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The adventures of Grah and Carl

By Jake Collins and Noel Blacker

Grah is a neanderthal and Carl is a human like you and me they adventure through Africa
together to survive nature. They migrate around a stream in search of food and shelter. They had
run into the stream to cool off except, Grah ran the other way to go hunt down an elephant in the
tall grass. Carl with less hair than Grah due to his closeness to water had adapted this way. Grah
meanwhile due to his sheer brute force had decided to go hunt for food being easily able to go
and kill the elephant he managed to hunt down. He takes the tusks and skins it and puts the
meat and skin in his bag. Carl came back over to Grah and started a re to cook the meat for
Grah who didn't know how to start a re. Carl ran into the grass and wove a shirt out of grass and
put it on because night was rolling in. Carl said "Grah can you grab a rock and break that branch
off the tree?" Grah nodded not being about to say anything, he grabbed a rock and chucked it at
the tree branch it broke and Carl ran over and hacked it into pieces and threw it into the re and
they used some of it to make into stakes in the ground which Carl carved with a knife and
hammered in the ground. He made a post with part of it and made a tent with the elephant skin
and made some blankets too. Finally he attached an elephant tusk on each of the two sticks
making spears. He gave one to Grah and they went to bed.
The next morning it was raining and Carl had heard something running in the distance. It was
running really fast so, he climbed into the tree Grah had cut a branch from to see what was
happening and there was a group of cheetahs in the distance. Grah not being able to see the
cheetahs was attacked and dragged back to the cheetahs camp. Carl using his advanced brain
had pondered as to why Grah hadn't reacted to the cheetah attack as he had and came to the
conclusion Grah was not as advanced as he was and that being because of his brain and
physical structure changed by genetics over time to make Carl who he was and the environment
had caused Grah to become rapidly cold partially the reason he didn't move from the cheetahs
that and his brain couldn't process that fast to move. Carl buried Grah with the tent and took his
belongs and continued his travels alone.

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