution
>nce the !pecific problem ha been e+plored* you would help the cu!tomer define hi! need
ultimately both of you meet agree to thi! need" >nly then can you be !ure that you really under!tand
the need* !o that further progre!! into the !ub !equent !tage! of !elling can be made"
A! we ha<e !een how a !ale! per!on !hould communicate or how he !hould !tart tal;ing to a
cu!tomer" Now after tal;ing to the cu!tomer* after ;nowing that what the cu!tomer really want!
and e+pect from the organiDation* the ne+t !tep of !elling proce!! !tart!* which i! ba!ed on the
information ta;en in the !tarting by the !ale! per!on" Selling proce!! i! not an ea!y proce!!* it
include! certain !tep! and e<ery !tep i! important"
:f any mi!ta;e i! done the cu!tomer may lea<e at any !tep" So* there are certain !tep! in !elling
proce!! that !hould be followed by e<ery !ale! per!on they are a! follow!5

During the period of B"B"A" at Agarwal :ndu!trie!* the following theory but true and practice
ad<erti!ing E !elling !trategie! e+perienced which are a! follow5)
The rule ha'e cha!1e"
(o<e and more* companie! are realiDing that their mo!t preciou! a!!et i! their e+i!ting cu!tomer
ba!e" (ar;et! are mo<ing fund! from their ad<erti!ing budget and allocating them cu!tomer loyalty
Retention program! here are brief loo; at the mo!t important trend!5
Con!umer i! !marter and e+pect! more"
?he internet ha! led to di!loyalty"
Aow unemployment i! !queeDing cu!tomer !er<ice!"
4rice)ba!ed !witching program! change e+pectation!"
?he global mar;et introduce! new competitor!"

S+OT A!al%ss
A !can of the internal and e+ternal en<ironment i! an important part of the !trategic
planning proce!!" n<ironmental factor! internal to the firm u!ually can be cla!!ified a!
!trength! 2S' or wea;ne!!e! 2+'* and tho!e e+ternal to the firm can be cla!!ified a!
opportunitie! 2O' or threat! 2T'" Such an analy!i! of the !trategic en<ironment i! referred
to a! a S+OT a!al%ss"
?he S=>? analy!i! pro<ide! information that i! helpful in matching the firmG! re!ource!
and capabilitie! to the competiti<e en<ironment in which it operate!" A! !uch* it i!
in!trumental in !trategy formulation and !election" ?he following diagram !how! how a
S=>? analy!i! fit! into an en<ironmental !can5
SWOT Analysis Framework
n<ironmental Scan
:nternal Analy!i! +ternal Analy!i!
Strength! =ea;ne!!e! >pportunitie! ?hreat!
S=>? (atri+
A firmG! !trength! are it! re!ource! and capabilitie! that can be u!ed a! a ba!i! for
de<eloping a competiti<e ad<antage" +ample! of !uch !trength! include5
!trong brand name!
good reputation among cu!tomer!
co!t ad<antage! from proprietary ;now)how
e+clu!i<e acce!! to high grade natural re!ource!
fa<orable acce!! to di!tribution networ;!
?he ab!ence of certain !trength! may be <iewed a! a wea;ne!!" 8or e+ample* each of the
following may be con!idered wea;ne!!e!5
lac; of patent protection
a wea; brand name
poor reputation among cu!tomer!
high co!t !tructure
lac; of acce!! to the be!t natural re!ource!
lac; of acce!! to ;ey di!tribution channel!
:n !ome ca!e!* a wea;ne!! may be the flip !ide of a !trength" ?a;e the ca!e in which a
firm ha! a large amount of manufacturing capacity" =hile thi! capacity may be
con!idered a !trength that competitor! do not !hare* it al!o may be a con!idered a
wea;ne!! if the large in<e!tment in manufacturing capacity pre<ent! the firm from
reacting quic;ly to change! in the !trategic en<ironment"
?he e+ternal en<ironmental analy!i! may re<eal certain new opportunitie! for profit and
growth" Some e+ample! of !uch opportunitie! include5
an unfulfilled cu!tomer need
arri<al of new technologie!
loo!ening of regulation!
remo<al of international trade barrier!
Change! in the e+ternal en<ironmental al!o may pre!ent threat! to the firm" Some
e+ample! of !uch threat! include5
!hift! in con!umer ta!te! away from the firmG! product!
emergence of !ub!titute product!
new regulation!
increa!ed trade barrier!
Agarwal indu!trie! ha<e been !er<ing the !ociety by pro<iding different type! of !teel product! for
e<ery cla!!" :t ha! created d di!tinct image of it! own in the mind! of the people" :t ha! po!itioned
it!elf a! a company on which cu!tomer ha<e tru!t!" ?hi! i! the only rea!on that it i! leading in the
mar;et !ince more than #& year!" At reaching to thi! height e<ery department of Agarwal indu!trie!
ha! it! own role But ad<erti!ing department ha! played a pi<otal role* a! thi! the only department*
which pro<ide! the earning !ource for the organiDation and without re<enue an organiDation can do
nothing for it!elf a! well a! for the !ociety" 4rofit i! the foremo!t ob3ecti<e of an organiDation and
ad<erti!ement department only help! u! in achie<ing thi! ob3ecti<e" Agarwal indu!trie! i! no only*
achie<ing it! profit ob3ect but al!o !er<ing the !ociety by many of it! acti<itie!" But with the
increa!ing competition and the changing en<ironment* to face the competition and !ur<i<e in the
mar;et it ha! al!o changed it! ad<erti!ing policie! and !trategie!"
?. Are %ou e'er 3e!1 cus$o#er of a1ar2al !"us$r%=
a@ ,es
3@ No
A. Do %ou e'er use $he 0ro"uc$ a1ar2al !"us$r%=
a@ ,es
3@ No
B. Cus$o#er sa$sfac$o!.
a@ Goo"
3@ EEcelle!$
c@ A'era1e
"@ Poor
C. Cus$o#er o0!o!> su11es$o!.
#" Do not lea<e the cu!tomer unattended for more than . minute!"
&" Alway! under promi!e and o<er deli<er) promi!e your cu!tomer a little le!! than what you are
capable of deli<ering and deli<er a little more than what you promi!ed to your cu!tomer"
." Re!pect the cu!tomer)
T Spea;ing to your cu!tomer politely"
T Not interrupting him while he i! !pea;ing"
T Appreciating hi! point of <iew"
T Remember a cu!tomer !hould not be 3udged by hi! appearance"
/" Ne<er argue to a cu!tomer* it i! better to loo!e an argument than to loo!e a !ale"
#" S?:AA* C>N:88* G>K>N: ) OSale! (anagementP
4rentice Call of :ndia 4ri<ate Aimited
&" ,>?AR M ,AAR* O(ar;eting (anagementP
4ear!on ducation pri<ate Atd"
." AGAR=AA 4","* O(ar;eting (anagementP
4ragrti 4ra;a!han

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