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Xavier Powell

Mr. Veeragoudar
Reproduction is the process of producing offspring, using either the Asexual or Sexual
reproductive method. The Pikaevee produces offspring asexually, and so with this method
reproduction is an exact copy of itself.
Pikaevee are an asexual creature, that became sterile due to having been cross bred
complications and then were genetically modified to regenerate and self inseminate due to their
Advantages: less energy used up, no mate needed, adapted to their environment, can produce
large amounts of offspring, early maturity
Disadvantages: no genetic variability, meaning if environmental conditions cause harm to one
individual it will effect all, they have short life expectancy, can only reproduce one time
Compares to human beings: Humans are sexual creatures. The Pikaevee is asexual. The clone
of the Pikaevee has the trait of one parent, whereas, humans have the genes and traits from
both parents. Just as the regeneration/cloning the self insemination only gives traits and genes
from one parent.
Mating behavior: Humans mate and can do so multiple times in a lifetime, whereas Pikaevees
do not mate as they self produce their offspring, in other words they regenerate, and they can
only mate once.
Mating behaviors: Pikaevees - they do not mate, however the offspring are produced through
self insemination. The Pikaevee will fertilize its female gamete (ova) with its male gametes
(sperm) - (just as a female Grizzly Bear the Pikaevee can hold out on fertilization, when it fully
matures it immediately self inseminates it's eggs but holds off for 24 hours) and it can also
Reproductive organs- Pikaevees do not have them, this critter the uses regeneration(as well as
self insemination) process which is: (A piece of a parent becomes detached, it can grow and
develop into a completely new individual). The tail of the parent falls off during the regeneration
and splits up into a litter 6-8 pups that start to grow from its parent's tail. From the fertile
insemination the Pikaevee can only produce 1-2 pups that live 1 week longer than the
regenerated offspring.
How do hormones play a factor: It is unknown/unclear that asexual creatures have hormones or
any active hormones.

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