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Ian Pulley

Closing Statement

Our general is dead! He is dead through no fault of his own, he is dead because another
man made assumptions. As he made his assumptions and dragged others helplessly into his plan
he acted upon it and unfortunately because this mans assumptions were wrong, Gaius Julius
Caesar no longer walks on this Earth. The last image we have in our heads of Julius Caesar is of
him unfortunately dying in the hands of this man, the defendant Cassius.

A man who after stabbing Julius Caesar had the nerve with his colleagues to lie to the
wonderful people of Rome, that this was for the best, that this man Gaius Julius Caesar was
killed because he was hurting Rome itself. How could Cassius lie to such wonderful people?
This man, this evil man didnt make any attempt to follow in Caesars wonderful footsteps but he
killed him so he Cassius could rule over you the people of Rome. He was not in it to help you
all, but to only put himself into a position of power. Not caring one bit about all of you. If he did
he would have never lied to you about what really happened to Julius Caesar, and he would have
never gone against one of the most loyal, good and honest man of Rome Caesar. All the facts we
have presented you today are all proof of Cassius being guilty. So I hope you all can make the
correct decisions and know in your heart that this man should be punished.

Thank You

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