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My secret team ANSWERS

1. Match them up!

Draw a line to match the picture and the word.

football gifts Boxton Town Boxton Rovers Boxton United
celebrate be sad posters wardrobe

2. Choose the answer!
Read the sentence. Circle the correct answer.

a. He ______________ be very good at pretending. had to / didnt have to
b. He ______________ cheer when his team scored. could / couldnt
c. He ______________ go to the bathroom to celebrate. had to / didnt have to
d. He ______________ be sad when Boxton Town scored. could / couldnt
e. He ______________ have Boxton Rovers posters when he was alone. could / couldnt
f. He ______________ change his room when someone came. didnt have to / had to
g. He ______________ have a secret wardrobe. had to / couldnt
h. He ______________ hide his favourite teams clothes. had to / couldnt
i. He ______________ be sad with Boxton Town football gifts. had to / couldnt

3. Where does it go?
What did he do before? What does he do now? Write them in the correct group.

pretend enjoy the matches hide his posters cheer with his family
relax go to the bathroom wear his clothes hide his wardrobe

before now
go to the bathroom
hide his posters
hide his wardrobe
enjoy the matches
wear his clothes
cheer with his family

4. Write and draw!
Children write and draw about their favourite team (of any sport).

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