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Chapter 1 Review

1) What is art?
Art is communication.

2) What are 5 purposes of art? Why are they important to you?
5 purposes of art are; Personal, Spiritual, Social, Physical, and Educational functions. They are
important because each of them is what makes each drawing special. They all contain something
different and that is why no one art is the same.

3) Why do we and artists create art?
Art is a language that artists use to express their ideas and feelings that everyday words cannot
express. We create art because we use it pretty much just like artist do, we create art because it
explains us in a way that is unexplainable by words.

4) What are some sources of art?
There are no limitations to art, the sources are the ones you have like; imagination, inspiration, joy,
hate, love, compassion, ect.

Describe artist;

Roger Brown;

Leo Twiggs;

Huricanne Hugo;

Define vocabulary;


Direct Observation;

Action painting;

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