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Simon Brentsen 9.

A nation divided summary
Alot of slaves were transferred from Africa, their homeland, to USA. They travelled in very poor
conditions, and every 1 of 3 died on the way to Usa. In 1!, when the American colonies declared
independence from "reat #ritain, many tho$%ht the slavery was over, #$t the slaves were to
val$e#le for their &owners', to #e set free.
By 1()), there were almost 9)),))) slaves, most of them in the so$th. *any slaves ris+ed their life,
#y tryin% to escape, they often wo$ld #e recapt$red and ret$rned to their masters, #$t some wo$ld
s$ccessf$lly escape. ,arriet T$#man was one of them. She later helped other slaves escapin%.
In 1(!), the -orth and so$th had very different. The north had a lot of factories, and the so$th had
lar%e cotton . and to#acco fields. Almost half of the people livin% in the so$th were slaves. In april
1(!1, the civil #ro+e o$t #etween the to parts, /incoln freed all the slaves in 1(!3, and in 1(!0, the
so$th s$rrendered, and the war ended.
A#raham /incoln, also +nown as &,onest A#e'. 1as a well respected president and led America
thro$%h the war. ,e is the most famo$s president of all the time, even tho$%h he only led the
co$ntry in 2 years.
Martin Luther king
*artin /$ther 3in% was #orn 1949 and was +illed in 19!(. In 19!3 *artin /$ther 3in% spo+e his
famo$s speech &I have a dream', which is a#o$t his vision of the American dream. ,is vision, are
after all, that there is no diffrence #etween a white man, and a #lac+ man. 333 5 3$ 3l$6 3lan was
an racism oriented or%ani7ation, that wanted, and still wants, the opposite of *artin l$ther +in%.
They did terri#le thin%s a%ainst the #lac+ people at that time period. The 333 is still e6istin% today,
#$t the amo$nt of people in it, is very small compared to then.

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